witpqs -> RE: Win10 Transparent Setting (12/13/2015 2:42:38 PM)
ORIGINAL: Louisvillan question, I've been having problems running the game on Windows 8, very slow run time between mouse click. I've seen the discussion on this, but none of the recommended edits seem to work for me. (so I keep my old Win7 machine running for just this game). Will upgrading to Win10 resolve that issue? When you say "none of the recommended settings work for me" the most effective way to help others aid you in troubleshooting that is to cut & paste the entire "Target" line from your shortcut. I do mean cut & paste the whole thing. As far as Win 10 helping, maybe, just impossible to say without knowing what the problem is. BTW are you using Win 8 or Win 8.1? It's just that so many people upgraded to Win 8.1 when that was available.