RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (Full Version)

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Cap Mandrake -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/14/2015 11:08:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: 1275psi

The Prime Minister Australia
Although our forces in Malaya are collapsing, it has given us time to prepare
our defences further North in Burma
The Army there has been ordered to retire to India, as we feel nothing can
be gained in fighting there.

At this moment, all 11 Japanese divisions have been located, where they will go after
the DEI's battles, is any guess.

As Promised, I am sending powerful units of the Fleet to theatre
The first, Battleship Royal Sovereign, will be sent to where ever appropriate, the first
of many significant vessels..........


Be sure to ask Winnie what is to come of the Australian divisions in North Africa. I'm not saying he is more worried about the Suez Canal than that is what I am
saying. Instead he sends you a 26 year old battleship that the Admiralty is planning to give to the Russians.

Your friend;

Nelson T. Johnson

BBfanboy -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 2:10:56 AM)


I need help, AKE's replenish what?
AE's-for BB replenishment?
AD's-are destroyer reloads???

AKEs are just the civilian version of an AE, and they can only do re-ammunitioning in port, not at sea. The idea is to use them at smaller ports that cannot handle the ammo needed. IIRC you need one with 4200 ton capacity to re-ammunition a BB with 14" guns, something like 4900 tons to handle the 16"/45s and the 5400 ton capacity to handle the 16"/50s of the Iowa class. There is a table in the manual.

AEs - same deal as AKEs except that sometime in 1944 they can do the re-ammunitioning at sea. Keep in mind that reloading bombardment TFs empties an AE/AKE pretty fast, so they should be able to dash to a major base to replenish their stock. You need to have extra ships of this type to keep rotating them.

AGs and supplies and minor repairs for minor combatants, generally smaller than DD types. The cannot reload torpedoes on PT/MTBs though - you need a specialized AGP for that and they are few and far between. An AKE will also handle torpedo reloads.

ADs - support DDs including repairs, ammo and torpedo reloads.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 2:18:43 AM)

jan 23rd

from Enterprise they rise every hour.
Three Dive bombers, bombs slung underneath, wobbling and then gliding smoothly down
the flight deck, falling slightly, rising, winging away across the endless blue

SB6 has been designated the main search squadron, all of her planes sharing the load,
searching , searching....for what ever might be out there.

Lt Jackson watches them go.
It would have been good, if life had have been different, to be at the helm of one of them.
Curse poor eyesight, and curse to glasses.

Enterprise is riding easily today, the breeze is good, the weather fantastic.
120 miles ahead, over the horizon, the two great ladies, Lex, Sara.
Ahead of them, another 120 miles away, the real search ships, the potential bait,
The Aussies, Canberra, Australia.

Course North.

Jackson sneaks a glance at the bulldog , the Admiral of this little exersion.

Destination, undoubtedly, wherever those yellow barsteds are..........

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 2:22:15 AM)

Westralia, too, steams steadily across blue waters, course due east

They have released Jeffery from his cell....there is work to be done

"Get that little jack ass to help"
Under a blazing tropical sun, Jeffery chips at rust.

The war, he thinks, sucks.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 2:32:19 AM)

What round is this now?
Umnak island
And those hostile, hostile seas.

The Japanese Furataka squadron returns, destroyers Smith and preston return

The seas, so often rough, tonight are smooth

Smith and Preston fight hard, die hard

Furataka takes a fish, destroyer karii is sunk
Kako burns.

120 miles to the south, a British captain decides enough, is enough.
"Come North"

The worlds most battle hardened ship, will come and show these amateurs how it is done.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 2:39:31 AM)

In China, the AVG claims its 95th kill.

an invasion of Diego Garcia is confirmed.
radio traffic northwest of sabang.
Troops aboard identified, the AV carrying them, as well.

The allies cannot do anything about it, really,,

Not yet, anyawy

zuluhour -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 11:59:56 AM)

Got to love the volunteer group.

BBfanboy -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/15/2015 1:40:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: 1275psi

What round is this now?
Umnak island
And those hostile, hostile seas.

The Japanese Furataka squadron returns, destroyers Smith and preston return

The seas, so often rough, tonight are smooth

Smith and Preston fight hard, die hard

Furataka takes a fish, destroyer karii is sunk
Kako burns.

120 miles to the south, a British captain decides enough, is enough.
"Come North"

The worlds most battle hardened ship, will come and show these amateurs how it is done.


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/16/2015 7:27:30 AM)

Jan 24th

near Umnak

Captain Fischer stands erect on the bridge of Warspite.
To a man, his crew trust him.
It is a trust well placed.

