Tac2i -> Prussian Empire vs 3 AI (completed) (12/19/2015 3:12:27 PM)
I started this game with my Delayed War Mod which prevents a declaration of war for at least three turns (small chance it could happen earlier). My plan is to use this breathing room to mobilize my armies, conduct some research and prepare for war. Best case is that only one AI initially declares war on me and the two remaining AI battle each other. In this game I share long borders with both Charlemagne and Tokyo Territory. If they both should go to war with me at the same time, well that could be rough going for awhile. NOTE: This game is on sale thru January 10th for $14.99. Even if you are mostly a historical simulation gamer, you owe it to yourself to get this wargame. Sometime when you are not in the mood for an historical battle, fire this classic up and make history instead for refighting it (though there are some historical scenarios available). Disclosure: Yes, I'm a BIG fan of the random game engine of ATG, even if the AI isn't the greatest. Random Game Settings World Size - Large World Type - Land World (some large bodies of water) Map Loop (movement to/from left and right map edges) Stone Age (only minimal unit types available without research) Depleted Land (less oil and raw) Climate - Temperate Fog of War - Shroud with Shroud Peak (can see map but not units or new construction beyond the FOW limit) Annotated Maps (due to filesize hosted on my web server) May 1939 Victory! Exceeded 44 points in April turn. Apr 1939 Finally capture Minsk... Mar 1939 Minsk resisting... Feb 1939 Attacking Minsk... Jan 1939 End of war near... Dec 1938 French defeated... Russians on the brink... Nov 1938 French capital falls to Prussian Empire... Oct 1938 Road to Minsk (capital) open... Sep 1938 Pressing... Aug 1938 Pressing toward the endgame... Jul 1938 Bulge eliminated... Jun 1938 Reducing the bulge/Russians declared war on weakened French May 1938 Battle of the Bulge: Russians hit back Apr 1938 Mar 1938 Feb 1938 On the road to Victory... Jan 1938 Pressing forward slowly... Dec 1937 Approaching three years of war... Nov 1937 In attritional warfare for the most part... Oct 1937 Russian offensive stopped, dealt heavy blow... Sep 1937 2nd and 3rd Corps Strike Back! Aug 1937 Situation critical on 2nd/3rd Corps front... Jul 1937 Must allocate more fuel for 2nd and 3rd Corps... Jun 1937 Russians pressing the fight... May 1937 Supreme HQ has its hands full... Apr 1937 Eastern Empire Declares War on Prussian Empire! Mar 1937 War with Eastern Empire looms on the horizon... Feb 1937 French and Japanese fading... Jan 1937 Pressing the advantage... Dec 1936 Exploiting openings... Nov 1936 Pressing the enemy... Oct 1936 Insufficient oil still limiting armor ops Sep 1936 Tide of battle turning... Aug 1936 French unexpectedly falter... Jul 1936 Japanese pounding my southern army with heavy artillery Jun 1936 War is hell! May 1936 Still struggling to stabilize Southern Front Apr 1936 Recaptured my Level 2 raw mine Mar 1936 Fuel shortages limiting armor operations Feb 1936 Northern Front stabilizing, Southern Front dicey Jan 1936 Fighting for survival... Dec 1935 Eastern Empire declares war on Japanese! Nov 1935 Supreme HQ orders hold at all costs! Oct 1935 Enemy pressure increasing... Sep 1935 Tokyo Territory attacks... Aug 1935 War! Charlemagne attacks... Jul 1935 mobilization... Jun 1935 mobilization... May 1935 mobilization... Apr 1935 mobilization... Mar 1935 mobilization underway Feb 1935 (no map)