RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (Full Version)

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Lokasenna -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/9/2016 6:10:24 PM)



Game continues.

I now officially suck with Japan. Not that I was ever great with them.

Question. My first Ki-61 Tony R&D factory is fully repaired at 30x0. I switched to the Ki-61b model no problem, but when I tried to switch to the Ki-61c the factory went to 0x(21). Should I not be able to switch from b to c to d then Ki-100 without incurring damage? Am I misunderstanding the upgrade path?

The upgrade path does not go through the -c model. It skips that one and goes to the -d...

I use Tracker to make sure I have my paths right as there isn't a good way to see it in-game.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/9/2016 6:13:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna



Game continues.

I now officially suck with Japan. Not that I was ever great with them.

Question. My first Ki-61 Tony R&D factory is fully repaired at 30x0. I switched to the Ki-61b model no problem, but when I tried to switch to the Ki-61c the factory went to 0x(21). Should I not be able to switch from b to c to d then Ki-100 without incurring damage? Am I misunderstanding the upgrade path?

The upgrade path does not go through the -c model. It skips that one and goes to the -d...

I use Tracker to make sure I have my paths right as there isn't a good way to see it in-game.

Thanks a ton for that. I run tracker, but don't spend the time dissecting it like I used to. Luckily, I always save before mucking around with factory upgrades, so I'm still at the Ki-61b model and fully repaired.

GetAssista -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/9/2016 7:33:12 PM)


Thanks a ton for that. I run tracker, but don't spend the time dissecting it like I used to. Luckily, I always save before mucking around with factory upgrades, so I'm still at the Ki-61b model and fully repaired.

You can also go to intelligence screen in game and click on Aircraft replacement pool. Next upgrade in the chain is shown in the right column, either upgrade or the airframe itself if there is no further chain

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/12/2016 7:52:47 PM)

We've reach June 10, 42.

My overall game play continues to suck.

I'm completely stalled in China. A deliberate attack at Lanchow with 800 AV against 1200 AV of Chinese troops received a whopping 1:4 odds and another Japanese division has been wiped out as a result. These troops were 100% prepped with two HQ's, so I failed yet another roll. I'm ready to give up on China and let Francois use it as a bombing base to pummel Japanese industry. My own fault though for trying to play China differently. I should have exploited China's initial weakness like every other player does and I'd be sitting pretty. Instead, it's a stacking limits in 3x terrain or river crossing nightmare.

I'm finally moving on Port Blair with a fully prepped division. I expect to get slaughtered.

I'm also launching the first deliberate assault against Manila. I'm not fully prepped and I expect to get slaughtered.

Any important ground assault I've launched in the game has resulted in horrible odds and wiped out Japanese divisions. I don't expect anything to change.

I'm coasting along without much to look forward to. I've hated this game from the first turn and I'm hoping this will be over points wise by the end of 1943. I don't even have 2:1 as it stands right now. My worst game ever as Japan and I hardly care anymore.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/12/2016 8:07:55 PM)

Yes, I'm in a bad mood today. [:D]

Bif1961 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/13/2016 1:30:36 AM)

You learn from defeats then you do victories.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/13/2016 6:03:44 PM)



You learn from defeats then you do victories.

No, this isn't really about a defeat, or being beat my opponent. I'm a better player than this, but I've lost my way. The only person beating me right now, is me. Francois just has to sit back and watch me continue to flounder until he makes his move. This will be an easy Allied win, resulting from poor play on my part in every aspect of this PBEM, hence my frustration. The sooner it's over, the better.

Encircled -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/13/2016 6:21:02 PM)

Could you not turn it around?

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/13/2016 8:56:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

Could you not turn it around?

I should clarify. I never quit and for the most part I always try.

My heart's just not in it. Can I turn things around? Sure, if I start getting some rolls, if I can overcome some roadblocks relatively quickly and painlessly, and start applying some pressure on my opponent.

It comes down to the will, and right now the proper attitude just isn't happening.

Encircled -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/13/2016 9:42:29 PM)

Yeah, it tough when you know you are not mentally "on it".

Bif1961 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/14/2016 12:24:53 AM)

So this is the opposite of victory fever.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/14/2016 5:26:58 PM)



So this is the opposite of victory fever.


Most likely "You suck as Japan fever"

dave sindel -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/14/2016 5:32:06 PM)





So this is the opposite of victory fever.


Most likely "You suck as Japan fever"

That's funny ! [:)]

Bif1961 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/14/2016 8:12:57 PM)

That's ok so did Japan.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/28/2016 7:40:04 PM)

We've reached June 20/42 and I really need to do a proper update. There have been number of developments.


More American 4E's have been committed to China at Chungking, almost 50 now.

I'm stalled at Langchow, but reinforcements are on the way. I'm pretty pissed off that 100% prepped troops have performed so badly in two attacks, but it is what it is. I've essentially had two of three divisions beat up badly. Three more divisions are en route. Perhaps if I finally cut off some oil the Chinese supply situation will deteriorate.

I've eliminated a pocket of nine Chinese LCU's at Pingsiang. 35k casualties to the Chinese.

I'm way behind in China, but I am making some progress.


Port Blair is finally in Japanese hands.

Lashio has been captured and I'm now moving on Paoshan.


I've taken roughly 3/4's of the island and getting closer to moving on Batavia.

The Philippines:

Three deliberate assaults against Manila so far, but it still holds. The Allies are out of supply and it's just a question of grinding them down until an assault succeeds. My four divisions are in decent shape. I'm bombing Manila from the air and ground and throwing in a few naval bombardments on occasion. It's just a matter of a few more weeks I think.