Warspite is doing 21 knots, 21 knots of pounding, booming progress into a steep, steep rising white capped sea.
Every ten seconds, her bow, invisible in this dark, smashes through a wall of water,
sending a waterfall crashing into her tower, flinging spray a hundred feet above, swept into the darl.

A great plow, the great lady carves her way .

The dark is breaking, dawn is soon.

And ahead, starshell, flashes.

AVD Williamson, Casco, running, as best they can, for their lives.

"We have a target sir"
"very may open fire guns"

"Fighting, in a cold, cold hell"
Interviews with the men of the Umnak campaign.

...Stoker Hammond, Warspite....

"Noise. That's what I remember the most. Noise, and the boom, boom, boom of us crashing
through the swells..........heavens, I never thought the old girl could go so hard.
21 knots , that's what the Engineer said we were doing.......22 I reckon.
And then the guns......salvos, solid 4 gun salvos, regular as a heart beat....
Dust and crap falling all around us.....
"Were you scared?"
"Scared?.....think of it this way young man. Ever heard the term, the devils drums?
There we were, right in amongst em............boom, boom, boom!

Cmdr Smith
Gunnery Officer

.it was a good show.......first star shells lit em up, two Furataka's, a couple of Taenryu
CLs, usual pack of accompanying vermin.
Poor barsteds, just as busy trying to stay afloat in the seas as fight us.
Surprise was complete, and my gunnery was good.
First salvo, 3 solid hits fwd on the Furataka........lovely mess, turrets going up in the air
like fountains.......lovely stuff, switched to the Tenryu's....

Seaman Albert
helmsman Destroyer Downes

never seen anything like it. Seas huge....and bloody freezing too. captain tucked us right
up in under Warspites stern, seeking the calmer water in her wake........

God, her shooting, like a heartbeat....bang, bang, bang....great white flashes,
giving em hell she was.
But, of course , being so close to her, with all that stuff coming her way, we were
sure to catch a bit of them ourselves........

Captain Uguri, destroyer Sawakaze

it was, to be honest, horrifying. Out of the dark, this great monster, shooting. shooting
First the Furataka, bang!, bang!, bang, gone!
I did not have any torpedoes left, and what could I do with my pop guns, especially
in a sea like that.

Then Tenryu, bang!, bang! then the Tatsuta, bang!, bang!...15 inch shells........and I remember,
does this ship ever miss?

And then, and then, she turned her guns on us...bang!
And down we went........

Warspite empties her magazines. her escorts, DD Downes, Cummins take damage.
Furataka sunk, both CLs heavily damaged, one possibly sunk, a destroyer (the 18th already for the war)
sunk, all other ships damaged

warspite takes 6 hits
Stout armour, stout hearts. She is barely scratched.

Rule Britannia!

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/16/2015 7:32:32 AM)

Soerabaya falls, but the dutch army in Java has not yet been engaged, it hides in the hills,
digging holes..

Also Ambon , where fighting has raged for nearly a month, see's another jappanese unit
land, shock attack, and wreck itself.

The allies note this. its becoming a pattern, these shock attacks, these wrecked units.
Patience is not a strong Japanese suite

SierraJuliet -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/16/2015 9:58:13 AM)

Bravo Warspite. There is a novel here in this one action alone!

ny59giants -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/16/2015 11:29:15 AM)

John loves his small SC TFs with one or two CLs and handful of DDs.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/17/2015 6:01:13 AM)

Jan 25th

Malaya army fights on near Georgetown
The Dutch fight on

China is a in a real mess, it really is a question
of who is surrounding who.

Warspite retires, her two escorts will survive
CL Tenryu???.will not, ss-35 gets her

But in return Japanese SS sink an allied AO in the umnak theatre

Its getting costly, these battles in the cold.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/17/2015 6:07:42 AM)

The Minister of the opposition
General Blamey

General, I know you are busy, but I would really like to hear your opinion .
The Japanese carrier operating near Milne bay has (its seems to me) revealed
just how vulnerable you are .
Are you comfortable with this?

How ARE we going to support you?

The Government refuses to tell me the current state of your forces, the air strength
we have, and opinions on what is expected next?

I would very much appreciate your opinion


(This letter is not replied to, General Blamey, apparently, is too busy)

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/17/2015 6:13:36 AM)

LGEN Smart
First Australian Corp
Prime Minister

Bulk of 6th division ashore safely India, and entraining south to training area .
The British have assigned an armoured regiment to myself, which is very satisfying.

