Chuske -> Tutorial: Converting Multi-Role Units (11/7/2015 2:45:01 PM)
Relevant manual section 7.6 In the game some of the smaller units can either be on map units or be used as support units (SUs) attached to another unit. These are multi-role units. When they are in the support role they are split into 3 parts. Converting From SU to On-Map To convert you must meet these requirements:- 1) All 3 parts must be attached to one HQ, if not you must reassign them all to one HQ 2) The HQ with the 3 parts must not have more than 1other on-map unit already stacked with it in its hex. i.e. There needs to be room for the multi-role unit in the hex for it to appear on map Assuming the requirements are met then the steps are:- 1) Go to the HQ unit and left-click it and then right-click the HQ unit in the sidebar to the right to open the HQ units detail window. 2) From the assigned tab left-click any of the 3 parts of the multi-role unit to open its detail window 3) Then select the convert button and the unit will appear on-map Converting From On-Map to SU To do this you need to move the unit into the same hex as the HQ unit you wish to attach it to and then open the multi-role units detail window and select the convert button