Meyer1 -> RE: A quick update on the game's status (3/21/2016 4:08:38 AM)
ORIGINAL: Kinjin quote:
Take all the time you need. TOAW has always been the best turn-based operational level game on the market. Period. Looking forward to a IV version. While this is generally true, communication also helps. I haven't played any previous TOAW games, and I remember looking at this at the beginning of the year. I was unsure whether to wait or pay £23 for a 10 year old game. It looked like it was not far off, so I waited. I checked back every so often to see if there's any update, but I'm visiting less often as time goes by. Sooner or later, I'll probably stop. I wonder how many other people are in a similar position. Maybe I would have been better of buying the old version. Maybe that's still the best idea. But maybe the new one's just around the corner.... The fact that the moved this from "coming soon" to "in development" is telling. I'm pretty sure that TOAW IV is not around the corner (would love to be corrected)