Tigrizzli -> Negative supply value on base (1/9/2016 10:18:35 AM)
First time I see a negative value for supply in any base and in many years! it appears on both direct city info and base screen. [image][/image] Situation: soviet city of Krasnoyarsk / upgrading 2 air group from SB2 to Il-2 2m3 the supply went in red to -475 (see picture). Just the base there and nothing else in range. Was wondering if anybody saw that before ...or if it is is due to Mr Stakanov who worked too hard and go well ahead of the local soviet five-years plan? or may be the mexico-yakuzas? (and the soviets, unable to refund them have to produce some meth for them? (sorry, was watching breaking bad at the same time! ;) ) ) The city was at 1445 (white) supply before upgrade, after first group upgrade (DB-3T to 32 il2 2m3) it went to 485 (orange as it is below it's requirement), then after upgrading 32 SAD/56 BAP (32SB-2 to 32 IL-2 2m3) it went to -475 (red). I am able to reproduce this. I have two svgrd of the same turn, before and after if needed. (But when loaded, it shows only 0) . Note: It is possible to upgrade more groups, I stopped at -2995 supply. But when you try to add reserve plane (the arrow is there!!) it says: "insufficient supply available". The supply went back to over 3xrequirement after the turn resolution. Nowhere else supply is expanded during upgrade (must say: where I checked). So what's happening in Krasnoyarsk? have I missed something? Can we live on credit in WITPAE? ;) [image]local://upfiles/51266/D200E347FFD44EEA80C3A5D3CF60DAB9.jpg[/image]