Friday Night Flights (Full Version)

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LiquidSky -> Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 6:32:36 AM)

I finally decided to mess around with the editor to see if I could create a scenario. Since I happened to be watching Colbert Late Show I thought I would try this:


Where I pit 200 fighters of one kind versus another in hot plane on plane action!

All experience/morale levels are over 90 and with enough fuel/ammo to start WW2

A 3 x 3 Superiority box is built and both sides fly the Superiority mission into it. Altitiude will depend on the aircraft being chosen.

So without further adieu I bring you Supermarine Spitfire vs Hawker Hurricane

At 9.12m long and weighing in at 6622lbs fully loaded, the Spitfire packs a Rolls-Royce Merlin 45 supercharged V12 engine giving it a max speed of 370mph.
In its 'B' configuration twin 20mm Hispano MK11 cannons with 4 .303 Browning MkII machine guns bring the hurt to the perp to the dirt.
It's sexy sleek lines are the last thing you will see in your rearview mirror before plummeting to your death.

At 9.84m long and weighing in at 7670lbs fully loaded, the Hurricane packs a Rolls-Royce Merlin XX liquid-cooled V-12, allowing it a lumbering speed of 340mph.
In its 'IIB' configuration disdains the cannons for a total of 12 .303 Browinings. This baby pumps lead.

So it's time to see who really won the Battle of Britain. Hawker vrs Supermarine in an all English smackdown.

And OH! WHAT AN UPSET! It appears the Hurricane has won this match. Score is:


Even though the Hurricane won this round, the Spitfire pilots still get all the babes in the bar.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 6:54:04 AM)

The Spitfire pilots have cried foul! and want a rematch..this time switching sides.

So in the interest of fairness, we will run this again on different sides, and add the total losses together to see who has the least loss.

And here we go:


And this time it is the Spitfire who comes up on top, but is it enough to make a difference?

Spitfire----- 133 + 102 losses = 235 total.
Hurricane---- 93 + 112 losses = 205 total.

It appears the Hurricane won the Battle of Britain!

loki100 -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 7:42:13 AM)




It appears the Hurricane won the Battle of Britain!

Nice test. From the little I've read, think you ended up with the right answer too

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 8:07:24 AM)

I plan to do one of these every week...but I'm having so much fun with it I think I will do another one. I seem to be able to take any plane in the editor and give it to each side. I even tried the identical plane to see if the results were going to be one sided. It was some pretty hot Spit on Spit action.

Might try something a bit low and slow this time.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 8:40:22 AM)

Tonight we have a new matchup. It's the Swallow vs the Meatbox.

Introduced early in 1944, the Swallow aka Me262 took the world by storm. Measuring at 10.6m and weighing in at 6473kg loaded, this swallow shows she can spit 30mm cannons.
With a maximum speed of 900km/hr, you wont know she's there before your a flaming wreck.

The Meatbox aka Gloster Meteor was built to beat the Swallow. With a length of 44ft7in and weighing 15,700lbs, this fighter is in a class all to itself. Armed with 4 of the dependable 20mm Hispano cannons and moving at a blistering 965km/hr will she rip through her enemies.

So the question remains....can the Swallow beat the Meatbox? Or will the Meatbox take the Swallow?

Here is the first round:


And OHHHH! It wasn't even close. The Me262 proved the name of the British jet to be correct in that it was a flaming hunk of rock hitting the earth.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 8:42:30 AM)

And here is the rematch..switching sides.


And despite having home field advantage, the British Meteor goes down in flames.

Meteor F.3 --- 120 + 128 = 248
Me262-2a ----- 57 + 43 = 100

Helpless -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 11:39:52 AM)


Denniss -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 12:05:41 PM)

Where did this fight happen - over Axis or over allied ground?
It somewhat worries me to see axis loose all pilots as KIA whereas Allied only 2/3rd (or is FoW on?)

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 12:40:02 PM)

Its an entirely invented scenario. I have two airfields in Tunisia....Each at level 3 with 12 squadrons. I change those squadrons to whatever aircraft I want...I set them to superiority mission 3 hex box inbetween them then hit go.

I do it twice with each side initiating the fight in case there is an attacker/defender bias, and add up the damage to see who won.

Its not meant to be serious. I plan to try some sillier stuff like early war planes vrs late war...that sort of thing. I take requests!

Looking at it most of it is fought over the 'allied' side of the more pilots would die on the 'axis' side....but its not about the pilots. Its about the machines!

Denniss -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 1:05:37 PM)

I assume a fight over Axis ground would reverse the KIA ratio - maybe you wanna test latewar P-47/51 vs 109G-10/K-4 and/or 190D-9/Ta152. Or, to stay on one side, try Fw 190A vs 109F-4, Fw 190A-4 vs 109G-2, 109G-2 vs MC.202, 109G-6 vs MC.205

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 1:21:27 PM)

Its way more fun to do silly stuff. [:D] Especially since I've been drinking.

