RE: ASL scenario J60 Bad Luck from ASL Journal #3 (Full Version)

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okiefire1 -> RE: ASL scenario J60 Bad Luck from ASL Journal #3 (4/28/2016 4:56:24 PM)

Urban Guerillas


Vienna, Austria, 9 April 1945: With the Allied armies closing on the
crumbling Reich, most Germans, especially those in the Waffen SS, were
occupied with one goal: escape from the Russians and surrender to the
Western Allies. This included Sepp Dietrich's Sixth Panzer Army which
intended to hold the way open to the very last minute, regardless of the
threat of encirclement. In Vienna, with its many canals parallel to the
Danube, this was especially problematic. The 2nd SS Panzer Division,
"Das Reich", would form the rear guard as Tolbukhin's Fourth Ukrainian
Front closed in on the beautiful city.

Units Human Players
German: Squads, LMG, MMG, PSK, AA, AFV
Russian: Squads, LMG, HMG, FT, DC, AFV

Maps: Maps 23, 22

Terrain: Urban

Scenario Length: 6.5 Game Turns

Victory objective: The Russians win at game end if they control two of the
three victory buildings.

Scenario Designer: Okiefire

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (4/28/2016 5:34:04 PM)

Panikovo Forest, USSR 1941-08-17
To take Luga, a Soviet strongpoint on the "Leningrad Highway", the German 409th Infantry Regiment crossed the Oredezh River
with plans to take the village of Panikovo. As they moved toward the village the Russians sprung a trap, sending troops and tanks
into the flank of the Germans. In an effort to speed their attack through the dense woods, the Germans had brought no A-T
guns. Their only course of action was to form a "hedgehog" and await relief.

German : Squads, MMG, LMG, OBA
Russian : Squads, MMG, LMG

Maps: Two maps ASL(4,5)
Terrain: Forest, Small village

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (4/30/2016 3:22:32 PM)

BOUGAINVILLE, 22 November 1943:
As elements of the 3rd Marine Division pushed eastward to expand its beachhead, a patrol scouting along the Important East-West
Trail between the opposing front lines discovered a small knoll all but hidden within the swampy and rain-drenched jungle. As
this was the highest ground yet discovered by the marines on the island, a reinforced platoon commanded by 1st Lt. Steve Cibik
was ordered to occupy it. Arriving on its summit early on the morning of the 21st, they found it organized for defense but
deserted. With a commanding view of Empress Augusta Bay, the Japanese were using it as an observation post, abandoning it at
night and returning each morning. Shortly after arriving, the marines surprised and routed a group of approaching Japanese,
and at noon repulsed an organized attack. Lt. Cibik, expecting heavier enemy pressure that afternoon and night, requested
reinforcements and repositioned his four machine guns, putting one on either flank, one in the center, and one east of the
ridge along the trail. The reinforcements arrived later in the form of a 60mm mortar section, but no Japanese materialized,
leaving the marines to spend a quiet but nervous night. The next morning, however, things changed.

USMC : Squads, HMG, MMG, MTR
Japanese : Squads, MMG, LMG, MTR

Maps: One map ASL(34) + overlay 2 on T2-T1
Terrain: Jungle, ridge, river

Scenario Length: 8 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/1/2016 8:29:43 AM)

E (Hero Matrix), rico21, and many others players go to Castle Matrix in demand the patch that will remove many of the bugs in
the game that we have sold.
The discussion begins ...

Matrix Castle : Gentlemen without weapons
Players : Gentlemen without weapons

Maps: one map
Terrain: Matrix Castle

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men

Paullus -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/1/2016 9:31:38 AM)

LOL [:D][sm=happy0065.gif]

Paullus -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/1/2016 9:33:07 AM)

Added to the list [;)]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/1/2016 9:40:50 AM)

Added to the list

I like people who have humor.
By the way, Bougainville is Cíbik's Ridge sl scenario A67
Thank you for all.[:)]

Paullus -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/1/2016 12:03:09 PM)

Great Thanks.

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/2/2016 3:01:06 PM)

In the summer of 1953 the Viet Minh forces of General Giap, based in their northern enclave Tonkin threaten again Laos, now
independent countries and French ally. Modeled on the battle last year around the hedgehog camp Na San, General Chief Navarre
wants to repeat that success. In prévision of this, he decided to reoccupy a Thai country valley, a few miles from the Laotian
border. The airborne operation "Castor" committed several battalions paratroopers but the main action is based on the 6th
BPC Bigeard, one of the best CEFEO units. On Friday, November 20, 1953, around 10:45, the "6" jumps to the west of the small
village of Muong Than, the French also called Dien Bien Phu ...

