ashandresash -> RE: How about a new game engine AGEOD??? (12/4/2015 9:30:07 AM)
Ageod games have complexity and content enough to be great games, what they're lacking is a more friendly interface (you shouldn't have to be clicking 4 times to see an unit statistics, special orders are not so problematic but they could be better organized and the same goes for events and decisions. Strategic Atlas is one of the things you use more to organize your troops and orders so I'd welcome any development there). Graphically I see these games truly beautiful, there are mods that give better colour and items options on the map, so it's not graphics where I'd focus my efforts. Though everything is improvable indeed. In a few titles performance is also an issue, but it's more the exception than the rule. Besides their problems they totally worth it, I think they're among the best wargames available and they deserve a better media and player coverage. I really like them in MP, so that would be another area where improving the current system would be important too. Good to know they're working on it.