Monty in Dutch - preset game for Lars and Tiggwigg (Full Version)

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Capt. Pixel -> Monty in Dutch - preset game for Lars and Tiggwigg (3/24/2003 8:15:50 AM)

On the 11th of September, 1944, the British crossed the Dutch border.

In this battle, German SS reinforced with Panzers (Lars) come in contact with the newly arrived British forces sporting their brand new Churchills (Tiggwigg). Both sides move to take the high ground - Hill 206. (a map courtesy of WB Wilder)

Good luck gentlemen. It should prove to be a challenging battle. :cool:

Lars -> Deployed and ready... (4/2/2003 6:41:14 PM)

Here we go.

A great map selection and interesting choice of force from Capt. Pixel, thanks. :D
I think this kind of game will enhance my skill as a player, since I have to use what's given. No pet units here... ;)

We did stumble on some problems with the game since the retreat/reinforcement hexes were placed on the wrong side.
We did however solve this by setting the game up again with the same map and units bought from Capt. Pixel, but with the sides changed.


tiggwigg -> (4/3/2003 5:16:38 AM)

The question is whether to use this thread for disinformation and propaganda to gain advantage and confusion over my opponent, or be truthful...of course, truth is the first casualty of war...

The Churchhills are brand spanking new...not a scratch on the glossy duco and chrome fittings...and my troops have waxed and polished them until they can see their faces on the I DON'T want any damaged, Lars.

Of course, my pet british tanks are anything with a 17 pounders, and my squadron of Churchills are a Black Prince free zone...unfortunately...hopefully I want come face to face with any panthers and tigers.

The churchill IVL is an interesting has significantly reinforced armour when compared to the straight IV version, everywhere except the turret front, which is reduced...only rated 51, so it is very vunerable to any german AT gun...I therefore have ordered my tankers to advance with their turrets reversed! As well as having soft armour and being slower than a geriatric on a walking frame, they have a pitiful 6lber as main gun...although there is a plentiful supply of APCR, so hopefully they won't be too great a disadvantage.

The original set-up would have had me moving I am now player 1, I get the benefit of moving first...which would be considerable if my Churchill's moved faster than 1 hex a turn!

Lars -> Turn 1 (4/3/2003 8:06:42 AM)

Off we go...

Since all three clusters of VH's in the middle are per turn, I used some of my faster units to grab them.
Holding on to them, will be a whole different matter. But I figure I better get some points while I can. :cool:

tiggwigg -> (4/3/2003 2:04:40 PM)

First blood goes to Monty, with a Puma being brewed spectacularly.

Unfortunately, I forget to check the VH's, so didn't realize they were per turn...I have deployed for the big battle and not the hex smash and grab, so Lars gains first points. He has 9 hexes to my 4...145 points a turn to my 60.

Lars -> Round 2 (4/3/2003 9:00:47 PM)

Tiggwigg got his act together and grabbed the remaining per-turn hexes. :p
I spotted another Stuart recce and gave it a pounding. It took two hits from a Puma 50mm and 1 hit from a StuG 75mm before being destroyed. Those small buggers are real tough...

Finished the turn by pounding a Churchill parking lot.
But probably to no avail... :rolleyes:

Lars -> Round 3 (4/4/2003 10:10:41 PM)

Not much this turn. Both forces probably moving to find good positions...
Traded a KRAD MC for a scout team and let my arty have another go at suspected enemy positions.

Lars -> Round 4 (4/6/2003 11:55:17 PM)

Pretty good round for me this turn. :D ;) :cool:

It started off in Tiggwiggs’ turn with me taking out a Churchill IV-L with OP-fire from two StuG III.
In my turn I toasted another Churchill IV-L and a Firefly that both were routed. Also got an AEC Mk I with a shot from one of my Puma.

Most of the engagement is taking place in the northern part of the central hill. The problem I find here is the visibility that’s blocked by undulation and high grass.

tiggwigg -> (4/7/2003 6:04:44 AM)

Yes, my nemesis has had great success to date, with artillery fire boxing in my forces and suppressing my units. It damaged some of my units and Lars knocked them out.

