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genesismwt -> Simple Equation (6/20/2016 3:00:54 AM)

Simple Equation

ASL Scenario S3

Aachen, Germany 12 October 1944: The battle for the city of Aachen had
been raging since October 10th. A complicated series of maneuvers designed to
encircle the city from both the north and the south had been occupying the atten-
tion of the American command. these few units committed to the frontal assault
on Aachen had some tough going. Not only were the Aachen defenders numeri-
cally superior, but they were fighting on their home soil for one of the cherished
Nazi symbols: Aachen, home of the First Reich.

Units Human Players
German: Squads, HMG, LMG
American: Squads, MMG, FT

Maps: Two Maps

Terrain: Suburban/Urban

Scenario Length: 6.5 Game Turns

Victory objective: The Americans win by taking VL's. The British win by holding the VL's.

Adapted by: genesismwt

Raikkonen -> RE: Simple Equation (6/20/2016 3:47:51 PM)

I can't seem to find "Soldier of Destruction" and "The Road to Wiltz (adapted from ASL P, maulin version)" from the list of scenarios. Are they removed?

genesismwt -> RE: Simple Equation (6/21/2016 1:55:39 AM)

Soldiers of Destruction is the second entry down on page 2.

Elsewhere in the forums, I have posted a zip of my entire scenario folder. It can be found there too. My last two scenario posts are in there as beta versions with no .txt files.

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (6/21/2016 5:18:52 PM)

"Comrades, this is a main supply route for the Germans. We will mine the road and ambush the next convoy that comes from the
south. Take out as many trucks as you can and then melt away to the east. We will rendezvous at camp." -- Victor, partisan
leader 17 Oct, 1941. Remnants of cut-off Soviet infantry units, scattered after the fall of Kiev, have begun partisan activities.
A heavily armed group of partisans operating near Priluki has been tracked by soldiers from the German 161st Inf. Div. sent
to clean up the area. Worse for the Soviets, a detached squad of SS trackers are trailing a group of partisan reinforcements
arriving from the east. Germans and Russians must fight for control over the victory hex at the crossroads. German infantry and
machine gun units enter along the western edge of the map on round one. Additional Soviet rifle squads join the fight on round two,
entering along the road to the east. On round three, the Germans receive a pioneer squad as reinforcements, entering at the
north-east corner of the map.

Russian : Squads, MMG
German : Squads, LMG

Maps: One map
Terrain: Forest, Road

Scenario Length: 5 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ Conflict of Heroes ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (6/23/2016 2:35:06 PM)

Especially for Baloo7777 [;)]

"Comrades, this is a main supply route for the Germans. We will mine the road and ambush the next convoy that comes from the
south. Take out as many trucks as you can and then melt away to the east. We will rendezvous at camp." -- Victor, partisan
leader 17 Oct, 1941. Remnants of cut-off Soviet infantry units, scattered after the fall of Kiev, have begun partisan activities.
A heavily armed group of partisans operating near Priluki has been tracked by soldiers from the German 161st Inf. Div. sent
to clean up the area. Worse for the Soviets, a detached squad of SS trackers are trailing a group of partisan reinforcements
arriving from the east. Germans and Russians must fight for control over the victory hex at the crossroads. German infantry and
machine gun units enter along the western edge of the map on round one. Additional Soviet rifle squads join the fight on round two,
entering along the road to the east. On round three, the Germans receive two pioneer squads as reinforcements, entering at the
north-east corner of the map.

Russian : Squads, MMG
German : Squads, LMG

Maps: One map
Terrain: Forest, Road

Scenario Length: 5 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ Conflict of Heroes ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (6/23/2016 5:59:22 PM)

August 1941, Main highway from Narwa to Riga: Army Group North was engaged in a fierce fight for Estonia. The goal--cut off the
Red Army forces in Estonia by reaching the baltic Sea east of Riga. Stavka recognised the danger and desperately tried to
stabilise its ruptured front. The German 18th Army would have none of it, and relentlessly pushed on in the face of
diminishing resistance. Local counterattacks, trying to check the overextended German advance guards were still a danger.

German : Squads, HMG, LMG, ATR, MTR, AT, OBA, AFV
Russian : Squads, HMG, MTR, AFV

Maps: Two maps
Terrain: Road, Forest, Hills

Scenario Length: 10 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer:ASL'Men[Combat Mission 2 Barbarossa to Berlin]

Big Ivan -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (6/25/2016 6:11:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: rico21

Dedicated to Big Ivan and to all Ambushers!

A small force of German troops is heading into the village to capture the town hall and party offices. Your partisans are
poised to ambush them. Kill as many of the invaders as you can before escaping via the north road!