I'm getting everything in place to move on Darwin. It's going to be a tough fight, but I can't let Francois keep it.

New Guinea:

Allied forces have been moved to Milne Bay and Rossel Island. Allied BB's with no air cover were providing cover. In the last few days Japanese LBA torpedo bombers and submarines have sunk an xAP, BB Warspite and BB Mississippi. At least two other old U.S. battleships were torpedoed.

I'm hoping to use the forces currently on Luzon to mount a counterattack in New Guinea and the Solomons.


Supply in the Home Islands continues to grow with almost 1.9 million now stockpiled. Fuel is holding it's own and slowly increasing. Oil is dropping, but I've only now focused on getting oil out of the DEI. I have huge surpluses of fuel and oil at Palembang and Singapore which I am shipping out. I can't get the oil to move, but I think fuel is moving from Singapore to Saigon and CRB. However, I wonder if taking fuel from CRB is sucking it out from China and Manchuria. My HI in these areas is almost completely dry of fuel, so HI and supply production is down substantially. I'm going to top up Port Arthur, and start drawing solely from Fusan again to see if that brings the fuel from Saigon and CRB further east.

The Tojo IIa went into production June 1st, but I'm only producing 40/month and just upgraded a 36 aircraft Sentai with 24 Tojo's.

I'm getting the fuel and oil situation sorted out and have begun increasing shipments of fuel for naval operations in the DEI and Solomons.

Aircraft R&D is going ok.


I'm still behind where I want to be, but I am feeling better about my situation. I have some major concerns at Darwin that will require a major effort to rectify. I pooched China, but I continue to grind away and make progress. Will I knock it out now, probably not, but I have to continue to fight here as there is no other option.

Francois has been quiet. He's either planning a massive knock out blow, or just biding his time as I'm way behind schedule. He's sacrificing nothing of consequence and his aircraft and pilot pools will be in great shape when he does move. Nothing I can do about my poor start, but I'm working on improving my position. I will hit the Allies wherever they have established themselves for at least the remainder of 1942. A lot can happen in six months.

I'll try to revive the AAR since my enthusiasm has improved somewhat, but overall I'm not happy with my gameplay. I have six months to make my mark then hunker down for the onslaught. Less if Francois has a major coup in mind.

Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/28/2016 8:20:24 PM)

Fuel dosnt naturally move from Singapore to Saigon or CRB. Most fuel that ends up there is from the refinery in Bankok. For fuel to eventually move from Singapore to PT Arthur you need to clear all of central and south China.
Manchuria runs a fuel and a small oil deposit. So dont move both out and dump some there instead once and a while.

Encircled -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/28/2016 8:47:29 PM)

Good to read that you are have rediscovered your mojo!

GetAssista -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/28/2016 9:48:08 PM)


...I can't get the oil to move, but I think fuel is moving from Singapore to Saigon and CRB. However, I wonder if taking fuel from CRB is sucking it out from China and Manchuria. My HI in these areas is almost completely dry of fuel, so HI and supply production is down substantially.

You can relatively easily nudge Singers fuel out by temporarily assigning a homeport for KB and BB TFs to Bangkok while setting major fuel hubs in the vicinity (Haiphong, HK, Canton) to stockpile fuel. After 2 turns there will be ~150k fuel in Bangkok, most of it from Singers and Rangoon. Then set bases on the rail between Singapore and Bangkok to stockpile fuel so that none flow back, and repeat homeport setting for Haiphong (or maybe straight Canton)

Oil definitely gets to Shanghai/Fusan from CRB so you can ship there from Singapore

GetAssista -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/28/2016 9:49:08 PM)

double post..

Bif1961 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (9/29/2016 7:13:16 PM)

Welcome back always look forward to your comments how you conflict is progressing.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/6/2016 8:45:44 PM)

Turns have been few as I just don't have much time in the evenings lately. I need to get a turn to Francois, it's been three days since my last one. Hopefully tonight. I need to post soon to show the problems I'm up against, and how I think to best tackle the situation. I think that is part of my problem with delayed turns, I'm not quite sure how best to proceed.

Alpha77 -> RE: Insert witty AAR title here - Sqz(J) vs. fcharton (A) (10/8/2016 11:15:06 PM)




Activation area: The Australian mainland one hex South of Brisbane and Tasmania. [1]

Reinforcements triggered:

Unit Arrival Location
44th British Division Cape Town
9th Australian Division Aden
2nd British Para Brigade Cape Town
7th South African Armoured Brigade Cape Town
27th Rhodesian Brigade Cape Town
1st AA Brigade Aden
Natal Mounted Rifles Regiment Cape Town
Reinforcement Convoy:

214 AIF Inf Section 42
24 3" Mortar
24 Bren AAMG (x2)
72 25 Pounder Gun
48 M3A1 Armoured Car
48 Vickers Section
48 Bren Section
108 Brit Inf Section
48 2pdr AT Gun
48 40mm Bofors AA Gun
250 Motorized Support
48 AIF Cmbt Eng
48 Matilde II Tank
24 3.7" Mountain Gun
48 Stuart I Light Tank
48 Kittyhawk IA
48 Vengeance I
12 Catalina IIIA
32 Spitfire Vc Trop
48 Mitchell II

Just a short note, I had these re-inforcements triggerd vs. the AI, it did not use them at all, they were sitting around LOL in India but AI never send them to the fight. Just shows that playing AI is only for fact I thought these were INDIA reeinforcements (i invaded both OZ and India vs. AI)....anyone knows what INDIA gets and where the trigger line is ? [&o]

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