Rongor -> surface vessel stops when issuing a new destination by F3 (10/24/2015 9:04:46 PM)
In the second NI scenario I noticed after some time that none of my surface vessels was still moving. After investigating this behavior I realized that whenever I order new destinations by F3, the vessels halt, coming to a full stop. Workaround is to set the speed manually with F2 every time after the F3 key was used. Btw, it doesn't seem to happen if the sim is paused while issuing the new F3-course. Then the current speed remains alive after unpausing. I attached a save, the HMS Leander currently stopped, although it has a set destination, speed on auto. F3 alone can't put it back into motion though. HMS Plymouth is currently running with 30 kts. It slows down to stop after hitting the F3 key. Setting the new destination doesn't force it to any movement. Again, the sim mustn't be paused to witness that behavior. Thanks!