spellir74 -> RE: I found "Tigers in the Mud" by Otto Carius (6/1/2016 8:30:51 AM)
"Tigers in the Mud" "Tigers in the Mud" ---------- Late war German heavy Brigades; farmed out from korp and higher in small Companies and platoons, where needed. Like "Batman and Robin" being called in to be out on their own away from police commisioner. Tigers Brigades are like "Pirates of war." ...Not indicative of how MOST combat forces proceed/ed. ..... 1 Korp arty; Heavy tanks (for Germans, usually organic to the div). 2 Armored infantry (mechanized) (some with heavy tanks); and mission specific assault guns [if strong points were skipped by tanks]; and divisional arty (and btn. mortar). 3 Med tanks go deeper and laterally traverse enemy rear. 4 Support operations (evac, under fire [for people; AND machines if battle was big], ammo, food, traffic!, law!). (That doesn't include the smaller scale support organic to the assault companies and battalions (ie "XO staff", observers), which was right behind forward assault troops. Note many combat -- attachments" -- eg Luftwaffe communications (antenna AND cable runs, guarded), combat engineers (if appropriate) -- went up with earlier support.) 4b anti-tank; infantry (dug in), support engineers; and assault combat (mechanized, waiting) leap-frog'd up (to relieve some earlier assault troops, per a roster). --- Early-war German tank Kompanies had heavy tanks [P-IV] as support for their supporting /symbiotic mech infantry ["grenadiers" after '43], med tanks [PIII] as anti tank for them, and light tanks as recon and general support [for XO etc AND forward assault troops]. That unit stayed together as depth was achieved. Everything else as above was the same ...add horses. Late war Germans had heavy ANTI TANK brigades, fielded from Korp and higher, to act as damage control; complex attachments; holding ground.