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STIENER -> questions / issues (11/24/2015 5:42:01 PM)

1] we've noticed that only inf can take ground not a tank by itself? is this a new addition to the game? a tank can tank a VL but not the ground up to it.
2] when you rename a unit in the roster...usually tanks...sometimes they don't keep the new name when deployed on the battle map. there appears to be no ryme or reason for this. it happens with inf squads too. is this a bug?

3] half tracks get destroyed by machine gun fire. is this a bug?

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (11/26/2015 7:43:34 PM)

another question steve....
we had to back out of a strat move and come back due to something one of us forgot to move...when we came back in my opponent...allies..had lost his 2 mortor support. we backed out to the lobby and came back in to the strat and again no mortor support. we then just carried on. is this a bug???

steve when u get time can you reply to these issues please?

SteveMcClaire -> RE: questions / issues (11/27/2015 6:15:17 PM)

A crash is never intended, so that would be a bug, yes. I have the log from the test version you're using and will review it. Thanks.

On the other issues -- tanks can take ground and capture VLs. This happens all the time. If a vehicle is completely incapable of firing (like an unarmed truck or carrier) then it cannot capture ground.

On the unit rename - are you seeing this single player or multiplayer? There was a bug (since fixed) with renamed teams not showing up in battle in same cases, but only for the multiplayer client. If the person hosting doesn't have an up to date version of the game this could still happen.

Armor penetration is governed by the values in the data file -- if the MG ammo is capable of penetrating the armor of a halftrack then it's possible to destroy it. And in most cases halftracks (particularly the US-made Allied halftracks) could be penetrated by machine gun fire at close ranges. Halftracks are also open-topped and so they can take crew hits from small arms fire too, and losing all your crew will 'destroy' the vehicle.


STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (11/28/2015 4:31:49 AM)

well the game didn't crash when the allies lost there mortor support...all we did was back out of a strat move and back in....and it was gone. the crash in the lobby came later as we backed out again to try and get the mortor support back. any ideas?

on unit rename. were all playing the latest version. knights and I and im guessing hetzer too, have seen this. yes its in multiplayer. don't no about single play. I usually play multiplayer. yes im hosting but have the latest version. im seeing as host.

Mike / Steiner

PS.....the loss of mortor support was in the GC Ian and I are playing. the unit name issue is in both GC's im playing ...with Ian and Knights.

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (11/30/2015 6:14:03 AM)

the lost mortor support...any ideas?

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (11/30/2015 8:49:50 AM)

sorry steve, but tanks cannot take ground. were seeing this anomaly. ask RD Knights. they may be able to take a VL but not any ground up to that point.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: questions / issues (11/30/2015 6:01:24 PM)

I just re-tested this to be certain -- I played both single-player and multi-player battles, moving ONLY vehicles, and then truced out to end it. On the debrief screen it always shows all the ground these vehicles drove over as being controlled by the correct side. NOTE: The final map control of each deployment square is influenced by the control of adjacent squares. So if you drive a vehicle along a line into enemy territory, leaving the ground adjacent to the path enemy controlled, most or all of the ground the vehicle drove over will end up as uncontrolled / neutral. You'd get the same thing with infantry if you moved them the same way. Is this not what you are seeing?

Renaming teams as the host player is exactly the same as if you're doing it in a single player game. The only case where we had a bug with this was that renames done by the client weren't always transferred correctly. Again, I have just re-tested this in the current build and both host and client renames were showing up correctly.

Mortar and artillery support was also available in battle correctly during multi-player, which I just re-tested. When your opponent said it was missing, did they never receive it in the battle, or did they not see it on the strategic map?

Some of the problems you're describing sound like a loss of data between the host and client -- but losing data this consistently seems unlikely. You'd never be able to connect and play, and I would expect to see the same thing myself. So I cannot see an obvious reason why you're seeing them and I am not.


STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (11/30/2015 7:56:45 PM)

hi steve
interesting explanation on how tanks and inf take territory.[ this different from say LSA and the versions before LSA??? ] I guess this is what we are seeing, to a point. im looking at a map right now in a game I played last nite in le valtru where I drove a mk 4 down the main road to the intersection turned left and drove down that road and the territory is mostly still enemy controlled. some of it, about 1/3 is neutral. so.......

the renaming of the teams and the names not staying with the unit doesn't happen all the time. again maybe about 40% of the time. I usually give my tanks numbers and leave the inf squads alone. but some times, " some " of the squads and not all of the squads in the platoon lose there names.

losing the mortor support. I don't think you understand. the allied player had mortor support at the start of the strat move. he gave support to some BG's. we executed. then we realized he had not moved a BG. we backed out to the main page and came back into the game / strat move to redo the strat move and that's when he realized the mortor support was not available anymore. we backed out again and came back in and still no support. it had vanished never to reappear / be available again.


yannibowls -> RE: questions / issues (11/30/2015 9:13:10 PM)

I was playing Steiner when the loss of mortor support occured. I have also had this happen with artillery as well.
So to elaborate a little more I had assigned my support and gave a move order instead of attack. So when we executed theBG came in as support. So we backed out and came back in but my mortor support was no longer assigned and it was not in the pool.