Division is in good shape, moral is strong.

Do not yet know where I will be deployed , as of yet.
Intend to bring 7th Division to same training location, and complete Corp as a single fighting force.


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 8:45:30 AM)

Jan 26th

Summary of current actions ,and Japanese intentions

The Japanese are , basically, hunting down a dozen regiment size units all over southern
Japan. They are succeeding, slowly, but in the meantime, the defences about Changsha grow ever stronger

They also push from the North towards Sian, as yet, we feel that there is enough resistance
to prevent its fall.

What japan has not yet seen, is the large offensive we have just learnt about.

The allies have evacuated to Myrintinka , japan has so far only committed minor forces , they may
be vulnerable to a counter stroke


The enemy are about to invade Diego Garcia
A TF with at least 2 CS ships, and a AV, is involved
Of all current operations, this one fills us with greatest excitement (see plan 1)

There are great opportunities here.


To our surprise, The british and dutch fight on both in the mountains near
Oostenhaven, and south of Djambi
This is important to note, at both locations the Japanese are struggling.
Victory will come for them, but the list of damaged units grows

The dutch have concentrated in the mountains south of Batavia
We hold hope that they will hold out for some time yet, as the bulk have not
been engaged

Again, the British fight on, both in central and Northern Malaya
Again, the Japanese have insufficient troops for a complete kill


Other than small actions , no major moves noted here


The Japanese have deployed Battleships to this theatre
This is nothing but good news for us

Umnak is drawing greater , and greater resources japan could use elsewhere
I am more than happy to draw even more

2 identified coral sea
Enroute (we believe) to the gulf of Carpenteria.
transmissions, and sightings of AO's, possibly 2 in the gilberts (heading north?)
Kaga may be supporting Diego operation

Our operations

Plan 1 remains in force
Umnak will receive what ever is needed to keep japan engaged there
(I do NOT intend to retake the island, but to be siege it, or land just enough troops
to raise, as it were, the pot on the table)

I intend to do the same at san Diego, "keep him interested"

We have the initial stages of a raid upon the gilberts underway

Our decision to send the bulk of initial forces towards India may have been correct.
San Diego, the carriers exiting the coral sea, the bulk of japans army in the West

Australian first Corp is beginning to arrive in position.

PaxMondo -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 6:39:28 PM)

San Diego? Diego Garcia? [;)]

Mike McCreery -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 7:14:18 PM)


Simonsez -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 7:24:43 PM)

Pretty sure that is one of those programmers know best options on a mobile device. You know, the ones that infer what you are talking about and change the entire meaning and structure of your sentences without you realizing it. [:@] Dollars to donuts he typed in Diego Garcia, but the programmer was too stupid to understand that there is more than one "Diego" in the world and he of course meant to type San Diego, not Diego Garcia (what's that?). On my phone, that "spell/context checker" defaults to changing the word I type rather than keeping the word I typed and asking me if I want to change it. WTF? #$%@$%#$*&@!(@!^%^$%&@!() Stupid programmers [&:] (And I manage a development team....)

BBfanboy -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 7:36:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: Simonsez

Pretty sure that is one of those programmers know best options on a mobile device. You know, the ones that infer what you are talking about and change the entire meaning and structure of your sentences without you realizing it. [:@] Dollars to donuts he typed in Diego Garcia, but the programmer was too stupid to understand that there is more than one "Diego" in the world and he of course meant to type San Diego, not Diego Garcia (what's that?). On my phone, that "spell/context checker" defaults to changing the word I type rather than keeping the word I typed and asking me if I want to change it. WTF? #$%@$%#$*&@!(@!^%^$%&@!() Stupid programmers [&:] (And I manage a development team....)

Knowledge of geography is known to be one of the weakest points of education in Western countries. The more people get facile worldwide connections the less they actually look to see where they are. As a child, I was always fascinated by tales of faraway places and looked at maps constantly.

I don't really blame the programmers who have to predict what you are about to say - they pretty much have to go with the most popular lines rather than list all the possibilities. That said, Diego Garcia was a US B-52/B1-B bomber base during the Cold War and should be known to more of the populace.

Simonsez -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 8:30:02 PM)


I often have Google Earth up in the background when playing WITPAE, just to see all these far away places that I have not yet been to. It's fun to try and visualize them with all of your pixel truppen, aircraft and ships. It's very cool to look at the Pacific Islands and see the outlines of the old airfields and bomb craters.

