Tac2i -> Random Game vs 4 AI (completed) (1/28/2016 12:27:05 AM)
I usually play against 3 AI but decided to give 4 AI a try. Initially I was a little worried after seeing the map as all 4 AI had borders with my regime. If they all went to war with me I'm not sure I would have prevailed. Game started in January 1931. Knowing I have at least three turns of peace I begin to mobilize my armies and research MG, AT Gun and Armored Car. In July 1931 Confederate States declares war on me. The following turn Toulouse declares war on Sun Empire (whew!) In November 1931 Eastern Empire declares war on me and I have a very long border with them. I was a little surprised it took the Eastern Empire so long before it went to war. It was a long struggle, 5 1/2 years, but in the end I won. It certainly helped that the French and Japanese were battling each other. About the end of the third year I declared war on the French. The Russians were nearly defeated at this point and the English were on the ropes. In order to get the final points needed for victory I declared war on the Japanese. My highly experienced armies and officers quickly cut through the weakened Japanese lines in most places. Fun game! At Start Strategic Map - Jan 1931 Strategic Map - Jan 1936 Strategic Map - Apr 1936 Strategic Map - May 1936 End of Game - Full Map May 1936 Here is a video I put together from some screenshots. Nothing fancy, just a simple video about 1 1/2 minutes long (33MB). Webizen vs 4 AI video (updated 1/29/2016) Settings: Delayed War Mod X-Large Map (68 VP needed for victory) Land World (some ocean) Map Loop Stone Age Full Climate 4 AI regimes Depleted Land (less resources) My regime (Das Reich) moves last At Start Nations