I had my revenge this turn. I had targetted artillery on the Stugs that had destroyed my churchill with op-fire. I did not expect success, as I thought they would move. They did not, allowing me to close to 3 hexes and knockout 3 Stug !V's. I also surprised another 2 Stug III's, increasing my tally to 5 for the turn, which probably makes us about even.

At this point I can probably make some observations without revealing anything my opponent hasn't already guessed.

Firstly, the winge. I believe I have an up-hill battle to win this one. The Churchill 1VL is a wholly inadequate tank when compared to the units I am facing. The german units are
*almost twice as fast (14 hexes compared to 24/26);
*have almost twice the accuracy (3/3 compared to 4/5 and 5/6 on the Stug IV's; and
*generally have better armour in relation to the weapon they are facing, since the churchill turret front is only 51 and the hull front of 114 is inadequate against the 75/L48 at all game ranges (since visibility is 23), while a Stug III with 85 is adequate against a 6 pounder at that range.

These limitations dictated my initial deployment, which my opponent guessed due to its predictability...focussed on the northern road which he targetted with artillery. I had to start on a road if I was go get close to any victory hexes first turn. In the south the distant was too great, and I would have left myself exposed to ranged german AT fire.

However, once in the central hills, I believe I have an advantage.
Reduced visibility allows me to close to a range where my tank guns are effective. Better defensive terrain means my units have a better chance of surviving op-fire from the german Stugs and Hertzer's, which dominate the enemy. The assault guns only has 2-3 op-fire in a turn. If I can get them to waste those shots, they are then vulnerable to my tanks, which have 6 shots per turn.

Capt. Pixel -> Re: Turn 1 (4/7/2003 11:51:31 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lars
[B]Off we go...

Since all three clusters of VH's in the middle are per turn, I used some of my faster units to grab them.
Holding on to them, will be a whole different matter. But I figure I better get some points while I can. :cool: [/B][/QUOTE]

Personally, I dislike the points-per-turn VHs. I find they force players to use tactics in an unrealistic direction.

Lars, how did you set the scatter-shot VHs in 'Twin Peaks Massacre'? I'd like to be able to do that in the next game.

(BTW, sorry about the reinforce/retreat hexes guys. It didn't occur to me to check for that possibility. :rolleyes: )

Lars -> Re: Re: Turn 1 (4/11/2003 6:28:01 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Capt. Pixel
[B]Personally, I dislike the points-per-turn VHs. I find they force players to use tactics in an unrealistic direction.

Lars, how did you set the scatter-shot VHs in 'Twin Peaks Massacre'? I'd like to be able to do that in the next game.

(BTW, sorry about the reinforce/retreat hexes guys. It didn't occur to me to check for that possibility. :rolleyes: ) [/B][/QUOTE]
Personally I don’t like any of the options the computer uses. It’s just one more reason to use pre-made games where the “creator” can make things more interesting.

This is what I did in “The Twin Peaks Massacre”…
It’s not difficult and you do it in the editor menu in the game. In the editor click one of the “deploy” buttons which will take you to the map. Down left in the toolbar on the right there is a button that let you edit the VHs’.
Here you also can find out if the retreat/reinforcement flags will have a chance to be on the right side and if the deployment lines are set up as you like.
You still have to double-check it though if you want to be certain. To do this you have to start the scenario/game to find out if everything is OK.

In pre-made games I use a lot of per-turn VHs’ to force the players to keep control over an area. The problem is to find the right point/hex for it to be balanced.


Lars -> Round 5-6 (4/11/2003 8:21:15 PM)

Ohhh what a mess… :( :(
I lifted the barrage for a turn to move my onboard and Tiggwigg steps in and blow me to pieces.
This game is more or less over now cause I will not be able to recover from this. :o :mad:

It was a crucial error to stay around with my StuGs’ but I figured they wouldn’t be too bothered by his scattered arty and I had pretty good positions to use OP-fire. No chance… I think they shot four OP-fire shots all together. :mad:
He took out 2 StuGIV, 3 StugIIIG, and 1 StuH42.
In my turn I gambled and tried to move a Hetzer in position for a pot shot. It survived the first OP-fire and took a shot with 25%-hit chance, wide of course, then the Hetzer was gone… A peculiar circumstance is that 3 of Tiggwiggs AFVs’ did get the chance to OP-fire. :confused:
It’s the first time I’ve seen this when it’s not assaults.
I also made a bold attempt in the north to make a move on his screening force, loosing a Puma and a Hetzer with no gain.