Russian : Squads, LMG, ATR, DC
German : Squads, LMG, AFV

Maps: One map
Terrain: Village

Campaign Length: 7 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ Lock 'n Load Heroes of Stalingrad ]

Thank you for the dedication rico21!

Got a tear in my eye, I'm touched! Appreciate it!!!

I've downloaded Ambush, definitely give this one a try next. Full book report when I'm finished.


Big Ivan

Well Rico, good scenario my friend!

Played as the Russians and promptly got my fanny handed to me[:@]

Killed five German squads, one leader and two German AFV's {PSW-222 & MkIV F1]. But what hurt my cause, I was locked
a few turns in Melee with the AFV's I killed. This allowed the rest of the German leaders and squads to go to work
capturing the right victory hex.

Fun quick scenario Rico, I liked it![:)]

Big Ivan

rico21 -> RE: Simple Equation (6/26/2016 5:04:23 PM)

Fun quick scenario Rico, I liked it!
Thanks John [:)]

rico21 -> RE: Simple Equation (6/26/2016 5:05:20 PM)

L'Abbaye Blanche, France, 8 August 1944: Supported with an artillery barrage, elements of the 2nd SS Panzer Division
assault the roadblock at L'Abbaye Blanche. In the early morning, the Germans made their way through a field close to roadblock
set up by the 823rd TD Battalion, A Company. Though the GIs were scoring hits with their antitank guns and small arms fire, the
fighting quickly became close in. At one point, Lt. Spingfield was almost immolated by a flamethrower.

American : Squads, MMG, BZK, AT
German : Squads, HMG, LMG, FT, DC, OBA ,PZF, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(4,11)
Terrain: Bocage, Hill

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ WG238 ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (6/28/2016 3:59:40 PM)

June 1941, The drive to Lvov is on! Intelligence reports indicate the Bolshevist force on your front is no match for your
well-trained and well-armed men. Your command is part of the 24th Motorized Division; you'll have light infantry, machine gun
teams, mortar, and an assault gun. your objective is to crush the ennemy and get across the river. The ennemy might position
forces on the ridgeline west of the river; drive them off or they can it your flank as you advance toward the ford. To get
across the river, you must capture at least one crossing( the ford, bridge, or both ). From the ridge west of the river to
cover your advance. The stone buildings and trenches east of the river are formidable positions. You'll need to bring fire from
your machine gun, mortar, or light infantry gun to bear on these positions to get across the river. Now, forward!

Russian : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, MTR, ATR, AT
German : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, MTR, AFV

Maps: Four maps
Terrain: Rural, River, Hills

Scenario Length: 10 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer:ASL'Men[ Close Combat Cross of Iron]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/1/2016 2:16:26 PM)

Le Mesnil Tove, France, 8 August 1944: The 119th Infantry Regiment and Task Force 1 of Combat Command B of the 3rd Armor
Division moved north from Reffueveille toward Le Mesnil Tove. Their goal was to cut off the 2nd Panzer Division and its drive
down the See Valley toward Avranches. The American force struck the panzers outside of the village, both sides fighting hard.

German : Squads, MMG, LMG, PZF, AT, AFV
American : Squads, MMG, BZK, AT, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(33,38)
Terrain: Rural

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ WG239 ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/2/2016 4:43:53 PM)

East of La Rosaye, France, 8 August 1944: The 117th Infantry Regiment, 2nd and 3rd Battalions began to counterattack, moving
toward St Barthelmy. Led by LTC Walter Johnson, the troops began taking one hedgerow after another. They met stiff resistance
just outside of St Barthelmy.

German : Squads, MMG, LMG, PZF, AT
American : Squads, MMG, BZK, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(6,44)
Terrain: Rural, Bocage

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ WG240 ]

genesismwt -> Tavronitis Bridge ASL Scenario 93 (7/2/2016 9:04:47 PM)

Tavronitis Bridge

ASL Scenario 93
West of MALEME, CRETE, 20 May 1941: The airfield at Maleme figured
prominently in the German plans for the capture of Crete. "Group West", com-
prising most of the 1st Assault Regiment under the command of General Meindl,
consisted of three detachments: one to land at the Tavronitis Bridge' one to
destroy the AA positions and ease the way for the following troop-carrier trans-
ports; and one to land on the slopes of Point 107, high ground to the south of the
field. Major Braun drew the task of seizing and holding the long span over the
dry Tavronitis. Given free reign to plan his assault, he decided to daringly land
in the dry bed itself and then take the British MG posts which guarded each side
of the bridge from the rear.

Units Human Players
German: Squads, LMG, MTR
British: Squads, LMG, Trenches

Maps: One Map

Terrain: Dry River Bed

Scenario Length: 6 Game Turns

Victory objective: Victory Points are awarded for Victory Locations

Game Notes;
1. Due to TotH not allowing bridges over dry land, there is no bridge, just a road.

