op dragoon (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's War in the West


whoofe -> op dragoon (10/9/2015 7:27:14 PM)

no VPs for allied losses?

is that intended or possibly a bug?

I didn't even have to get the two northern VPs to get a major victory in this one

zakblood -> RE: op dragoon (10/9/2015 7:30:17 PM)

do you have a save to zip up and upload here?

whoofe -> RE: op dragoon (10/9/2015 7:50:37 PM)

sure, how do I upload?

zakblood -> RE: op dragoon (10/9/2015 7:51:55 PM)

zip the file up using winzip or win rar or one of them type programs, but it has to be in zip format and attach it to your post, then one of the staff will look at it and see what going off with it, just in case etc, or they will at least give a reason what's happening etc

RedLancer -> RE: op dragoon (10/9/2015 8:15:54 PM)

This was design - the idea was to encourage the Axis to withdraw as fighting hurts them more in points.

whoofe -> RE: op dragoon (10/9/2015 8:37:43 PM)

OK thanks!

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