In turn six my northern force lost two PzIV from pretty long range fire without shooting a single OP-fire shot. It mystified me so much I had to check all my forces exp./morale, but they seemed OK too me.
I couldn’t move without exposing my force to more OP-fire shots, so I try to stay hidden…
In the center The Brits are pushing hard to gain the opportunity of my crippled force. I still have some working units left though, so I hope to stall him for a few more turns.

tiggwigg -> (4/13/2003 3:08:21 AM)

Yes, lady luck has smiled on me for two turns in successfion... although the outcome has been terrible for Lars, it may not be as disasterous as he feels.

In the centre, he still has a substantial force...more than enough to reverse my advantage if I make a mistake...particularly as he is building interlocking fire fields using his remaining Hertzers, Panzers and (gulp!) Panthers!

As the Churchill's are so slow (close to half that of the german armour), I had no hope of grabbing hexes with small mobile forces and rushing my tanks to support them, as Lars did. It seemed the only way I could win was to let Lars do that, and force him to defend against my assault. My decision was to control the north, and advance south using a screening force on the exposed flank.

The screening force has been more successful than I hoped, taking out 2 Pumas, 2 Panzer IV's and a Hertzer (although I cannot find the icon), at the cost of one AEC armoured car.

In the centre it is a slow and tortuous advance, trying to locate the german armour before it op-fires me...I am approaching the central block of Victory hexes, where Lars will no doubt make his stand.

Although I have destroyed many of his vehicles, what worries me is that having knocked out two Stug IV's, where is the rest of the platoon, and having knocked out a Hertzer, where is the rest of that platoon...and having seen a panzer and a panther, where are the rest of their platoons!

tiggwigg -> (4/13/2003 3:24:46 AM)

Captain Pixel

Lars is correct about the VH option...they are placed in the deployment menu...there are 20 and you can scatter or concentrate them where you can also change the type (end of game, per turn and the points per turn, exit, etc) and set them to appear on particular turns or to for ownership to be fixed based on who controls it first...

Another option I use on the deployment menu is to change the set-up line. I almost always pull this right back close to the map edge, so that even the fastest units take two turns to get there, and the rest three of four...the player doesn't know what surprises the opponent might set up as traps, or using AT addition, deployment can be limited to opposite corners (or facing adjacent corners) depending on the type of battle.

A problem with generating a battle is that the retreat/reinforcement hexes always end up grouped fifty hexes down from the map top...this prevents you creating a battle using a large map with an east/west front line rather than north/south...since one sides reinforcement hexes will behind the others front-line.

This doesn't happen when creating a scenario using the a large map, eg 200 by 100 map can be used, with the victoy hexes in the centre and the retreat hexes top and bottom...allowing a meeting requiring a 90 hex advance to reach the victory hexes.

tiggwigg -> (4/13/2003 5:45:03 AM)

Turn 8

In the previous move, I had foolishly failed to move my armoured cars, so that Lars artillery had caught fault for assuming he would have been concentrating in the map centre. The AC's were suppressed and so destroyed. But attacking meant Lars had exposed his own armour. I moved my defending Churchills to counter-attack. With the advantage of cover terrain and height, I was able to waste the ineffective op-fire, then knock out a panzer IV and Hertzer. Side hits from supporting armoured cars knocked out a Puma and mortar half-track, and disabled another (which will keep to next turn). This will greatly impact Lars offensive/defenive artillery response...probably better kills than the heavier armour.

In the centre, I continued my advance. Two panzer IV's spotted in the previouus turn were in retreat from my artillery. My Shermans destroyed both, but not before reducing their status to buttoned from near misses, and allowing them to return fire. One sherman was destroyed.

