Currahee -> RE: Game keeps freezing at different stages (11/18/2015 11:13:29 PM)
The error went away after the first few launches, and I didn't take a screen of it. Right now I get to the briefing and then it freezes. No messages, no errors, nothing. If I recall the original error when I opened the game, it was an access error or something and had '000000' (maybe a few more zeroes) attributed to it. Also when I try to upload screens of my frozen game, it says 'c:/fakepath' isn't I can't upload screens even if I wanted (well, right now). Anyway, I think I have a hunch what is causing my game to freeze...according to my task manager, my CPU is running at %100 when the game initializes, so that's probably why it stops running. Hopefully I'm wrong. Ok, did some further tests. My game freezing is attributable to any execution in the game...its related to time. If I click 'proceed' on everything real fast, I can make it to the map...but I still freeze. Takes about 15-20 seconds, probably less. I know this isn't exactly helpful...I don't have any screens or errors or anything I can point to. I'm kind of clueless an why this isn't working. I mean, I can run Combat Mission at really low setting and CMANO as well, so shouldn't this run?