Kai -> RE: CTD (12/9/2015 3:16:23 AM)
I continue to have CTD issues, even after a fresh install: 3:02:05 PM (Reporting) User: Kai Computer: KAI-PC 3:02:05 PM (Reporting) Loading general settings 3:02:05 PM (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 960 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files. 3:02:05 PM (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings 3:02:05 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1751 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " "Karl Freiherr vom Stein and Karl August Fürst von Hardenberg, having realised that the old absolutist institutions will be unable to defeat Napoléon’s France, set out to put into place a series of reforms that will reinvigorate Prussia. Strongly supported by Queen Louise of Prussia, they are able to liberalise the economy and set up a more competent system of administration.§§Their work is paralleled in the military field by Gerhard von Scharnhorst, August Neidhardt von Gneisenau and Hermann von Boyen. The Commission for military reorganisation proposed a number of changes that allow the Prussians to fight more effectively. Military organisation was simplified and a Ministry of War and the Army Staff were set up. Compulsory military service resulted in increased manpower and the reform of the officer corps resulted in more effective leadership.§§Similar reforms have been undertaken in Austria, meaning that Napoléon’s ambitions to the East will face far greater challenges than originally anticipated. in file: C:\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Settings\LocalStrings_NGC.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie) 3:02:05 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1752 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Karl Freiherr vom Stein y Karl August von Hardenberg Fürst, al darse cuenta de que las viejas instituciones absolutistas no podrán derrotar a la Francia de Napoleón, se dispuso a poner en marcha una serie de reformas que revitalizar Prusia. Fuertemente apoyado por la reina Luisa de Prusia, ambos son capaces de liberalizar la economía y establecer un sistema más competente de la administración.§§ Su trabajo es desarrollado en el campo militar por Gerhard von Scharnhorst , August von Gneisenau Neidhardt y Hermann von Boyen . La Comisión para la Reorganización Militar propuso una serie de cambios permitieron a los prusianos luchar con más eficacia. Una organización militar simplificada, creando un Ministerio de Guerra y un Estado Mayor del Ejército. El servicio militar obligatorio se tradujo en aumento de hombres para el ejército y la reforma de los cuerpos de oficiales resultó en un liderazgo más eficaz.§§Reformas similares se han llevado a cabo en Austria , lo que significa que las ambiciones de Napoleón hacia el Este se enfrentarán a retos mucho mayores de lo previsto originalmente . in file: C:\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Settings\LocalStrings_NGC.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie) 3:02:11 PM (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv 3:02:11 PM (Reporting) Loading Display Options 3:02:11 PM (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations 3:02:11 PM (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 6733 ms 3:02:11 PM (Reporting) Cursors 10 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 281 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Fonts 3 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 114 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 57 terrains files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 613 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Areas Loading 915 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Areas 916 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 155 Abilities loaded, out of 155 abilities files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Units Abilities 70 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 18 StrucDef loaded, out of 18 StrucDef files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Structures 34 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 83 FactionDef loaded, out of 83 FactionDef files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Factions 203 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Game Engine version: NGC 1.00 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Max Texture size: 16384 x 16384 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 228 sounds loaded. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 44 Musics loaded. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 5 Voice Languages loaded. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 3.510 seconds Memory usage: 70576 kb 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Media Librarian 6465 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Particles II 1 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 0 doodads definitions loaded, out of 0 files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Doodads 0 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 4674 Regions definitions loaded. PolyCount: 89391 TriangleCount: 80029 AdjacencyCount: 86111 JumpLinkCount: 8618 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Regions Loading 7963 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Regions(Area) Loading 8 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 1 buttons definitions loaded, from 4 frontend files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Buttons 3 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 52 frontend definitions loaded, from 52 frontend files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 4 frontend definitions loaded, from 4 frontend files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 3042 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Starting Game World 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TModels.Create 5041 (Cached) Models loaded in 1955 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 3413 (Cached) Units loaded in 742 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TWeather.Create 32 Weathers patterns loaded, from 32 files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TDiplomacyDefList.LoadFromFile 69 Diplomatic Options loaded from 69 Diplomacy Definition files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TRulerDefList.LoadFromFile 112 Rulers loaded from 112 Ruler Definition files in 45 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TAgendaDefs.LoadFromFile 37 AI Agendas loaded from 37 AI Agendas files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMapAleaDefs.LoadFromFile 3 TMapAleaDef loaded, from 3 files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TAIAgentDefs.LoadFromFile 12 AIAgentDefs loaded, from 12 aia files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 126 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 126 files, in 34 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 45 Faction Atttributes loaded from 45 Attributes Definition files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 49 Region Decisions loaded, from 49 Decisions files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TBattlePlanDefs.LoadFromFile 112 Battle plans loaded, from 112 files. 