Scouts spotted another, which they buttoned with small arms fire before a Churchill roasted in. Moving forward, I received op-fire from a Stug, which was knocked out at the expense of a Churchhill CS...interestingly, they have better accuracy than the Churchill IVL (4/3 to 3/3), better armour and more than adequate HEAT penetration from their 95mm gun.

This has been a very good turn, bagging 4 panzer IV's, a Hertzer, a Stug, a Puma and the two mortar half tracks, at a cost of 2 tanks.

All, up I have now lost 5 tanks - 2 Churchills IVL, a Churchill CS, a Sherman 1 and a Sherman Firefly (a major loss, since it is the only British vehicle capable of mixing it with a Panther on more or less even terms in fire power and accuracy), as well as 3 Daimler armoured cars and 2 Stuart recce vehicles.

Capt. Pixel -> (4/13/2003 11:56:27 AM)

Thanks for the tips guys.

Boy, I wish I could actually see the action rather than having to try to imagine it through your DARs. This is an idle wish. I don't really want to see the game, so don't send me any files. I just hope your enjoying it. :)

tiggwigg -> (5/5/2003 3:45:13 AM)

Turn 10

The British advance is painfully slow. The german artillery is accurate in suppressing when units and a suppressed churchill if rough terrain can only advance 2 or 3 hexes per turn.

In the north, the British screening recon force advance against a german battlegroup that was shattered in the last turn, destroying many crews, as well as finding a lone PzIV, which an AEC1 armoured car dispatched with a side shot from range 1. I believe the way is now clear for me to advance these recon units into the german rear.

In the centre, my churchills are far in advance of my suppressed infantry, and tank crews are cowering suppressed bewside the smouldering tanks. I have now lost about 11 tanks, including two abandoned. My only fast tanks were my 7 shermans and fireflies, which have now been reduced to two, so my advance must crawl with the churchills. I try using a stuart recce to scout ahead of my tanks, but it can't spot grenadiers concealed in rough and trees, and is soon destroyed by their assaults. However, it does allow me to spot to infantry squads and an mg, which are despatched by a crocodile and other arm. In so doing, I manage to take the first of the central 5-hex cluster.

The high point of the turn is artillery on video, which reveals my wildly inaccurate sextons manage to lob a shell on top of the remaining Panther and brew it.

Turn 11
German artillery fire brews my last 75mm Sherman with a top hit.
It also has the majority of my units routed or retreating. I take another hex in the centre, and am fired upon by an immobile PzIV. I am in treed height, and my return fire from the 95mm CS Churchill brews the tanks.

In the north, an advancing stuart recce in killed by a puma AC, which my AEC armoured cars then knock out.

Lars -> Turn 12 (5/6/2003 9:22:02 PM)

The game has shifted character, from an armored clash to a mop-up mission for the British force.

Tiggwiggs Churchill’s has crushed my armor and has its aim at the remaining VHs’.
My force has tucked it’s tail between it’s legs and are fleeing for there lives. I still have some surprises left for him though and am planning on some nasty ambushes. But to hold for 30 turns is too much to ask for…

For Capt. Pixel:
The attached file is from an earlier turn ( 9 ), where it was some more action. This is also the turn where I finally lost my ability to fight back. Here I still have two Panthers left although one is immobilized, but in the turn to come the working one gets nailed from a mortar top hit…

Enjoy :)

tiggwigg -> (5/8/2003 2:35:42 AM)

Turn 12

Lars grenadiers assault and destroy a Churchill, while another is disabled by repeated hits from a Hertzer. This Hertzer has suffered heavy bombardment from all my artillery and repeated frontal hits from 75mm and 6lber shells, and survived unscathed.
I finally do it in by using a Crocodile to flame it

The immobilised Panther is also forced into retreat by artillery, allowing my surviving Firefly to move into the open and knock it out. It still took two shots. Both Lars and I only had a couple of these super weapons, and none played a decisive role in the battle. Although, in Lars best turn, his panthers did knock out several british AFV's in the turn before they were knocked out/disabled.

