SchnellerHeinz -> Rumanians & other trouble (10/7/2015 7:49:30 AM)
Again, I do have questions and I hope you guys can help me out as you did the last times. 1. I remember having read something in the change notes about correcting the ability to merge rumanian cavalry brigades. I'm playing vs ai in *04 and it seems I'm absolutely not allowed to merge two said cavalry brigades. Am I doing something wrong or is this how it's meant to be played? 2. Morale: I believe I was VERY careful with the use of foreign troops, not feeding them to the guns, so to speak. So they (HUN/SLOV/ITA/RUM-units) did actually take very few "held/retreated" results and there were some successes, too. But, I am stunned/frustrated as to how meager advances in morale were with these troops. Therefore: a) Any tricks/tactics involved I could have missed? b) How do you use these troops so their existence in this game is not totally useless? c) What's the best outcome in terms of morale you were able to come up with? 3. This is a general question not concerning foreign units alone: If I detach say a mixed flak bat from somewhere and actually want to assign it to a specific corps, but am not allowed to because of distance, I normally am able to assign it to the higher echelon (=army). Then in the next turn I expect to find this battalion attached to said army, but instead it was automatically and at random assigned to a corps of this army, which, of course, only rarely identifies as the corps I initially wanted it to be assigned. Please tell me this is a bug or I am at least able to disable this behavior.