Peltonx -> RE: In side the magic box of the air system (1/12/2016 2:22:31 PM)
ORIGINAL: HMSWarspite OK, that does seem pretty significant. How vulnerable should HQs be? I think there are several factors: Corps HQs should not be less hard than than an infantry division - they don't physically draw attention to themselves like teeth arms (no outgoing fire etc), although they could be more vulnerable to sigint/DF (volume of signals) based detection and localisation. They wont normally dig in properly as such, but camoflage is easier and more thorouh. Higher HQs are maybe less hard (more vulnerable - bigger and so on), but probably not worth worrying about. All HQs should only score for troop density at maybe 10% of their actual strength (if that is a factor)? Actual (RL) air attacks are hard to find in the records - you hear if seniors are hit but not the other HQ staff and functions. Probably the most realistic effect would be a temporary hit on command ability... or a chance of one. Anyone got better ideas? Ive read 1/3 of German Generals killed were from air attacks. There is the attack on 5th Panzer Army, ULTRA?, that wounded von Schweppenburg. When I was with 2nd Armor we were attached to BN HQ and we were left alone- usually our "own space" in the field. 120mm - "4deuce" mortar. So it would be different for each unit attached to HQ. A unit could be attached but be miles from HQ. But still in the Hex in a combat mode. YET when we fired we brought alot of ATTENTION to our position. In the above example with SHAEF how many troops in the hex? And how do test turns compare to game turns. Ive set up some devastating test turns with both side's Air Forces. In my game against Pelton Ive NOT setup my Air Forces to "GO for the Jugular" Unit Bombing. Ive done unit bombing in a way I think it could have happen while at the same time doing other type of missions. with Pelton's Germans, or any player, being stronger than the Real Germans the Allies are left with few options. And Iam advancing thru France at a HISTORIC rate. With no Luftwaffe in sight except for recon. Bombing units every turn is not a WIN, there is a fine line that has to be walked. As per our AAR I clearly posted ground combats from several turns and total loses and most were from bombing not unit vs unit combat. Also as Loki points out dead manpower is dead manpower which has to be replaced during logistics so only so many units can get to front which weakens front line units because HQ/depots ect require huge #'s of replasements because of bug/exploit. Also do not forget leadership rolls (this has been over looked until now) someone bombs a Corps HQ for 3k in loses putting it at say 70% TOE that is a -3 to commander rolls as unit is under 90% ToE As with WitE everything snowballs. 1 exploit can have allot of side effects. OK done answering questions for the day, don't need people calling me "trolling" for answering to many questions. This effects 1. Leadership rolls 2. replacements 3. armaments 4. VP's to name a few areas