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 5494 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Starting Data Parser 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Data Parser 0 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Starting Renderer 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Rendering Engine 87 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Starting Game ... 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Global Load Time: 34755 ms 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app... 185656 kb 3:02:06 PM (Reporting) Game Engine version: NGC 1.00 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) TGUILoadGame.OnValidateChoice C:\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Saves\5 - 1805 January Grand Campaign\5 - 1805 January Grand Campaign.hst Saved Game file loaded, # of entries: 802532 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 13038 ms 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: bocage_snow 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Bocage_snow.png 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 47 351556 kb 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 13753 ms 3:06:28 PM (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs. 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 146679 ms 3:10:50 PM MakeSupplyDistribution 23718195.8 µs 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6 3:10:50 PM DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Scripting ended 8958 ms 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency William Syndey Smith [Warning!] This unit is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: William Sydney Smith [ 2130 ] 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency William Syndey Smith [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: William Sydney Smith [ 3760 ] 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 3:10:50 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 259420 ms 3:15:13 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so14_on 3:15:13 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so36_on 3:15:13 PM (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Violation d'accčs ŕ l'adresse 004C771C dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 12F37A38 try: -317 4:33:51 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 5:04:26 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: 5:04:26 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: 5:43:45 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 48 598016 kb 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs. 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:01:14 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 154785 ms 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 6:05:36 PM MakeSupplyDistribution 23210384.7 µs 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6 6:05:36 PM DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Scripting ended 8771 ms 6:05:36 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 272621 ms 6:09:58 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: bocage_rain 6:09:58 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Bocage_rain.png 6:18:43 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so23_on 6:18:43 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so24_on 6:18:43 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so26_on 6:18:43 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so35_on 6:18:43 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: so35_off 6:18:43 PM (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: SO35_DIS.png 6:23:05 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 6:31:49 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: coastal_waters_storm 6:31:49 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Coastal_Waters_storm.png 6:44:55 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ocean_storm 6:44:55 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Ocean_storm.png 6:44:55 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_secfilter_all_off 6:44:55 PM (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_SecFilter_all_off 6:58:02 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 6:58:02 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Armée d'Italie [Warning!] This unit is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Joachim Murat [ 1735 ] 6:58:02 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Armée d'Italie [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Joachim Murat [ 3365 ] 7:19:53 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 49 882500 kb 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs. 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:37:21 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 172046 ms 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 7:41:43 PM MakeSupplyDistribution 22854404.0 µs 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6 7:41:43 PM DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Scripting ended 8577 ms 7:41:43 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 289451 ms 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 50 926188 kb 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs. 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 8:07:56 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 177940 ms 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Berg [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Berg [ 3771 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Nazimov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Nazimov [ 3878 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 8:16:40 PM MakeSupplyDistribution 22913999.3 µs 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6 8:16:40 PM DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Scripting ended 8554 ms 8:16:40 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 293537 ms 8:38:31 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 8:42:53 PM [Warning ] TGUIStackPanel.OnEnterNatoSymbol Unable to fetch unit 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 51 1102340 kb 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs. 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Kornilov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Kornilov [ 3849 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 9:00:22 PM (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Veliaminov [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Veliaminov [ 3951 ] 9:04:44 PM [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): Army_AUS_InfantryLine1.png file possibly corrupted. 9:04:44 PM (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 169343 ms