A sweep by my armoured cars revealed a concealed Hertzer from op-fire. They are bearing down on Lars artillery.

Turn 13
Lars artillery has been forced into retreat, allowing my suppressed armour to disperse while preparing to attack the next hex cluster. Probing forward, a british sniper and daimler scout car are both destroyed. A squad of german grenadiers are fried by a crocodile.

The action seems to have quietened down while both sides ready for the next phase of the battle. I estimate the germans still have 3 Panzer IV's and a handful of assault guns...more than enough to shatter my remaining forces

Capt. Pixel -> Ask and ye shall receive (5/13/2003 8:43:31 AM)

Thanks for the files.

Looks like a bangup game here. The Germans do appear to be the most banged-up though.

It seems the Churchills are a more than adequate match against the StuGs and PzIVs of the times. Frankly I'm a bit surprised they're doing so well. (in skilled hands, even a chairleg is a weapon, I guess ;) )

I figured the German's key pieces to be the Panthers. It's a shame they got popped so cheaply. :rolleyes:

I'd have to say, from the snap-shot I saw, that a 10% bonus to the Germans would have helped play-balance alot. Two or three more Panthers might have turned the British tide of Churchills.

So what do you guys feel has been the MVU (Most Valuable Unit) on each of your respective sides?

tiggwigg -> (5/15/2003 4:19:24 AM)

Personally, I don't think the german forces required a 10% bonus...or anymore panthers...unless to make the scenario unwinnable by the british.

The problem with including only a section of key units, like the panthers or that should they be knocked out or immobilised, it can swing the balance of the game. In this game Lars and I were both lucky, as I had a firefly degunned by an artillery hit that left it suppressed and then killed by Lars; while he had a panther killed by artillery. Lars also made the mistake of moving the other panther across the battlefield, exposing its side armour and an op-fire disabled it. Still, after I had congegrated shermans to knock out two of his suppressed Panzer IV's, those two killing machines in one turn knocked out 3 of them, including a firefly, and a couple of stuart recce vehicles.

I considered at the start that I had a modest chance of a draw and almost none for a win. Scorewise, I have the draw...which I expected to be expensive in units lost, and it was. Tactically, I think Lars would concede I have gained control of the battlefield. However, it was a very, very close call.

Defense is about shooting the enemy as he appears. SPWAW's great failing is PBEM defense. In any turn, the defending player is reliant on op-fire, which the attacker can turn to his advantage. Accuracy (and so risk) from op-fire can be reduced through the use of multiple attackers (so every shot is a first shot, whichout accumulative accuracy bonus), and terrain defense. Enemy op-fire shots can be triggered wastefully until all are used, allowing the attacker to close for the kill. Assault guns and Stugs are vulnerable to this, since they have fewer op-shots than a tank.

The main factor in the British not being wiped out, is that Lars allowed me to choose or force the location of the main fighting. This was rough terrain with limited lines of fire due to trees and limited visibility due to smoke and hills. This allowed the British to minimise the weakness of the churchill (poor accuracy and firepower), while minimising the strengths of the germans (good accuracy and firepower). Thus we fought an even battle, which I won through sheer force of numbers, since almost my entire force was concentrated in the one area, and so able to destroy german forces more or less piecemeal.

The British forces were very vulnerable to counter-attack, particularly from the flanks. At anytime 50-75% of my armour was suppressed or in retreat from german artillery attack. The British have poor morale and take a long time to rally once suppressed. With limited orders, the British were unable to react quickly to any threat.

The greatest threat to the British was an attack from the flank (which would rob me of the advantage SPWAW gives the attacker). It is likely I would have lost my entire force with minimal loss to german forces. An attack on the flank also means that the germans would be rolling up the british line, and so never having to deal with more than a few tanks at a time, while concentrating a company against them.

So, as you can see, I feel I was fortunate to have success in a battle where the germans held an inherent advantage. I believe the battle was won before a shot was fired, in that I was allowed to choose the field of fighting.

