Command mention in DCS update (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Command: Modern Operations series


thewood1 -> Command mention in DCS update (9/12/2015 4:20:39 PM)

Not sure why, but Command gets a mention around 4 minutes

BunyapSims -> RE: Command mention in DCS update (9/12/2015 6:00:47 PM)

It is because Command is just that awesome. [:)] Seriously though, the genres are attractive to folks of the same mindset so I have been trying to cross-pollinate as much as possible.

mikmykWS -> RE: Command mention in DCS update (9/12/2015 6:47:47 PM)

Much appreciated too. Thank you!

Casinn -> RE: Command mention in DCS update (9/12/2015 11:06:45 PM)

wonder if Tomcat has seen your 6 videos of his Red Flag scen yet. I'll watch those later tonight, thanks for the link wood. :)

ComDev -> RE: Command mention in DCS update (9/13/2015 6:40:13 AM)

Sweet [8D]

Thanks for the heads-up!

Tomcat84 -> RE: Command mention in DCS update (9/13/2015 8:34:13 AM)



wonder if Tomcat has seen your 6 videos of his Red Flag scen yet. I'll watch those later tonight, thanks for the link wood. :)

I sure have! I started keeping an eye on his channel ever since he did a video AAR of my DCA-MiniEX scenario.
Very interesting seeing someone else come up with a quite different plan :)

Also I can recommend keeping an eye on the AAR forum here cause it was posted there already :)

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