Foxendown -> Night Air Campaign (12/21/2015 1:56:27 PM)
I have made a start on a night-only air campaign starting August 1943 and running for 60 turns. I was planning to post updates on progress (or lack of it) from time to time. A few headaches: I'm finding the editor less than easy to use. Just little things are capable of slowing you down bigtime e.g. if you want to assign a flak unit to a city the list of cities can't be sorted into alpha order. In fact there is a lack of sorting and filtering tools, though there is a "find" facility. Also no bare template, you have to use an existing scenario, but if you do that you need to remove existing data and then it's all or nothing, it's not easy to keep some data while ditching the rest. But maybe I am missing some features that are there somewhere. If I want to keep air groups on a selective basis I'm wondering if I could just use "disband" in the CR in editor mode. So after a little research I started with getting the German Gruppe in the right places which went OK I found all but one of the airfields I needed in the database. The exception was Insterburg in East Prussia, apparently the home of VNJG5 in August 1943 which I will need to create (and I think I know how to do that now). Minor issues, some German night fighter units had mixes of aircraft (e.g. Dornier 217 and Bf110) but I can't see how to achieve that-don't think it's possible. Also some Gruppe had squadrons at more than one base which may not be doable either. Next it's all the flak units to position, I'm not sure how far down the road of researching where they all were, though is some cases their names make it obvious. Also wondering about the day HQs being eliminated and whether their flak units, shouldn't also be available at night. Anyway still having fun puzzling all this out and would be very grateful for suggested short-cuts and the best order to do things in.