Berserk -> (5/16/2003 7:38:00 PM)


I saw the zip that you posted at would like to take a look at it if you dont mind.

How do I see it?

Whereto should it be downloaded and how should I see it?

- Berserk

Lars -> (5/16/2003 7:59:53 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Berserk

I saw the zip that you posted at would like to take a look at it if you dont mind.

How do I see it?

Whereto should it be downloaded and how should I see it?

- Berserk [/B][/QUOTE]
Well, sorry to say but you can't... :(
Without a password at least you can't. Capt. Pixel set this game up for Tiggwigg and me, so he also supplied the passwords for us. Therefore he can view the game turn as he wishes, but for the rest of you, you have to wait until we're finished.


Capt. Pixel -> (5/17/2003 9:29:53 AM)

One of the perks of being the third party setter-upper. :D:D

When you guys are finished, I'd like to post the passwords here and have you provide the final turn for the interested parties (including me, of course :) )

Tiggwigg's synopsis was very well described, from my perspective. I, too, would have guessed a much closer game between these two forces. Pounding forward, enmass, seemed to work well for the British here. :cool:

tiggwigg -> (5/22/2003 10:47:27 AM)

Turns 13-16

There is an unearthly quiet across the battliefield...except for the muffled cries of pain from the troops in the out-house who ate the mush in the mess-tent...and the crackling of burning armour...perhaps there is not much left to shoot at.

With British armour closing in on his artillery depot (by the smoke), the germans have rushed their guns to safer terrain...this has given the British a respite to disperse my tanks so they will be less chance of suppression...knowing that the germans are cracked I can afford to reduce the concentration of my forces, which in turn should make them stronger in defense. At the same time, I am advancing on the last victory hexes from every direction except behind.

I can now take time to position and ready my forces for the final push on the end of game german victory hexes, as I now have control of all the per turn hexes (except for those grabbed by a suicidal sniper whose mess-tent mush must be worse than the Brits and was making a desperate rush for the out-house). Thus, everything is movement I am trying to conceal...although german a german Hertzer or two appear in the far distance from time to time.

Turn 16 came as a surprise...a Hertzer and kubelwagen were parked in the open, and my remaining Firefly exposed itself to take a pot-shot...brewing the Hertzer while a Churchill did in the Kubelwagen.

Captain reply to your question about the best unit. The british one has to be the recon squad...they have spotted many german tanks, allowing the artillery to suppress them so they could be taken out.

The best german weapon in my estimation has been is has the callibre, accuracy and concentration to suppress much of my concentrated force...and Lars did a fine job wielding it.

I have already commented on my low esteem of british armour, while the british artillery is little better, since I only have one FO and it is HQ to my sexton I don't have enough orders to change target easily (I was fortunate Churchill's are so slow, because that alllowed me to creep my artillery ahead of them 4-6 hexes a turn with no cost in orders)... particularly since, after balancing off the 81mm mortars on both sides, the germans have 105mm Wespes and 120mm mortars (warhead size 6 and 7) compared to 25lber Sextons and 60mm Whites mortars (warhead size 5 and 3)...that said the 60mm mortar is great against armour, as it will plant half a dozen shells on the one hex guaranteed, which is always enough to suppress any unit on that well, the british artillery has been wildly inaccurate with a shell spread which I estimate to be twice that of the germans...perhaps I should stop bagging the units and blame the player?

tiggwigg -> (6/3/2003 3:47:54 AM)


Having laid a smoke screen across the remaining victory hexes (the german home cluster), I dashed a stuart recce forward to claim them. Almost a dozen other tanks were taking up position to support it.

The only action is an assault by a suicidal sniper trying to remove the stain of defeat, on another stuart recce as I move to consolidate control of other VH clusters.

Lars conceded.

British armour losses stood at over half my force of 31 tanks: 8 Churchhill IVL, 2 Churchill CS, 4 Sherman I and 2 Fireflies. 2 more Churchills were immobilised. Additional losses were 3 of 6 AEC armoured cars, 6 of 9 Stuart recce and a couple of squads of infantry.

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