Giap' Bo Doïs : Squads, HMG, MMG, MTR,
Bigeard' Airborne : Squads, MMG, MTR, OBA

Maps: Three maps
Terrain: Dien Bien Phu

Scenario Length: 8.5 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men + "Vae Victis n°114"

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/4/2016 2:48:46 PM)

STE.MERE-EGLISE, June 6, 1944: Ste.Mere-Eglise was a junction for five roads and was recognized by Germans and Americans
alike as the key to defeating the airborne invasion.Shortly after midnight the village's garrison, a transport and supply
company, had massacred in mid-air two sticks of paratroopers. Those men had the misfortune to be dropped directly on the
village while the garrison was in the streets policing fire-fighting efforts caused by preliminary bombings. Inexplicably,
the Germans then returned to their beds where they were captured or shot four hours later by avenging paratroopers of the 3rd
Battalion. Having given the village away, the Germans would now have to pay dearly to get it back.

American : Squads, MMG, BZK, MTR, AT
German : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, MTR, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(1,2)
Terrain: Ste.Mere-Eglise

Scenario Length: 9 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [(SL A17)-->To help Paullus]

genesismwt -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/6/2016 5:26:29 AM)

Released from the East

Adapted from ASL Scenario S6

Istra, Russia, 11 December 1941: As the drive on Moscow slowed due to supply problems
and "Gerneral Winter", STAVKA was given time to deploy fresh troops from other fronts. The 78th
Infantry, led by energetic 38-year old general Afanasy Pavalontovich Beloborodov, was transferred
6,000 miles from their native Siveria to the Sixteenth Army under Rokossovsky. Veterans of the
Mongolian frontier, the Siberians would use skillful ambushes, and delaying tactics to slow the
panzer's march on Moscow. Near the River Istra, they were finally ordered to halt and fight. The
snow-covered fields and medieval town of Istra itself would become a battlefield for several weeks.
On 26th November, the 78th was renamed the "9th Guards Infantry" but needed no special titles to
display elan and heroism. Squeezing out of the pincers formed by 10th Panzer Division and 2nd SS
"Das Reich", the marvelous Siberians would regroup and launch a counterattack to retake the historic

Units Human Players (AI player units may vary)
German: Squads, LMG,MMG
Russian: Squads, LMG, MMG, DC

Maps: ASL Map z

Terrain: Urban

Scenario Length: 5.5 Game Turns

Victory objective: VL's that start in the German's possession

Scenario Special Rule: The Russian player may keep up to 5 MMC, 1 SMC and 2 SW in tactical reserve.
Tactical reserve units must enter on Turn 3. (All units are placed by the player. Reserve the desired units
and do not place until Turn 3)The AI is not able to make this decision and will play all units on Turn 1.

Adapted by: genesismwt

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/6/2016 1:18:47 PM)

The game is afoot!


I came posted my scenario,
but when I saw one of genesismwt,
I went back to play -Released from the East- ,
I invite you to do the same thing.
Good Day my serious friend[;)]

fuselex -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/6/2016 5:30:37 PM)

well done all those creating scenario's . have enjoyed them all :)

parusski -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/6/2016 10:08:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: fuselex

well done all those creating scenario's . have enjoyed them all :)

I too have enjoyed them. I have also been pleasantly surprised at the number of scenario's posted.

DoubleDeuce -> J63 Silesian Interlude (5/6/2016 10:33:52 PM)

This is a conversion of ASL scenario J63 Silesian Interlude from ASL Journal #3.

SCENARIO NAME: J63 – Silesian Interlude
DATE: March 19, 1945
LOCATION: Eastern Front, South of Oppeln, Upper Silesia

SITUATION: On the 15th of March, Marshall Koniev’s 1st Ukranian Front attacked to seize Upper Silesia all the
way to the Czechoslovakian border. He planned to use two assault forces to trap the Germans in the Oppeln
Bulge. The front successfully encircled one Oppeln group, linking up at Neustadt. Meanwhile, elements of the
Herman Goring Parachute-Division were hurriedly transported by rail to the area, and began detraining on the
17th. They were immediately committed to the XXXX Panzer Corps sector on the 18th.

Russian: Squads, MMG. LMG, ATR, ATG, AFV
German: Squads, MMG, LMG, PSK, AFV

*- None

MAPS: Two maps (Sector’s 1×2) with only the upper portion of the map being used.

TERRAIN: Open, Some hills


VICTORY CONDITIONS : Both sides get VPs for controlling VP Objectives and the Germans get additional VPs for exiting units.

