LN59 -> RE: Submitted Mods (1/30/2021 4:37:24 PM)
ORIGINAL: RAUBKATER1 To LN59: Lilian, did rico21's advice (using 7-zip) help? If not, I will look into the problem, but right now, I am busy with other matters. Please let me know, though. By the way, I'm using windows 7-ZIP (v.19.00) and also use a WINDOWS 7 (2015) Computer... Hi, Raubkater1! Rico's advice allowed me to unblock the situation right away! My version of Winzip was no longer up to date (subscription expired) but thanks to 7-ZIP (which is free) I got away with it. I just had to install 7-ZIP in its v.19 but above all: in a 64-bit format. The old one I had was 32-bit, hence the files' compatibility problem. Best Regard, L. P.S. May I allow myself to correct the inscription ("B-Biz") on the counters representing the well-known 1940 French armored vehicle: the "Char B1-Bis"? In English, this would be equivalent to the designation "B1 Mark II" AFV. The following post contains the same image but in PNG format, and zipped. [image]local://upfiles/53500/89F5336CA7E74A498DB527A2820ECE0A.jpg[/image]