R35 -> RE: New Units for PC (1/7/2016 10:11:16 AM)
ORIGINAL: Kompolka Great job guys! But I found a few bugs The following units do not have a big picture:T-34-43, T-34-85, KV-5, Soviet_M4_Sherman, 57mm_Model_1943, 100mm_M1944, SU-76, SU-85, SU-152, ISU-152, T-90 SPAAG, M16 MGMC, BM-31 Katyusha Considering that H.Balck never released those you can consider it a feature, not a bug. :D It`s mentioned in the readme that comes with the mod and also a few times in these threads: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/fb.asp?m=3993230 The full list is here: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/fb.asp?m=3801287 (minus the Cossack Cavalry which was completed in the meantime) Despite all this I have no doubt people will continue to keep on "discovering" this "bug" which is why it was worth adressing. quote:
ORIGINAL: T2_2112 @H.Balck I think ur Blenheim model is Blenheim Mk IV not Mk I Indeed, it`s an Mk.IV. Romania only used the Mk.I. But it`s not the only issue with those planes. That trimotor from above is not a IAR-79. Romania never used the three-engined Savoia Marchetti SM.79. It ordered a customized version with only two engines(the S.79B) and then ordered more with Jumo engines (JIS-79B) and license produced the rest (JRS-79B). There are differences between them but in game one could only use one graphic I guess. It should look something like this: http://www.cartula.ro/forum/topic/12398-machete-in-lucru/page__p__185179#entry185179 http://www.worldwar2.ro/arr/?language=en&article=757 As you can see in those pictures, the camo for the Romanian produced aircraft of those years was made in the shape of wide irregular stripes. Romania also did not use the B version of the He-111. It had the H (H3 initially): http://www.worldwar2.ro/arr/?article=755 and the camo actually looked like this: http://www.cartula.ro/forum/topic/1223-he111-h3-nr5-arr/page__hl__he-111 The Romanian Bf-109E were never painted in that camouflage pattern. They were RLM 71 on the upper side and RLM 65 on the underside: http://smnzone.scalemodellingno.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/gallery/airfix-messerschmitt-e1-e3-e7/8-hn-ac-kits-airfix-messerschmitt-bf-109e-1-e-3-e-7-trop-1-48-scale.jpg http://www.largescaleplanes.com/articles/article.php?aid=928 The Romanian Hs-129 were B2, not the version with the 75mm gun: http://www.worldwar2.ro/arr/?article=761 https://sites.google.com/site/mgc151184/hs-129bnr.132 http://www.cartula.ro/forum/topic/1592-hs-129-ajutor/page__hl__hs-129 and likewise, they kept the German style camo, but with Romanian markings. In fact, many of the Romanian aircraft inherited the original German factory paintjob, especially in the later years and it`s something one finds for other Axis nations too. No version of the IAR-80 had guns on the extremity of the wings. Basically the graphics above depict the pitot tube on the left wing and duplicate it on the right wing (obviously, the pitot tube would only be on one wing): http://s223.photobucket.com/user/stosser_69/media/Model140.jpg.html This article shows a list of all the aircraft in Romanian service (including those that were captured and never used operationally): http://www.worldwar2.ro/arr/?language=en&article=766