2. Due to the lack of gliders in TotH, I played the German turn 1 to land the troops, account for the AA fire at the gliders, defensive fire at the landed troops, and the rest of the turn. One squad was lost in the landing. TotH picks up with the British half of turn 1. (ASL'ers out there, feel free manually make your own German landing and edit the scenario. The heavy lifting of converting board 8 to a dry river bed has been done for you. :P)

Adapted by: genesismwt

genesismwt -> Elephants Unleashed ASL Scenario FrF23 (7/2/2016 9:06:15 PM)

Elephants Unleashed

ASL Scenario FrF23

North of Ponyri, Russia, 5 July 1943: The Germans had launched their attacks at
Kursk aiming for a double envelopment. In the early mornin of 5 July the German
General Model unleashed his 9 Armee against General Rokossovsky's well-prepared
Central Front. the German 86 Infanterie-Division was supported by elements of 18
Panzer-Division and the gigantic Ferdinand tank destroyers of schwere Panzer-
Abteilung 654...The Russian General Pukhov didn't wait until the German forces
had reached the second line of defense, but rather tried to blunt the German
attack with a counterattack mounted by the 27th Guards Tank Regiment and the 275th
Separate Engineer Battalion. The Germans would pay in blood for every inch gained
of Russian soil.

German: Squads, HMG, LMG, AFV
Russian: Squads, HMG, ATR, FT, DC, AFV, in lieu of mines and barbed wire-Hidden AT

Maps: Two Boards: Rural

Scenario Length: 5.5 Game Turns.

Victory Conditions: VP's are awarded for possession of VL's.

SSR: As the Russians, at game start, choose one of the 4 area 3 hexes as the set up hex for the AT. Its just not fair to the AI to pick the best one when the AT is available.

Adapted by: genesismwt

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/5/2016 8:55:42 AM)

On 16 December 1944, the 14th Cavalry Group received the full brunt of the German winter counteroffensive in the Battle of the
Bulge.Three three-story buildings dominate Simmerath. Holding the hotel, the church and the large three-story building next to
the square should be your prime objectives. After these buildings are secure you should keep the road to Baugnez clear
as a path of retreat. The forest south of the town can be used for flanking movement so guard it as well.

American : Squads, BZK, AT, AFV
German : Squads, MMG, LMG, FT, PZF, AFV

Maps: Two maps
Terrain: Village

Scenario Length: 8 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer:ASL'Men[ Close Combat Battle of the Bulge ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/7/2016 4:27:57 PM)

Romagny, France, 9 August 1944: In an effort to relieve the surrounded units on Hill 314, American forces continued their
attacks toward Mortain. 1st Battalion of the 119th Infantry Regiment, led by Major Robert Herlong, advanced from the west to
take Romagny. The GIs were not going to repeat the mistakes from the previous day.

German : Squads, HMG, LMG, PZF, AT, AFV
American : Squads, MMG, BZK, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(4,17)
Terrain: Rural, Village, Bocage

Scenario Length: 5 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ WG241 ]

MacMarkus -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/8/2016 2:19:11 PM)

Looks as if my eyes are gettin' too old...

I can see "Tettau's Attack" in the scenario list and I thought to have seen the download link recently, but I can't find it now.

Any clues?

Thanx in advance

genesismwt -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/9/2016 2:02:32 AM)

To help out, here's my scenario folder. Tettau's Attack is in there.

MacMarkus -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/9/2016 6:48:43 AM)

Thank you, Mike.

I aspreciate your help.


genesismwt -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/9/2016 7:40:17 PM)

You're welcome.

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/10/2016 11:04:44 AM)

East of Mortain, France, 9 August 1944: An SS officer carrying a white flag offered an ultimatum to the beleaguered GIs trapped
on Hill 314. If they would not surrender by 20.00 hours, they would be annihilated. Captain Erichson, bolstered by the
comments of his men, declined the offer. Lt. Woody of G Company had a similar response, "If you want us, come and get us."

American : Squads, MMG, BZK, OBA
German : Squads, MMG, LMG, AFV

Maps: One map ASL(2)
Terrain: Rural, Hill

Scenario Length: 5 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ WG242 ]

rico21 -> THe Sherbrooke Fusiliers (7/12/2016 8:47:11 AM)

South West of Caen, June 7th, 1944, The evening of June 6, the Allies are completely blocked. The bulk of the German armored
units were combined to hold the fixing points: the tanks of the 21st Panzer Division formed an impassable barrier for the
Canadian and British troops of Montgomery, charged to take Caen. The Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment was a World War II Canadian
armoured regiment. Dug in, they expect the 21st Panzer Division launch a counter-attack but they don't know they are on the way
of the 12th SS Hitler Youth.

