civ like goody huts (Full Version)

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wolf14455 -> civ like goody huts (2/12/2016 5:45:32 PM)

I remember when the game was new that I read somewhere that in a random shrouded setup there will be pakage(I guess) that provides mercs, random oponents etc. But now I cant find any reference to it when trying to create a random scenario with on city start with shrouded map. Any tips will be apreciated.[&:]

Tac2i -> RE: civ like goody huts (2/12/2016 5:50:34 PM)

Check the defaultmod.txt file for this line:

1,3,-465,648,A New Dawn Random Game,13,anewdawn3.at2,nocrates

Remove the ',nocrates' and save the file. Restart ATG. Now create a random game and select Crates as one of your options. Note that crates automatically selects one town start.

wolf14455 -> RE: civ like goody huts (2/12/2016 6:04:28 PM)

Thanx, I apreciate your answer.

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