problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (Full Version)

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diamond dave -> problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (11/28/2015 4:06:31 PM)

Just purchased the base game, installed and runs fine, no problems. Downloaded and installed the v1.01.01 patch, now get message "can't open a file. 2" anytime I click on a scenario or try to load it. Also the scenario descriptions keep superimposing themselves over each other. Uninstalled whole game, reinstalled base version, no problems. Downloaded another copy of patch (deleted old one) and installed. Same problems trying to load a scenario. Might add using Windows 10, don't know if this is an issue (apparently not with base game). Laptop meets or exceeds all minimum specs. Help!

Helpless -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (11/28/2015 5:26:41 PM)

There should be no change to the way scenario is loading in pre-1.01.01 and with Torch version. Error suggests that it fails in the very beginning to extract save file. First thing that could be checked is AV software.

diamond dave -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (11/28/2015 5:55:51 PM)

No AV software running. Problem is with loading scenario files, not saves. Don't have Operation Torch, just the base WITW game.

Helpless -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (11/29/2015 1:17:35 PM)

Does it show up as 1.01.01 on the top when you run it?

Lützow -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 9:11:17 PM)

I got same problem.

Just re-downloaded and installed WITE on OS X El Capitan in Parallels (Win 10). The original v1.0 works. Patch 1.01.01 as well as the new beta patch throws an error msg "Can't open a file. 2"

Any advice? Already renamed sound folder in _sound as it was proposed elsewhere, but that didn't help.

Helpless -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 9:21:51 PM)

Sound has nothing to do with it. It looks more as an issue to write temp file to the local disk.

Lützow -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 9:28:22 PM)

But why it works with v1.0 then?

Helpless -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 9:34:12 PM)

No idea. 1.01.+ works for all testers. At least this issue was never reported and obviously can't be replicated in development environment.

I have added more descriptive error code, so if you want I could send this exe. Hopefully it will point to the cause of the error.

Lützow -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 9:50:29 PM)

Well, I kinda solved it.

At first attempt I skipped default path, installed inside c:\program files (x86)\WITE and got the error msg. Did another install on default c:\matrix games\war in the east and at least 1.01.01 works now (didn't try beta patch yet).

So in Win 10 WITE demands c:\ ?

Helpless -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 9:55:09 PM)

Good. Although this is witw, not wite game :)


So in Win 10 WITE demands c:\ ?

I never install it on c: drive, including when I had to run it on Win10.

Lützow -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (12/1/2015 10:18:40 PM)

Sorry, I meant WITW. [;)]

The error is reproducible. First time I installed witw v1.0 -> update -> beta patch on c:\program files (x86), because app folders don't belong inside root (even Windows unfortunately allows this). Since it didn't work I thought something was wrong with beta patch and just installed v1.0 -> update. It didn't work either and so I simply used default path.

If somebody among your dev team has a Mac he can try it.

Qitbuqa -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (1/5/2016 7:22:14 PM)

I have the same issue. Approximately 8 times out of 10 secenario will not load. In such cases the notification will pop out saying: "Can't open a file. 2". After a few restarts of the game from desktop, the scenario will load. After I try to start a new WitW session the next day, the bug will repeat itself until after few restarts the scenario will load.

I am running Windows 10 Home 64-bit.

Edit: I am running WitW v.1.01.12.

Qitbuqa -> RE: problems loading scenarios with patch 1.01.01 (3/24/2017 3:48:32 PM)

It seems I've managed to resolve the bug in my system.

Apparently the game runs smooth, when you install it into a default place (where the game installer suggests to install). Previously I would manually change the installation place such as Program Files > Games > Matrix Games > etc.

Edit: pretty much can second what Lützow noted in one of the previous posts from this topic.

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