RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (Full Version)

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1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/8/2015 8:27:02 AM)

Dec 12th

The four stackers retiring towards Darwin have another brush with a Japanese task force.
Japanese shooting is terrible, a Fubuki class is hit twice, the allies escape.

Nobody will be focused on this battle.
All eyes will be turned North
The Japanese Carriers have been found, but not how they would like to be.

"Captain Jackson to the Bridge!!!"
CL Detroit steams line ahead, Reliegh, behind, 8 destroyers.
As he hurries onto the platform, his eyes take in the scene swiftly.
A calm Pacific, an angry angry sky above him. The Thunderstorm 20000 yards off the port beam
is as impressive as any he has seen, a mountain of white, a wall of dark beneath marching
across the water towards him.

The air is thick, humid......the literal breath before the storm.
And marching across the calm seas, emerging from that wall of black......what appears to be the entire Japanese carrier arm....

"Sweet Jesus..........."signal all ships! follow me, all ahead Flank!"
There is no time to be afraid, no time for thought.
Just the mad litany of closing to action stations, of the reporting of the guns,
of allocating the targets.

The Japanese emerge, one after another, after another from the storm, and seem, for long, long
minutes oblivious to the allied cruisers
Detroit fires first
Reliegh moments later

The first salvo misses, so does the second, the carriers heeling away, seeking the storm
They Hit Akagi
She vanishes into the black
They hit Shokaku, before she too vanishes.
Reliegh hits Zuikaku, Soryu.......

The Japanese Destroyers come at them, guns spitting

"After them!!!..........the storm looms, larger, larger.the air cools in the dark

And BB's Hiei, Kirishima burst out of the dark, Tryanasours, mouths agape

Mugford dies
A wall of steel barrs the gates, covers the carriers somewhere in the storm
"Come about!, hard to port!
Kirishima lines up Detroit, gives her a salvo
Within moments, Jackson feels the cold waters close about him, as
his shattered command slides below the waves.

The japanese fleet vanishes into the storm, shook up, but regretfully, not deterred.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/8/2015 8:33:33 AM)

In the Philippines Mac Aurthur has ordered every man available North.
If the reports are to be believed, only light forces have landed at Vigan.
A bluff?
The first units to arrive at Vigan seem to confirm the reports.
a SNLF, some support troops
The tank unit moves into the attack. The Japanese marines fight hard

But allied troops, more tanks are coming

"Tomorrow, Mac Aurthur promises "we will clear up this little mess"

BBfanboy -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/8/2015 1:33:20 PM)

Too bad the only US cruisers with torpedoes (until Atlanta and Juneau come along) didn't get hits before they went down. [:(]

Is Lt. Jackson of the Enterprise any relation to Capt. Jackson of the lost Detroit?

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/10/2015 7:17:17 AM)

A snatch and grab is attempted
A fast transport lands a regiment at Palembang.

It fails to take the base. In sight of the refineries, they are pinned down.
The refinery of course, shuts down. With shells, bullets and soon bombs being
flung around with abandon, the Chances of capturing them un damaged is fading fast.

Plan 1 is all about not letting them be captured at all.

zuluhour -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/10/2015 7:55:57 PM)

Plan 1 sure makes for more action. [;)]

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/11/2015 2:29:15 AM)

The Prime Minister

Commander ABDA

As requested, an update and appreciation of the current situation in Malaya
and the DEI's

Plan 1 has swung fully into action, the Dutch, utilising aviation assets have been
reinforcing Kuching as rapidly as possible
I am confident that we will spring a rather nasty surprise when the Japanese move against it.
I am assured by the Navy that they are prepared to defend this base as well.

Movement of forces in Malaya continues, the two Australian Brigades are travelling north, where,
much to my surprise the enemy seem to be very supine.
I intend to attack Singora within the week

The enemy failure at Palembang is very much to our advantage.
The Indian brigades currently at sea are due within a week
Palembang will take some real effort to take then......and I intend that if it
does fall, there will be little useful for him. Every Dutch bomber and British
bomber left , is poised and in range.

