Big face palm moment (Full Version)

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Encircled -> Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 11:00:02 AM)

When you press "end turn" and then remember that you've forgotten to switch your production of Oscars back to R & D as its your main line of Army fighters.

JFBs, don't be like me![:)]

Yaab -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 11:36:42 AM)

And the Oscar goes to... "Ida", a powerful factory drama of female-male-IJA-IJN aircraft manufacturing in wartime Japan.

Encircled -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 11:48:24 AM)

Its not as bad as that, but its knocked at least a couple of months off my line.

As its PDU-off, and its been my main priority, its a bit of a blow!

wdolson -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 12:27:51 PM)

I always do a save before running a turn.


Encircled -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 12:36:27 PM)

Going to be doing that in future.

I check my production every day.

Every day.

Except this one.

I deserve all I get in my game from now on. [:)]

ny59giants -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 12:57:11 PM)

Slot 003 is game file that goes to my opponent. Slots 004, 005, and 006 are back ups for the last three turns. So, you can undo major mistakes like yours with minimal embarrassment. [;)]

Encircled -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 1:00:28 PM)

I could, if I'd not sent the turn, or made a save, or pretty much everything else!

In short, I'm downgrading my play from "Mostly Harmless" to "Bumbling Incompetent"

Lecivius -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 2:54:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

In short, I'm downgrading my play from "Mostly Harmless" to "Bumbling Incompetent"

I am no longer alone!!! [sm=love0059.gif]

Anachro -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 3:12:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

When you press "end turn" and then remember that you've forgotten to switch your production of Oscars back to R & D as its your main line of Army fighters.

JFBs, don't be like me![:)]

I wish I knew what this means, but sadly I'm too new. What does this entail, what does it mean, what are the consequences?

GetAssista -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 3:24:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled
.. you've forgotten to switch your production of Oscars back to R & D

You mean you play with non-realistic R&D? It can be far worse - I forgot to turn production off for my Zero R&D array and almost all of them switched to production the very next turn for A6M3a. Aargh... all those fully repaired R&D factories

Encircled -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 3:29:45 PM)


You mean you play with non-realistic R&D? It can be far worse - I forgot to turn production off for my Zero R&D array and almost all of them switched to production the very next turn for A6M3a. Aargh... all those fully repaired R&D factories

In a nutshell, thats what I have done. [:D]

Encircled -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 3:40:37 PM)


I wish I knew what this means, but sadly I'm too new. What does this entail, what does it mean, what are the consequences?

Bascially, my R % D effort was focused on getting the Oscar IV asap. Because I've forgotten to switch my R & D factories back from production when they switched over, I've now got to start again with my R & D down this line. That costs supply (crucial), time (also crucial) and will cost me pilots due to flying inferior aircraft.

SqzMyLemon -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 4:10:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

In short, I'm downgrading my play from "Mostly Harmless" to "Bumbling Incompetent"

Here I was thinking I was the only one. Thank you for coming out, you've made it easier for us closet incompetent JFB's to come clean. [sm=00000436.gif]

geofflambert -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 5:13:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled


I wish I knew what this means, but sadly I'm too new. What does this entail, what does it mean, what are the consequences?

Bascially, my R % D effort was focused on getting the Oscar IV asap. Because I've forgotten to switch my R & D factories back from production when they switched over, I've now got to start again with my R & D down this line. That costs supply (crucial), time (also crucial) and will cost me pilots due to flying inferior aircraft.

Anachro may also be wondering about the end turn part of it. Once you end turn it is encrypted so that only the Allied player can open it. One solution is always to start the turn again from scratch or at least make interim saves you can resume from.

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 5:38:57 PM)

In my first PDU off and realistic R&D game I have switched all Zero M2 production to M3. Was assuming that all LBA Zeros will
upgrade to M3 - after checking two Zero groups and they showed an upgrade path to M3. Was counting on handed-down M2s to keep carrier groups at strength. Turned out I have checked the only two groups that upgrade to M3 - all others are going to M3a. So I need M2s much longer than anticipated and had to switch back some M3 factories back to M2. Supplies wasted, production time lost, M2 pools empty with factories repairing oh-so-slowly, air ops of LBA and carriers heavily curtailed during the expansion phase...

Numdydar -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/24/2015 9:37:37 PM)

I save at the start of my turn AND at the end before hitting end turn. I have been doing this for years now. I cannot tell you how many times this has saved hours worth of work [:)]

For really critical stuff, like trying to force a CV/SURF battle, I'll do a save in the middle of my turn just to be safe [:)] Also when I am touching ANYTHING in the Industry screen, I always do a save.

Chris21wen -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/25/2015 8:00:20 AM)




ORIGINAL: Encircled

When you press "end turn" and then remember that you've forgotten to switch your production of Oscars back to R & D as its your main line of Army fighters.

JFBs, don't be like me![:)]

I wish I knew what this means, but sadly I'm too new. What does this entail, what does it mean, what are the consequences?

You have a/c production and a/c research and development (R&D) factories. When an a/c has been fully researched the factories can go into production. This is where it gets complicated as there are two game settings that control what happens next.

Basically I think it works like this
With Player Defined Upgrades (PDU) off and Realistic R&D on then you have no control, everything happens historically. Not played like this since PDU became an option so it might have changed.
Turn PDU on then you can control if they will change but once they change to production they cannot go back to R&D. I play this.
Turn Realistic R&D off then not only can you control if they change but switch them back to R&D as well. But the switching back causes the R&D factories to become damaged. Never played like this.

This only happens for the Japanese.

I stress this is very, very basic but there is a fully guide somewhere.

czert2 -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/25/2015 10:40:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled


I wish I knew what this means, but sadly I'm too new. What does this entail, what does it mean, what are the consequences?

Bascially, my R % D effort was focused on getting the Oscar IV asap. Because I've forgotten to switch my R & D factories back from production when they switched over, I've now got to start again with my R & D down this line. That costs supply (crucial), time (also crucial) and will cost me pilots due to flying inferior aircraft.

hmmm, isnt there option called "convert rad to production" "on/off" switch ?

Numdydar -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/26/2015 8:56:59 PM)

Yes there is [:)]

Encircled -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/27/2015 11:52:44 AM)

I did say it was a "Major Facepalm moment"

I didn't do a lot of things right that turn!

But I haven't made the same mistake with the Zero line [:)]

witpaemail -> RE: Big face palm moment (11/28/2015 9:16:10 AM)

Most frustrating "facepalm" moments I have I just had a few hours ago. 2-3 hours into the turn (of course I hadnt saved it) and Windows decides to use that moment to reboot my computer for me because it knows that I really wanted to....

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