British : Squads, HMG, LMG, MTR, PIAT, AT, OBA, AFV
German : Squads, HMG, OBA, AFV

Maps: Three maps
Terrain: Rural

Scenario Length: 10 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer : ASL'Men [ Combat Mission Beyond Overlord ]

rico21 -> STALINGRAD (7/15/2016 11:02:07 AM)

The Barrikady, 17 October, 1942: With the fall of the massive Dzherhezinsky Tractor Works, the Germans turned their attention
to the Barrikady and Krasny Oktyabr factories. On the night of 16-17 October, the last regiments of the Soviet 138th Rifle
Division were ferried across the Volga and assumed blocking positions in and around the Barrikady. Morning found the Soviets
still busily constructing emplacements and sighting their weapons when the first attack of the day burst upon them. . .

Russian : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, ATR, TCA, INF, AT, OBA
German : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, OBA, AFV

Maps: Historical map ASL(RB)
Terrain: Stalingrad

Scenario Length: 8 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ ASL RB1 ] + KHANDAM2

Rayfer -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/22/2016 3:59:14 PM)

Question....want to start playing these submitted scenarios, is it as simple as downloading the file into the 'scenarios' folder for the game? Or is there more to it than that? Thanks. Ray

Paullus -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/22/2016 8:59:18 PM)

It is a simple as that. [:)]

baloo7777 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/22/2016 9:50:23 PM)

What?? I was away for a week and I come back to only 2 new scenarios!?? What up rico21??? You're slowing down old chap! [:D]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (7/23/2016 10:35:04 AM)

I advise you to enroll in Operation Tonga![:D]

rico21 -> Stalingrad (7/24/2016 6:17:18 AM)

The Barrikady, 17 October, 1942: With the fall of the massive Dzherhezinsky Tractor Works, the Germans turned their attention
to the Barrikady and Krasny Oktyabr factories. On the night of 16-17 October, the last regiments of the Soviet 138th Rifle
Division were ferried across the Volga and assumed blocking positions in and around the Barrikady. Morning found the Soviets
still busily constructing emplacements and sighting their weapons when the first attack of the day burst upon them. . .

Russian : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, ATR, TCA, INF, AT, OBA
German : Squads, HMG, MMG, LMG, OBA, AFV

Maps: Historical map ASL(RB)
Terrain: Stalingrad

Scenario Length: 8 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ ASL RB1 ] + KHANDAM2

rico21 -> Pinching Patton (7/29/2016 2:48:13 PM)

Villers-laBonne-Eau, Belgium, 31 December 1944: Even as Patton’s 4th Armored Division fought through Assenois to relieve the
siege of Bastogne on Dec 26th, the Battle of the Bulge was far from over. During the final days of 1944, the Sixth Panzer Armee
was making every last effort to close the breach and retake Bastogne in order to give Hitler at least a small victory in the
Wacht am Rhein offensive. The remnants of the tired 1st SS Panzer Division moved down from the northern shoulder, and
placed the King Tigers of the SS Schwere Panzerabteilung 501 in support of the 5th Fallschirmjagers’ New Year’s eve attack. On
the American side, III Corps was trying to expand the corridor south of Bastogne, and the two forces met near Lutrebois.

American : Squads, HMG, MMG, BAZ45(cf. scenario), MTR, AFV
German : Squads, MMG, LMG, FT, PSK, AFV

Maps: Two maps ASL(3,11)
Terrain: Rural, Village, Hills

Scenario Length: 8 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ ASL ShellShock #1 ]

rico21 -> RE: Submitted Scenarios (8/4/2016 5:14:04 PM)

Southern RUSSIA, December 8, 1942: Following the encirclement of Sixth Army at Stalingrad, Germans launched a relief effort
from their bridgehead at Nizhna Chirskaya, 25 miles from the nearest troops of Sixth Army at Marinowka. The Chir River was to
provide the left flank for the operation, and consequently had to be held. Attempting to foil the German relief effort, the
Russian Fifth Tank Army attacked across the Chir and forced its way past the left flank of the defending 336th Infantry
Division, and on to Sowchos 79, a collective farm deep in the German rear. General Balck's 11th "Ghost" Panzer Division, just
arriving in the area from Rostov to take part in the relief of Stalingrad, was detoured to attack Sowchos 79 and restore the

Russian : Squads, MMG, LMG, ATR, AT, AFV
German : Squads, MMG, LMG, AT, OBA, AFV

Maps: Four maps ASL(2,3,4,5)
Terrain: Rural, Village, Forest, Hills

Scenario Length: 10 Game Turns
Victory objective: The side with the required Victory Points is the winner. Both sides gets VPs for owning VP Objectives.
Scenario designer: ASL'Men [ SL Scenario 16 ]

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