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/3/2015 3:14:36 AM)

the tank renaming happened again last nite. 2 out of 7 tanks retained there rename, the rest didn't. tank pathing and dancing is still atrocious.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: questions / issues (12/3/2015 10:47:09 PM)

Ok - I will record the issue (support not being returned when you abort a multi-player strategic turn and then replay it immediately) for future investigation. I suspect if, after you go back to the lobby screen, if the host goes to the command screen and (temporarily) selects a battle, hits NEXT to return to the multi-player screen, and then goes back to the command screen and re-selects the saved game file you really want to play you can work around this.

On the rename -- please give me an example of how you're doing this. You start a new campaign/operation, go through to the first battle group screen, and then what? You rename every team in your support platoon (and all are tanks)? Or are you renaming teams and then returning them to the force pool? If you're the client in a multi-player game this won't be saved, since the client only sends data to the host about the teams it actually has fielded for the next battle.


STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/4/2015 1:38:59 AM)

hi steve
the rename issue.......

this is happening in two GC's im playing right now. ive only been playing these two GC since buying the game.

the rename issue started in both games from the beginning of the GC's.

I usually ONLY rename all my tanks with numbers BUT I have also in some instances renamed my inf squads.

it has been happening since the very beginning of both these GC's

it IS not consistant. it happens about 30% ? of the time. some battles I can rename my tanks and no problem. some times NO tanks keep there names and sometimes 1 or 2 tanks in the same platoon will keep there names and the rest will NOT.

in all cases I am NOT renaming teams / tanks and returning them to the force pool.

I am the host in one GC and the joiner in the other GC.

hope this helps.

I pick all my squads / support / tanks and then rename them and then I go next to the set up / map screen. at this point I will notice if all or any of my tanks / support have kept there renames.

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/4/2015 6:50:17 AM)

hi steve
so tonite me and knights were playing out GC.
we were playing on the colleville map. I was using the 22/12SS BG for the 1st time.

it seems to me I see the rename issue when I use a BG for the 1st time ....but it also happens at other times as explained above.

22/12SS has 7 support slots. I used 4 mk 4's and 2 stug III's and 1 mortor team. I renamed them all with numbers. NO support tanks / teams kept there new names when we went to the battle set up / map and when we fought the battle.

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/8/2015 7:33:35 PM)

im for sure seeing the rename issue with the support platoon tanks / equipment/ squads when I first use a BG for the first time. that's 4 BG's in row now. it also still happens after that also. just only sometimes.

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/9/2015 8:32:49 AM)

another issue we see time and again.....
when an allied BG get booted from the map due to morale failure. the allied player...the joiner in this case CANNOT see his reteated BG on the strat map. the can see it tho. it doesn't appear to the joiner till after the next battle or even the next strat move phase.

is this a bug??

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/11/2015 6:56:04 AM)

rename issue happens on both german and allied sides. im playing allied now in a GC.

any comments steve on the above stuff?

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (12/29/2015 8:10:22 AM)

steve?? the rename issue and the retreated allied BG's due to morale failure...see above

SteveMcClaire -> RE: questions / issues (1/4/2016 5:33:46 PM)

The retreated friendly BG not being visible on he client does sound like a bug. I will put it in the database to evaluate next time there's update work.

I don't know what to tell you about the rename. I simply don't see the behavior you're seeing. It works fine for me. Either there are steps you're taking that I am missing, or something is different in our computer/game versions. Does it matter what name you type? Like names with umlauts don't work?


STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (1/5/2016 7:31:45 AM)

No umlauts steve. I use numbers and letters mostly. IE: C 14 for allied tanks or 555 or 556 for german tanks. 80 mm batt x for a mortor. 6pdr A etc...

like a said it usually happens when the BG is first used in combat.

STIENER -> RE: questions / issues (1/19/2016 1:08:34 AM)

go to u tube and watch Agrippa maxentius's vid's of his battles.
I believe Agrippa is one of the matrix sanctioned people here??
watch the battle called multiplayer battle - steel graveyard and Bocages of death....and any others you might like.

THERE CHALK FULL OF THE ISSUES ME AND OTHERS HAVE BEEN COMPLAINING ABOUT!!! its all there on Agrippa's vids. why he doesn't really go...OMG whats going on with these tanks is beyond me!! ????

theres also the issue of the 17 pdr VS panthers in these vid's. the 17 pdr if it survives the 1st shot of a cat...which is damn rare...consistantly bounces off the cat armour!!!! seriously??? that's the whole reason the allies HAVE the 17 pdr! at this stage in the war the 17 pdr had the ability to penetrate the cats armour at range.
the allied tanks are highly inaccurate compared to the german cats.

watch the vids and see what were talking about.

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