(A ‘Combat Campaigns’ conversion of ASL scenario J63 – Silesian Interlude from ASL Journal #3)

Version 1.0

Download the scenario by clicking this link: s_CC-04 – J63 Silesian Interlude

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/7/2016 10:40:28 AM)

Holland, October 25, 1944: Backed against the Scheldt Estuary, the weakened German 64th Infantry Division faced the entire
Canadian First Army. It was the guns of the 64th which barred shipping from Antwerp. Every day that the 64th held out meant
another day of short supplies for the Allies. The Canadian 7th Bde had, at substantial cost, opened a bridgehead across the
Leopold Canal. Now the British 52nd Lowland Division, which had just completed more than two years of special training, was
brought forward to clear the coastline. The issue was never in doubt, only the time it would take and the price the Germans
would exact.

German : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, PZF, DC, MTR, AA, AT, ART, OBA
British, Canadian : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, MTR, AFV, OBA

Maps: Eight maps ASL(4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)
Terrain: Scheldt

Scenario Length: 17 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men (R219)

jcrohio -> The Streets of Stalingrad (5/7/2016 6:37:52 PM)

I have been working on the first three scenarios of Squad Leader - The Guards Counterattack, The Tractor Works,
and the Streets of Stalingrad. Borrowed heavily upon Bulldogs previous work for the first two (though have made
changes). Hope he does not mind - have given him credit in the preview text files.

I have played Streets of Stalingrad and barely one a minor victory as the Germans - could not handle the T-34s.
A word of warning - flamethrowers sometimes crashed the game - I always saved before I used them. Known problem
that has been reported.

Have not tried the Russians.

Let me know if there are any problems.

genesismwt -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/8/2016 1:10:35 AM)

Salut Rico!

I see that you have been quite busy with new scenarios.

I too want to thank every one that has been putting up scenarios. That is what makes TotH so great, all the possibilities of recreating WWII Era battles. Keep up the good work everyone.

Scrapple -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/8/2016 3:15:01 AM)

Thanks to all who have already posted scenarios. This is my first try, a scenario that was too big to manage with counters as a teenager...

Budapest Under Siege: 17 January 1945, Budapest, Hungary

History: On 12 December 1944, the Russian high command ordered the encirclement of Budapest. The 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts attempted to envelop the city, but German counterattacks delayed them until 26 December, when four German and one Hungarian division were trapped. These units were designated the IX SS Mountain Korps and were ordered to hold the city at all costs. On 17 January 1945, the IV Panzer Korps attempted to open an escape route for their compatriots. Meanwhile, the Russians attempted to reduce the German troops, before their rescue could be affected

Notable Units
German: Squads, Support Weapons, AAA/AT Ordnance. Turn 3 AFV reinforcement (armored relief column)
Russian: Squads, Support Weapons, AFVs

Map: Four maps: 1, 2, 3 and 4, lightly modified. North is to the right.

Victory objective: 9 objective hexes, 6 in the city, 3 along a relief/rescue route

Terrain: Action is focused in a city. Scenario includes hills and countryside

Set Up: Germans in the bottom left half of the map. It is set up to keep infantry in buildings and only allow ordnance in locations from which they can fire. Russians arrive along bottom edge and top left edge. German relief appears turn 3 on top edge

Aftermath: Hitler refused to allow Budapest to be evacuated. The remnant of the German - Hungarian garrison surrendered 14 February 1945

Based on a scenario of the same name, found in an old 1980's vintage Dragon magazine

genesismwt -> ASL 21 Among the Ruins (5/8/2016 5:41:35 AM)

Among the Ruins

ASL Scenario 21

Aachen, Germany, 17 October 1944: Aachen was isolated, but prying the first German
city away form the Reich would prove no easy task. Hoping to avoid the nightmare of
house-to-house fighting, General Huebner ordered Colonel Seitz, in command of the US
26th Infantry Regiment, to drive two battalions through the heart of Aachen toward
the three hills dominating the city to the north. Giving the 2000 weary defenders no
respite, the Americans stepped off at dawn the next day, but Colonel Daniels 2nd
Battalion was immediately counterattacked by Germans filtering through the sewers and
rubble. Their drive consequently slowed to a frustrating crawl. Colonel Corley's men
of the 3rd Battalion, advancing towards the Lousberg hill on a narrow front, found
the going no easier.

Units Human Players
German: Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, PSK, PF, ORD
American: Squads, MMG, BAZ, FT, AFV

Maps: Two Maps

Terrain: Urban

Scenario Length: 9.5 Game Turns

Victory objective: The Americans win by exiting VP. The Germans win with CVP

1. The German ORD appears on turn 2, or later, to simulate HIP. The scenario also
calls for up to two German MMC along with any SW/SMC to set up HIP. To do this,
write down the locations that the HIP units will be, and do not place until a later
turn. The AI will not do this.

2. 10 rubble may be placed by the German player. Any rubble not placed in building hex,
must be adjacent to a building hex. I have placed the 10 rubble. Feel free to change
this in the editor, to change where you want the rubble to be.

