Aeson -> RE: Stabbed in the back (10/7/2015 6:05:54 PM)
Also realize that your scanners could have been in the wrong place despite being between your empire and the known pirate bases. If a ship has sufficient fuel to undertake a mission, it does not have to return to its base before heading off to attack a target. Say for example that the pirate bases are to your north and a neighboring empire is to your east. You had protection agreements with the pirates, so instead of sending their ships against your territory, they sent at least some of their ships to the territory of your eastern neighbor. You cancelled your protection agreements, so the pirates decided to send some of their ships to raid your empire. Where are their ships? To your east, because they've been harassing your neighbor. At least some of these ships likely have sufficient fuel to start raiding your territory without first needing to refuel. From the sounds of things, your scanners are positioned between your empire and the (known) pirate bases, which means that they're to your north and so not in the right position to detect the inbound raiders coming out of your neighbor's territory. Also be aware that the 'neighbor' that the pirates were harassing doesn't need to be that close; I don't know off the top of my head exactly what the range of the pirate vessels is, but it wouldn't surprise me if at least some of them have ranges of 10+ sectors, and for light combat duty like raiding you don't really need to worry too much about the fuel consumed in combat.