Co operation with American forces is good
There are two, possibly three Japanese carriers operating off Manilla.
At great pain it was decided not to evacuate any shipping from Manilla, a fat target for
those carriers.

If they can keep having their "fun" for just a few more days, then I know we can get the Indian
Brigades in.

The Japanese airforce was a shock.........I am calling for Hurricanes.

The Japanese offensive is gathering steam, but I remain confident on the days ahead


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/11/2015 2:53:07 AM)

Dec 13th

Cruiser Boise cuts through the clear seas at full power.

Mere words

But to see the picture

Creaming bow, guns pointing, no straining ahead, blackened already, quivering, as if in
The bridge, crowded with helmeted men, every single one it seems with a set of glasses
raised , staring ahead
Funnels, the grey haze of boilers steaming beyond the limits streaming behind.
The great rooster tail.......the great wake , a line of boiling water, due west, with out
variation, with out waver.

Dawn is breaking

That quiet cool time before the sun begins to blaze

Boise steams. Steams hard

Her battle flag streams, tattered
And on her bridge wing, still almost wet, her first battle star.
There will be a need for more..............

She turns a little to port, straightens again
Destroyer Scout slides down her starboard flank, her decks almost awash, her fires hissing
as the sea wallows her up.
There is time, a little, to cheer, before resuming the chase
The two remaining british destroyers, Thanet, Thragan, are fighting for their very lives,
the enemy vague upon the horizon, flashes of fire in the early morning mist

CL Isuzu.......3 destroyers.

The quivering guns swing, swing, rise, fall, steady

Boise belches fire, rapid fire, rapid death, rapid destruction
The enemy reel away, utterly defeated, burning.

Boise's ammunition is now done

The sun rises, the mist clears, the horizon leaps ever further away.
It flashes, flashes....heavy cruisers, multiple ships.

A single shell pierces Boices side, she shudders, steams on, speeds on, and on, too safety...

Cruiser Boise.
How long before all of Japans sailors hear of THIS ship, and shudder??

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/11/2015 3:01:30 AM)

Mac Arthur orders his Tank units and the single Philippine regiment to continue the

The sun has risen as the tanks and regiments deploy from the road, push across the
dry paddy fields, seeking the Japanese tank unit hidden in the line of trees a mile

A storm of fire meets it, forcing the men, the stuart tanks to seek cover, any cover.
The tree line vomits a thousand, two thousand khaki clad men

Mac has had it all wrong
The Japanese have not landed just light forces at Vigan

The 48th division pushes the allied attack aside, shatters the two units, and rolls south.......

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/11/2015 3:12:19 AM)

Jeffery Ford sits at his bofor gun position near the Stern of Westralia, watching
Sydney heads pass by, pass astern, begin to fade away

Anger fill him

For the last two days, there has been no leave, no chance to get ashore,
no phones , no communication of any kind.

For two days, he has basically sat here cleaning this piece of crap, asked repeatedly
for a chance to go ashore
But, apparently, not even being the Prime Ministers son can help

Captain (lt) Young has decided.....and so it will be so.

CL Perth, AM Bundbury, Mildura, 3 APs, 4 Luckenback AKs, and themselves.
Going where?
God knows
For how long?
Again.......who knew?

But that does not matter
What does.............Was Margaret, aged 17, pregnant, or not?

kaleun -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/11/2015 3:39:09 AM)


.Was Margaret, aged 17, pregnant, or not?

Well, there are priorities[;)]

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/13/2015 6:57:35 AM)

Prime Minister of Australia
The President


In reply to your letter of yesterday, I wish to
reiterate the position of my government.
We agree that the Pacific Theatre should be broken into Commands,
South West, South and central
We would ask you to reconsider the boundaries between South West and South pacific
1/We feel that South West Pacific should include all of the Solomon Chain, and PNG.
Both of these areas already are under ANZAC Administration, and as you know
we have invested heavily in a chain of coast watchers in these areas.
2/ Currently the only forces (other than the artillery in New Zealand) are ANZAC.
3/ We are reinforcing Port Moresby with everything we have.

