SteveMcClaire -> RE: questions / issues (11/30/2015 6:01:24 PM)
I just re-tested this to be certain -- I played both single-player and multi-player battles, moving ONLY vehicles, and then truced out to end it. On the debrief screen it always shows all the ground these vehicles drove over as being controlled by the correct side. NOTE: The final map control of each deployment square is influenced by the control of adjacent squares. So if you drive a vehicle along a line into enemy territory, leaving the ground adjacent to the path enemy controlled, most or all of the ground the vehicle drove over will end up as uncontrolled / neutral. You'd get the same thing with infantry if you moved them the same way. Is this not what you are seeing? Renaming teams as the host player is exactly the same as if you're doing it in a single player game. The only case where we had a bug with this was that renames done by the client weren't always transferred correctly. Again, I have just re-tested this in the current build and both host and client renames were showing up correctly. Mortar and artillery support was also available in battle correctly during multi-player, which I just re-tested. When your opponent said it was missing, did they never receive it in the battle, or did they not see it on the strategic map? Some of the problems you're describing sound like a loss of data between the host and client -- but losing data this consistently seems unlikely. You'd never be able to connect and play, and I would expect to see the same thing myself. So I cannot see an obvious reason why you're seeing them and I am not. Steve