Yet another tutorial thread (Full Version)

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bazjak -> Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 9:28:37 AM)

I bought this game some time ago and still cant get into it
Im no programmer but i cant see what the problem is in having a very short tutorial just showing a step by step movement explaining what to do
It need not be long just a few moves to let us know what to do
I have downloaded a game on steam called The Seven Year War which was done by one German guy and when it first came out people had no clue what to do so in the forums they asked this guy if he could make a basic tutorial to show what to do
And you know what within a few days he did jut that and now folks know what to do and his game has taken off
So if a one man band can do that why cant you
You should be ashamed of yourself
I for one will not be buying anymore of your games as you seem to lazy to help people out
I wont apologise for these comments as i think you deserve them

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 10:04:16 AM)

strong comments for a game that many enjoy, each to there own i guess, and no further comments from me, as it's not worth it, as you seem to have made a mistake in buying something you can't either understand or play, fair enough you have had your rant, i'll report the post and ask for it to be closed as nothing worth while in it tbh to warrant more replies or answers / comments [:(]

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 10:10:33 AM)

If folks enjoy it that much how come the forum is quiet

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 10:27:21 AM)

time of year, subject matter eg period maybe or just have nothing to say, with many like myself having bought many games at this time of year i can't play them all, just don't have the time so play the latest, then when something new comes out move on to that, regarding comments in any section or forum, a good debate keeps any active or seem more alive than others, but doesn't mean a full forum section makes the game any better or worse, as you can't compare time periods with a given user base as some will always be more into one that others, so for me it's nice to have battles and war's in all of them,

which brings me back to this one, from 2 guys, a programmer and a researcher, so not a massive team by any ones imagination, but as i can't program myself either but did do the beta for this game and really enjoyed it, have nothing but respect for them both, so maybe i'm just biased it seems.

will keep it open for now and see who else comments or not / doesn't.

if you wish for a better guide or tutorial, post it in the wishlist thread and then the developer will reply also, but i'm sure one or both will here as well.

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 10:45:44 AM)

Fair enough comment
I did not realise that it was only two guys i thought they where a big outfit
So i do apologise for being so abrupt in my remarks
But i would still like to see a decent walkthrough

It seems a good game but somehow i just cant get into it

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 11:24:38 AM)

if there's something you need to know or ask, then ask it, as there's more than me who will be more than happy to help out, the developers know everything, i known nothing[:D][;)]

but have put the hours in playing and testing it, 400+ then i gave up counting tbh

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 11:31:22 AM)

Ok point taken
Consider myself told off

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 11:50:02 AM)

i haven't told you off, your frustrated that's all, been there done that, as i'd guess everyone has bought something they couldn't get in to, it's life, i have a pile of game on my hard drive that i haven't hardly played for many reasons, mostly time, but some i just don't like the game, or engine or how it plays tbh, i keep them as you never know what may happen with patches and updates, DLC and other stuff, so you hold onto them just in case, then something new comes out and you forget all about them, until your bored again.

read up on the manual, read the AAR's, watch the live feeds of others playing it, then and only then re try it, pick a smaller battle or play the tutorial enough times you not only win with out trying, but get bored of it, then move up and onwards to bigger and better ones, the largest is or can be the hardest, but once you know fully how to play it, for me it's the easiest, with some of the smaller battles being harder to win in if i was honest...

either way don't give up, new stuff and more help will come, and you either get better and enjoy it more, or lose more often and kick something, as i've done both[;)]

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 11:58:06 AM)

Thanks a lot
Will do as you say

Yogi the Great -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 12:17:08 PM)


You aren't alone but I do suggest you hang in for awhile as this series will be among the best and is one of the most innovative and realistic civil war games there is.

I had a lot of experience playing civil war games but when I first started playing this one it was a bit baffling. I mean what the hell, I told units to move or change mode and they refuse! How dare they! [:@] I don't get to pick and fire at who I want? whose idea is that!? I order hey change to line assault and they stay in hold (or whatever) how dare they disobey me.

While I will hope for some game changes to be made, my point is that part of your frustration comes from a change what we are use too and played for many years through many games. Omni-powerful to make all units do what we want. But in the real civil war not all orders could instantly reach everyone. In the real war some commanders and/or men just couldn't or wouldn't do what they were told. In the real war orders could often be misunderstood. In the real war individuals chose what they would shoot at, usually the enemy right in front of them. Getting use to a system that tries to add this to a game can be frustrating and confusing. I often scream at the game when those insolent men refuse my commands! I get pissed off when I could have prevailed if that darn brigade commander would do what I told him. But gee, sounds an awful lot like what a real civil war battlefield was like.

It can be hard to get use too. Getting to understand all those modes, formations and ability to move efficiently and safely can be a real challenge. But at some point, when you get a grasp and understanding of it, you realize that this is special. This is what other games are missing. This is a big step in civil war simulation.

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/4/2016 12:55:32 PM)

one persons frustration is another's perfect sim, or semi perfect sim imo for the time period anyway, as no matter how hard or long you look, there's not much that comes anywhere near the feel of this game also again imo, i can name more than a few that are better looking, a handful which are more fun, more than a few with more battles and longer ones like a campaign, but none simulate combat in the time like this one does and gives you the commanders view and also his frustration as well, it's no good sending orders by pigeon, as in this time period someone eats them, by letter half your command can't read them, point even and they have no idea what your point at either[&:]

Talon_XBMCX -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/5/2016 12:23:26 AM)

There was a live stream at release I found to be helpful. Here is the link to it:

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (1/5/2016 1:39:54 AM)

thanks for sharing[&o]

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (6/20/2016 4:51:03 PM)

Not much action on this thread
Perhaps thats because theres no decent tutorial so no ones playing it
Not on my computer as i cant get my head around it
Would love to play but cant understand anything

Just a thought

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (6/20/2016 5:04:04 PM)

didn't you find the live feed helpful?

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (6/20/2016 5:34:16 PM)

Thanks for the reply but no as where i am living which happens to be the wilds of Wales the internet is so slow its just like the old dial-up days

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (6/20/2016 5:37:07 PM)

will be there in September for 2 weeks so know what you mean, Jamestown near Manorbier and Tenby :)

bazjak -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (6/20/2016 5:41:21 PM)

Hope you enjoy your time there
This part of Wales is like the West Country
Apart from the big towns and citys

zakblood -> RE: Yet another tutorial thread (6/20/2016 5:54:34 PM)

we go every year, some times more than a few times, and love it, come rain or shine, had it all tbh, great walks, nice people and lovely places to visit, we have also had many happy times in the brecon beacons, spent my youth many years ago canoeing down Symonds Yat, done the 100 mile canoe test there as a teenager, more than once[;)]

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