There is, I am afraid, little chance of this Government accepting at this time an American Commander
in this area, we feel strongly that an Australian Commander should be appointed.

On a different issue, your Offer of the 32nd division is greatly appreciated, however
considering the invasion fears currently held for Pearl harbour, and Winstons
promises of "considerable forces", you may be better served retaining it
Australia will see it through, I am confident.

The time is dark, yet our vigour still burns bright


Frank Ford

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/13/2015 7:02:49 AM)

December 14th

The Japanese Carriers reveal themselves again, prowling well to the east and North of Pearl harbour,
sinking several hapless cargo ships.

Cagayan is invaded
Wake holds on
Mac, still confident, hurries the bulk of the Philippine Army towards San Fernardo.

Here, and in Malaya, two Armies advance, confident that 'the little yellow barsteds"
will soon be thrown back into the sea.
A terrible delusion.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/14/2015 7:26:01 AM)

Dec 15th

This is truly a black day for the Allies

Hong Kong falls
Cagayan falls

But worse, far worse, with Mac Aurthurs army almost entirely at San fernardo,
the Japanese land the 21st Division at Iba, fair in his rear.

As one marine of the 4th regiment (still moving north as the news arrives) sums up
to his Buddies
"We have been well and truly bent over boys"

"Stand by to receive!"

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 7:12:18 AM)

Dec 16th
The disaster continues
Undetected, until the landings begin, Japanese troops storm ashore at mersing

100 sallies pound Singapore, and cruisers Danae, Mauritious, Dragon and Durbin are
all torpedoed by a single fish each leaving the Port after replenishment.

The landing effectively means Malaya Army will quickly be sundered from Singapore, even with
Australian Brigades racing south by train.

In the Phillipines, the Japanese attack at San fernardo, and bounce against the bulk of
the allied Army
2 tank regiments are effectively ruined.

Mac orders a counter attack..........

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 7:19:59 AM)


My dear friend. The Situation in Malaya may appear dark, however we must
continue to place faith in our Army there

I have already ordered that Georgetown is to become a fortress, and if
all goes bad, this to be the final redoubt.
I am, as promised, sending reinforcements to you. Battleships, carriers are enroute,
and a fine division, the 18th will be in theatre soon.

I do not think it will be needed by you, an insertion into Java may be the best use for it.

Again I thank you for your offer of 1st corp for Burma's defence, we are digging in near Rangoon
and expect a stirling defence.

I will keep you informed of developments

PaxMondo -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 11:45:24 AM)

Dear oh Sear ... I fear Winston's "stirling" reputation may get a bit tarnished! [:D]

BBfanboy -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 2:24:30 PM)

To be sure - this is a Stirling ....


BBfanboy -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 2:26:31 PM)

And this is .925 sterling silver ....


Sorry for the double posts and pic size - I tried to put them side by side in PAINT.NET but couldn't figure out how ...

Simonsez -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 2:38:32 PM)

The engine cowlings on a Stirling were actually made of .925 sterling? Who knew?!!!??!?

Simonsez -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/15/2015 2:39:42 PM)

Next you'll tell me those bombs were made of .999 18K gold......

zuluhour -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/16/2015 2:30:15 AM)

Obviously, the Prime Minister is oblivious to the moral of the army.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/16/2015 4:51:01 AM)

OK, OK, after all these years

No, I cannot spell............


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/16/2015 5:01:58 AM)

Dec 16th
Even in war, even from the decks of an old cow like the Westralia, the great barrier reef
is an awesome sight

Time and again Jeffery finds himself distracted from his work, a desultory attack
on the endless rust, staring endlessly at the passing vistage.

Under this blazing sun, the waters are brilliant blue, the reef an endless march of breakers.

'Hey Ford!'
The yell snaps him back into the world
Below him, on the poop deck, three of the men from the other stern bofor
"Yeah, what ?!"
"Is it true you are the Prime Ministers Son?"
Jeffery scowls
'NO!"......angrily he turns away, and resumes the attack on the rust

With not a little vigour

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/16/2015 5:15:19 AM)

The speaker of the house
The leader of the opposition


Well, Frank has definitely ruled against forming a war cabinet
A pity, I know.
Brooke Popham has, as you may have heard, already lost Malaya for all
intent and purposes.
The effect when the Australian public hears of the fate of 8th division
is going to be terrible........if, of course, they hear of it.

