No idea -> Two things that would make the game far more "user friendly" (12/15/2015 8:23:01 AM)
Playing as the SU in the GC, it is a pain having to move all the reinforcement units you get by rail all the way to the front. It is just click, click and more click. What I propose is creating "assembly areas". You make as many of them as you want and the AI moves your troops beyond a given line via railway to those staging areas (the units move to their nearest staging area when you click a single button). As the soviet player I spend a good part of my turns simply moving the reinforcement units to the front or to staging areas. I guess that cant be difficult to do, and it would save lots of time and boredom. Another thing is the way SUs have to be handled. To move just one of them from one HQ to the other requires 4 clicks, and requires knowing where they are and where you want to put them. An OOB organizator would solve these problems (like the one which exists in Hearths of Iron, for example). In the same window, you would know where all those SUs are, and you could drag and drop them in the HQs with few SUs. You could organize your SUs in a quick and easy way. I think these two things would cut the time you have to spend "doing housekeeping" by half or more.