Can medals be modded? (Full Version)

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GeneralClausewitz -> Can medals be modded? (10/25/2015 4:44:31 PM)

I really like this game, but the mechanics behind medals is absolutely bizarre.

First off, the CIB was given to any infantrymen that served in combat. So any soldier that shoots or gets shot at should automatically get it. Tankers certainly shouldn't get it.

Secondly, why are the requirements for ANY medal so darn high? I've gotten a handful of CIB's, a Bronze Star once in a blue moon, and ONE TIME got the MOH for a greyhound driver that had 20 kills and 3 acts of bravery.

Anyone know if all this can be modded? I would love to rewrite the requirements for medals into something that actually makes sense. Kills seem to be too much of a requirement, and acts of bravery seem to matter much less.

I'd love to see my veteran soldiers have a variety of medals, but for the most part the only thing they'll ever see is a purple heart.

SchnelleMeyer -> RE: Can medals be modded? (10/25/2015 6:40:08 PM)

You can not modify the parametres for recieving medals. - This is functions that is in the .exe file. - You can mod the medal graphics though.

The way Close combat awards medals is based on a number of factors. For instance the requirements for getting a medal is different for green troops vs veteran troops.

GeneralClausewitz -> RE: Can medals be modded? (10/25/2015 7:29:24 PM)

Interesting! You seem to know what you're talking about, mind if I ask a few more questions?

-Is it easier or more difficult for veteran soldiers to earn medals?
-How do you modify the medal graphics? I'd like to mod it so that the CIB is replaced with the Bronze Star, Bronze Star replaced with Silver Star, Silver Star replaced with DSC, and DSC having two slots. Not perfect, but much more realistic than it currently stands.

SchnelleMeyer -> RE: Can medals be modded? (10/25/2015 8:05:29 PM)

- It is "easier" for greens troops to earn medals than for veterans, but they don't have all the combat bonuses that the veterans have - so the criteria may be easier, but it may be harder for them anyway.

You need CCMunger or RtB tool to unpack/Repack the ScrnGadg.gdg file found in the Graphics folder of your PITF game directory. Look in download section at for these tools.

Work on a copy when modding
Make your changes as needed save and repack.

All files need to be saved as 32 bit .TGA

SchnelleMeyer -> RE: Can medals be modded? (10/25/2015 8:07:26 PM)

CCMunger is here:

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Can medals be modded? (10/26/2015 10:05:08 PM)

Note that medals are earned based on a soldier's performance in each individual battle. If he gets 20 kills and 3 acts of bravery in one battle, that will certainly win a medal of some sort. There are no medals for cumulative kills/acts over the course of multiple battles.


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