DarkFib3r -> ESM - am I doing something wrong? (12/3/2015 3:42:23 PM)
I ran a few tests this morning to see how far a passive unit could detect a unit using active radars. However, I am confused by the results and am suspecting I am doing something wrong. My test locale was in the Indian Ocean, clear weather, at 17:00 local time. For my first test, I placed a Sovremenney destroyer with radars on. Then I placed an Arleigh Burke with all sensors off. The Burke did not detect the Sovremenney until it was in enemy surface weapon range, which was well within the air radar and surface radar range of the Sov. The Sov detected the Burke right at its surface radar range, as expected. My second test had an E-3 Sentry in passive sensor mode at 30,000 feet trying to locate the Sov. Again, it was only able to detect the Sovremenney within surface weapon range, well within air and surface radar range. My assumptions are that the ESM gear on the Burke or Sentry are always on and operational, even if the radars are quiet. I checked the sensors and could not find a way to turn on or off the ESM gear manually. Furthermore, I assume that a unit with ESM gear will be able to detect an emitting target from 1.5 to 2 time its radar range; certainly at .75 - 1 times the range. So if a unit has an air search radar with an effective range of 100nm, my passive E-3 should be able to detect it somewhere in the 150nm-200nm range and will certainly detect it at 75-100nm. It may not be precise, but a bearing to the target should be provided. The ESM gear should be able to detect any target radiating within its effective range. Curvature of the Earth is likely not the issue as the emitting platform was able to detect the targets at max range; the radar waves are hitting the target so the ESM gear should be able to register it. I read some interesting posts today about the radars and detection ranges, and it seems like the ESM detection should work as one would expect - a radiating target should be detected further out than its own effective max range. But my sandbox test produced significantly different results. Is there something I am missing here? I can provide more information, if required. Thanks!