HansBolter -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 8:34:20 PM)




ORIGINAL: Simonsez

Pretty sure that is one of those programmers know best options on a mobile device. You know, the ones that infer what you are talking about and change the entire meaning and structure of your sentences without you realizing it. [:@] Dollars to donuts he typed in Diego Garcia, but the programmer was too stupid to understand that there is more than one "Diego" in the world and he of course meant to type San Diego, not Diego Garcia (what's that?). On my phone, that "spell/context checker" defaults to changing the word I type rather than keeping the word I typed and asking me if I want to change it. WTF? #$%@$%#$*&@!(@!^%^$%&@!() Stupid programmers [&:] (And I manage a development team....)

Knowledge of geography is known to be one of the weakest points of education in Western countries. The more people get facile worldwide connections the less they actually look to see where they are. As a child, I was always fascinated by tales of faraway places and looked at maps constantly.

I don't really blame the programmers who have to predict what you are about to say - they pretty much have to go with the most popular lines rather than list all the possibilities. That said, Diego Garcia was a US B-52/B1-B bomber base during the Cold War and should be known to more of the populace.

Wargamers typically ACE geography tests.

Heck, I bet I know the geography of Europe, Soviet Asia and the Pacific Rim better than I know that of my home country, only ever having played a small handful of Civil War games.

kaleun -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/18/2015 10:17:40 PM)

I once had a conversation with an IT support type who during our troubleshooting session told me he was from the Philippines. I asked which island, and he said Cebu. He was all surprised I knew where it was. (I did not tell him that it was always the last island to fall to the Japanese during my PBEM games[:D])

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:01:34 AM)

Ok, OK, I had a senior moment, with alcohol.
I hardly ever proof read anything I write, I really struggle with typing, and
thoughts are miles ahead of da fingers!!!

Still, nice to be corrected, better than being ignored!!!

I hope you all let John know how much I am enjoying this game, tormenting him

last E mail was all "GNATS! GNATS everywhere!


1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:13:25 AM)

jan 27th

War, any war, is a gamble. Daily, in war like this, a million gambles, a million
risks are taken. From soldiers contemplating that next dash from cover to the next cover, trying to judge
the chance of drawing that lethal bullet, to Presidents and Prime Ministers, contemplating
dispatching full divisions across oceans with pitiful numbers of escorts.

Australia Command takes one, and the odds go bad.

A small convoy, 6 ships, taking troops from the DEI's, to Horn island.
Unloading has only just begun, slow, awfully slow.

And now 2 Japanese carriers are spotted, midway between Port Moresby and Townsville
Coming their way..

Too slow to run away.
No where to hide

The troops must be off the ships ...tonight!

Hard to comprehend the feelings of the sailors, who, at dawn, are still going to be aboard.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:18:53 AM)

SW PAC Command
9th RAAF group


Wildcat unit Port Moresby to deploy immediately Horn island
P-40E unit, Townsville, to likewise deploy

Acknowledge no support available
Inevitable losses to be accepted.

Somebody has gambled. Some body has lost
Now some bodies will pay, with lives.

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:23:00 AM)

There are 3 SNLF , a Eng regiment, and 1st base force committed by japan to Ambon

Today they shock attack again

AV, reduces to almost zero

And Ambon holds, still

At alor star, its 137 av (japan,) to 285 british

And High command notes, Japanese high command has committed even more planes to China

Better than the SW pacific

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:27:25 AM)

Prime Minister
General Blamey

It is my understanding that an invasion of Rabual is imminent
What, may I ask, are your plans to resist it?

Also, we have dispatched 2 squadrons of bombers to you, yet hear nothing of their
Can you please enlighten us on this?

I wish to deploy more troops to you, where would you like them?

Frank Ford

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:32:12 AM)

Prime Ministers office

"sir, a phone call"
Damnation, now?.......question time in ten minutes.....

"Its your wife"

"Yes dear?"

"It is, despite the bad line, unmistakably that cold bitches voice
"Don't yes dear me.......we, no, you, have a problem"

And somehow he knows straight away
"Let me guess, Jeffery?"
"yes, Jeffery, my , I stand for upright family morals, Prime Minister, yes, its Jeffery"

1275psi -> RE: Letters from a Prime Minister (11/19/2015 7:37:28 AM)

28th January

10 am

Well, well west of Umnak

Four Minekaze class destroyers, steaming steadily into the swell, target Umnak
Looking to deliver tonight against what ever they find there, or maybe even further
east, a nice fat spread of long lances

To slip in in the dark, to murder, to slip away

1005 AM

Coming down, from the North, now at 12000 yards, CL Helena, CL Honolulu
No where to hide today, you vermin, no where to hide............

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