Surrendering? (Full Version)

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Baskaatje -> Surrendering? (12/15/2015 9:27:48 AM)

Is there a possibility units surrender when their position is hopeless?

In a recent game as WP (A time to dance) there was just one Humvee recce unit left (with only one vehicule) surrounded by units of T80's and BMP's. There were also two HQ's left, far north in the woods and unobserved by the WP.
The WP units failed to kill the Humvee recce unit (strangely enough) and I was wondering why it didn't surrender after two 23 minute periods of combat activity.

Stimpak -> RE: Surrendering? (12/15/2015 9:46:06 AM)

I assume that subunit surrenders are amalgamated under the "fallen out" status. Otherwise, it was a well-hidden Humvee [:D]

IronMikeGolf -> RE: Surrendering? (12/15/2015 3:19:34 PM)

Surrender is not an action currently modeled. We are looking to add that in 2.1

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