Nicholas Bell -> Topographic Maps of 1980's Germany here (12/10/2015 11:44:22 PM)
On Target Simulations has graciously allowed me to upload a portion of my map collection to their website here: 3rd Party Planning Maps There are 18 1:50,000 scale topographic maps covering areas of central West Germany - primarily US VII Corps area. These are scanned at 600 DPI and provide a lot of detail. If you want to get a feel for the map before downloading please click here to view. Several of the maps adjoin one another should anyone be interested in creating maps for a campaign. For example: L5924 Hammelburg - L5926 Schweinfurt L6528 Neustadt - L6530 Furth - L6532 Nuremberg and others. I was on the battalion staff of 6/52 ADA (IHAWK) stationed in Wuerzburg from 1985-88, so these are the maps we would have used to fight war had it come. Wargaming took on a whole different perspective when playing boardgames like West End Games Air & Armor or GDW Third World War when I could look out the window and see the terrain depicted on the map. [:D] Enjoy! [image]local://upfiles/20401/2B7DA4817AC341028DAC1FA19F7AF192.jpg[/image]