Updated Utah To The Rhine Campaign (Full Version)

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Alby -> Updated Utah To The Rhine Campaign (11/2/2015 3:22:36 AM)

This Great Long Campaign originally done by Wild Bill Wilder, which was last edited for Enhanced back in 2006, is now finally updated to ENH-FR

Lots of fixes were necessary, units displaying wrong icons and weapons, units not properly tagged, the usual stuff


Found a few more bugs,[:@] new file posted (11/5/2015)

http://spwaw.com/phpBB2/download.php?id=26412 <----download 'updated' file here

Zap -> RE: From Utah To The Rhine (11/2/2015 4:02:34 AM)

For someone like myself (minimum compu knowledge) where do I enter this file in my game files. thanks

Alby -> RE: From Utah To The Rhine (11/2/2015 4:59:26 AM)

Do you have the ENH FR version Major Mess released?
If so it goes to the ENH FR/campaigns folder
unzip the files to the campaigns folder, make sure it overwrites old files
this is for enhanced version only, will not work correctly with the regular SPWAW

Hope this helps....

Zap -> RE: From Utah To The Rhine (11/2/2015 12:03:33 PM)

yes it does thank you

Alby -> RE: From Utah To The Rhine (11/5/2015 7:17:07 PM)

found a couple more things need fixing [:@]
new file now posted

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