I continue to hear rumours of all available troops being sent towards Port Moresby
Isn't this a terrible risk?

I understand the theory, Admiral John 3rd ( who would have thought such a name in
a Japanese Admiral!!) has a reputation of flinging "just enough, just in time" all
over a battlefield , and of real aggression...and such a move may well "catch him out"
but, the war is not even a month old and he has caught us with our pants down twice, Mersing, and Iba

I dread the same happening to Port Moresby, especially in the light of our
total lack of air power

Anyway, I know all seems gloom, the public, at least has taken great heart in the licks
ABDA Naval has given so far, and maybe we should too
I know you are going to the Station to count your sheep for Christmas, enjoy the counting!


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/16/2015 5:20:50 AM)

Malaya Army

In strictest confidence:

Agree: Singapore was/is always going to fall, only time to take this happen
is variable.
Japanese would have expected to kill your Army as it defended Singapore

Georgetown is as good a base as Singapore for supply support in this situation

Agreed, the Malaya campaign will not be completed until your Army has been lost, thus
I fully support your plans to "run amuck" up North, then to retire to George town

Plans for units to "take to the hills" also fully supported

A grim situation, but the main plan remains in place.

To fight for as long as we can


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/16/2015 5:27:31 AM)

0001 hrs
December 17th

'This is the Captain speaking"

'An enemy landing is taking place at a beach called Mersing, only a short way from

Throughout a mighty ship, a silence falls

"I intend to take Prince of Wales to there, and to take to the enemy with our main Rifles"

Below, all around them, a battleship begins to tremble as 36000 tons begins to build up speed

"Subsequently, we will go to action stations at 0200 hours.....the best of luck to you all"

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/17/2015 2:47:38 AM)

Eastern Fleet

The aerial and sea borne reinforcement of Kuching is all but complete.
Our forces have stopped enemy regiment at Palembang stone cold, but further
enemy troops cannot be far behind

First elements of the Indian brigades are now approaching Oostenhaven

Admiral Doorman has expressed to me that no ship or man will be spared in
defence of Java

We MUST back him to the hilt.

You are to extend every effort, up to and including placing your battleship
at risk to
A: Slow or disrupt any landings Palembang
B: facilitate the landings of the Indians at Oostenhaven

I have directed 18th division, (just departed Cape town) to Oostenhaven

Finally...the Americans have given us the P40e's from the Phillipines, they are now enroute

I must emphasise, if we can get the Indians into Palembang, the LONG Term effects on
the Japanese will be enormous.
The cost must be paid


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/17/2015 2:53:00 AM)

Light cruiser De Ruyter and 5 dutch destroyers reach mersing before the POW, and sink the last two
unloading ships. But the majority escape northwards

But two whole divisions, the 18th, the 5th, are ashore

POW turns about, and fades westwards again.

Thanet, Thracian are now, in turn, caught at Singa's by the sallies, still over 100 strong

Near Midway, CL St Loius is surprised and sunk by 4 Furataka class CA's, riddled by torpedoes.
Midway takes her turn at being invaded.

kaleun -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/17/2015 2:12:18 PM)

Wow! This is really a free for all

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (10/18/2015 3:52:15 AM)

December 18th

On little things wars are often decided

At loang, phillipines, the allies have attacked, been beaten
The Japanese, reinforced, have counter attacked, and bounced.....badly

Mac Arthurs orders were to strike back.........yesterday.
But somewhere something went adrift.
A day is plenty of time to re group, re gather, re organise.
Now the Phillipine army attacks again, a full 18000 men against the 48th Division.
The issue is close, Oh so close, a few more allied squads, or just a few extra disorganised
Japanese ones.........

A bloody draw.......

The enemy invade Midway
Clarke field falls to the 21st division
Wake goes silent.

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