Eques -> Problems Getting Properly Started (11/7/2015 12:43:10 PM)
I am finding it difficult to get properly started on this game. Firstly, on the "Ice March" scenario I just CANNOT work out how to set up Corps, Divisions or Armies! I keep re-reading the manual to get more knowledge but everything I try runs into a new problem. The create Division, Corp and Army buttons are just permanently greyed out. Have just tried to enable a Commander for Divisional Command (which I think I had ommitted to do before ) and got the message "You cannot enable this Commander for Divisional Command as all 0 of your Divisions are already in the Field!" That makes no sense. The fact that there are 0 Divisions on the Field is the reason I am trying to create a Division in the first place! Can someone please give me a simple guide to how I enable all the buttons so I can actually, you know, organise all my armies? Secondly, I have just tried out the Finnish Civil War and Polish War scenarios and they seem to be configured differently to the Ice March. Instead of the Command Buttons near the bottom left there are buttons to filter for different types of troops (Infantry/Cavalry etc) and furthermore, I cannot access the stack details on the bar at the bottom when I click on a town - it just keeps the same units displayed all the time no matter what I click on. Could someone please explain all this to me? What a frustrating game!