Rom3l -> RE: Display with photo of real unit (option) (5/18/2016 9:22:57 PM)
I like the idea. In War in the East, you have it too. Please quote:
ORIGINAL: fulcrum28 It would be great if the new TOAWIV allows a space to include a real photo of each unit. Currently, upper left, we have a space that shows the terrain, a 3D model, and some stats of the unit. I think if the interface could be slightly modified to allow users/players to upload real pics of units, it would be a new feature that not only will add flavor to the game, but also may attract new players. Another matrix game Command: Modern Air Naval Operations, has this feature, and users/players are building an increasing large DB with new photos. As long as the new TOAWIV can be easily modded by the community, the game will stay active longer. Just some suggestions! Great game in any case! :)