Adapted by: genesismwt

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/8/2016 1:59:24 PM)

Europe, 9th May, 1945: The War is over. Peace is everywhere in Europe except in the small town of Townsfolk where a handful of
diehards, with ferocious humor, refuses to disarm. The decision was taken at dawn the Paratroopers at the North and the Rangers
at the South accompanied with armored quickly resolve the matter.

Townsfolk : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, PZS, DC, MTR, FT, AT, AFV, OBA
Winner : Squads, HMG, MMG, BZK, DC, MTR, FT, AFV, OBA

Maps: One map ASL(10)
Terrain: Townsfolk

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ Custom ]
We thank the Townsfolk' officers :
-UP 844
and Corporal rico21

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/10/2016 9:16:39 AM)

Near Wola Chodkowska, Poland, August 6, 1944 : As the Russian 8th Guards Army was expanding its bridgehead on the Vistula,
they met with stiff German resistance. Using the Hermann Goering Division, which had just been brought up from Warsaw as a lead,
the Germans mounted a number of counterattacks in an effort to eliminate the Russian bridgehead. After six repeated German
attacks failed to achieve the needed breakthrough, a seventh assault supported by Tiger tanks forced the situation to its
inconclusive end.

Russian : Squads, HMG, DC, ATR, AT, AFV
German : Squads, LMG, PZF, PZS, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(4,5)
Terrain: Forest, Rural, River

Scenario Length: 9 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ SL 109 ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/11/2016 12:58:40 PM)

Biazzo Ridge, Sicily, July 11, 1943: In the early morning hours of July 10th, Colonel James Gavin and the 505th Parachute
Regiment were scattered over much of Southern Sicily. Gavin landed 20 miles east of the selected drop zone, while most of
his regiment came down as far as 60 miles from the planned landing site. Of the 3405 troops that had left Africa under his
command, Gavin marched his small command towards the sounds of battle to the west, collecting troops as he went. After clearing
Biazzo Ridge of Italians, Gavin's force - now numbering some 250 paratroopers and infantrymen of the 45th infantry Division -
pushed on. Advancing down the road along which the Italians had just withdrawn, they heard the sound of distant tank engines
around the bend just ahead. Gavin was about to walk into the eastern pincer of the Hermann Goering Division's two-pronged
attack against the invasion beaches.

German : Squads, MMG, LMG, AFV
American : Squads, MMG, BZK, ART

Maps: Two maps ASL(15,2)
Terrain: Village, Hills

Scenario Length: 10 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ SL 41 ]

E -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/12/2016 11:02:04 AM)

Does anyone have either or both of these missing scenarios?

- First Crisis at Army Group North (adapted from SL T1, ASL M, 125)
- Escape from Velikiye Luki (adapted from SL 6, ASL H)

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/12/2016 11:13:41 AM)

For E

The Parrot

E -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/12/2016 12:39:13 PM)


(Don't laugh, my Parrot REALLY does want to kill! He wants to kill my wife! And every dog I've had in the past 20 years!)

DoubleDeuce -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/12/2016 2:21:07 PM)



- Escape from Velikiye Luki (adapted from SL 6, ASL H)

Looks like maybe it got accidentally deleted in a thread cleaning. If it doesn't get reposted I may take a shot at recreating it. It would be a good scenario for testing the use of Exit Hexes in the new patch.

UP844 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/12/2016 3:05:14 PM)

It is one of the scenarios I played to test the patch effects: I got a Major Victory, exiting all the Germans on Turn 5 without ever seeing a Russian. During the whole game, I only once heard Russian infantry moving during an Advance segment.

I started a game with the Russians, leavint the AI set up the units: they were all set up in the village, leaving 10-12 hexes unseen on both sides. The best deployment for the Russians in this scenario - in my opinion, of course - is setting up a "picket line" of squads to intercept the fleeing Germans and a couple "reaction groups" with the leaders, the MGs and any remaining squads. It would be nice to be able to deploy the picket squads as HS, even though this is not an option for Russians.

E -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/12/2016 9:11:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Double Deuce

- Escape from Velikiye Luki (adapted from SL 6, ASL H)

Looks like maybe it got accidentally deleted in a thread cleaning. If it doesn't get reposted I may take a shot at recreating it. It would be a good scenario for testing the use of Exit Hexes in the new patch.

Rico posted both missing scenarios as "Parrot" above.

genesismwt -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (5/13/2016 12:45:40 AM)

I will resubmit First Crisis tonight.

I tested the exit hex issue with The Puma Prowls. I only played once, as the Germans. I was delighted to see the Russians come out and play, instead of camping the exit hexes. I will update and fine tune it.

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