Before I go to bed I bring you my final matchup of the night.

I bring you: the PZL P.7 vrs the Me262

The Polish PZL P.7 first flown in Oct. 1930 comes in at light 1476kgs....with a 520hp Bristol Jupiter VIIF 9 cylinder radial engine. Capable of reaching 327mph with a tail wind, this world class fighter won the American National Air Races in 1931. Armed with two monkeys hanging on the wings armed with Grandpa's 7.7mm Vickers E Machineguns, this badboy could claim a total of 7 downed German aircraft for a loss of 22 of its own.
It was noted (and I quote) "to confuse and disturb German bombing raids with their aggressive presence, than to shoot down bombers"

Against this top of the line 1930 mono fighter plane we pit the Me262, which needs no introduction.

Apparently I've been told that this fight may seem a bit lopsided.... so to even things up we shall have 480 PZL's on one side vrs 48 Me262's...with any shot down Me's counting as 10 planes.

Can the Polish planes shoot any of the Me262's? Will any of the Polish planes survive? Will I just get on with it?

Here we go!

OOO....what a surprise! 6 Me262's were downed! Oh wait...those were operational losses. I guess the Polish planes confused and disturbed them. But only 82 polish planes were shot down...


EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure I am of Polish ancestry

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 1:25:42 PM)

With the allies taking the field first, we have a more bloody affair.


The final score being:

ME262 10 + 6 = 16 (times 10) FINAL: 160 losses
PZL P.7 115 + 82 = 197 losses

A good showing for the polish pilots.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 1:31:22 PM)

          Me 262A-2a                   82           162         3333              250
                            PZL P.7       82           162         3333               -
               TOTAL                   82           162         3333

E  N  E  M  Y
             PZL P.7                    0            24          117               -
                         Me 262A-2a        0            24          117              250
                FLAK                    0            39           62               -
                         Me 262A-2a        0            39           62               -
               TOTAL                    0            63          179

Apparently on further reflection...the increased losses of Me262's was caused by the enthusiastic home crowd firing bullets up in the air to cheer on their side. Doing more damage then the PZL's themselves.

Helpless -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 1:43:26 PM)

World of WITW Aircraft. Me 262A is so good that it should be sold separately. [:)]

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 2:04:11 PM)

In an effort to knock the Me262 off it's pedestal...I bring you:

The TA152-H. Arguably the best Piston aircraft of WW2 (although the Americans might have something to say about that later), it weighs in at a hefty 4,727kg sporting a liquid-cooled inverted V12 Jumo 213E powerplant this demon is capable of a maximum speed of 759 km/h
Armed with twin 20mm Cannons and a 30mm punisher there is no doubt that this plane can dish out more then it can take.

Lets see how she does against our reigning champ:


Not a bad showing for our piston friend, but not enough to win...lets see how she does with home field advantage.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 2:15:23 PM)

Do to an error in programming, the Ta152H's fielded way more aircraft then they were supposed to.

So round 1 was refought with 144 aircraft a side.

And the results are now in:


LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 2:18:06 PM)

Whoa....I moved the fight to 30,000 feet. The Me262 did not like that not a lot, not even a little bit.


LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 2:20:56 PM)

And to show it isn't a is the allied side taking it to the axis.


The final score:

ME262 losses: 146
Ta152H losses: 71

Helpless -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 3:00:23 PM)


I moved the fight to 30,000 feet

What was original altitude?

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 3:23:48 PM)

20 000. Feet. But the wiki said the Ta152H was a high altitude fighter so I thought I would bump to up since I really wanted to dethrone the me262

And thus concludes the first instalment of Friday night Fights

Helpless -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 4:04:04 PM)


20 000. Feet. But the wiki said the Ta152H was a high altitude fighter so I thought I would bump to up since I really wanted to dethrone the me262

Ta 152H has max speed at ~30k alt when Me 262 speed advantage is not so big factor.


Denniss -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 4:56:55 PM)

Does the Me 262A-2A have pilots with fighter Training ?
Any special reason you chose the FB version with reduced cannon armament over the F Version A-1a ?

Sidenote: I need to fix wrong DT position in the Me 262 recon.

JeffroK -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/4/2016 9:14:32 PM)

Go back to the start, Spit I v Hurri I or Spit Vb v Hurri IIB.

Try some USN Carrier fighters v the Luftwaffe

loki100 -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/6/2016 8:33:13 AM)



Go back to the start, Spit I v Hurri I or Spit Vb v Hurri IIB.

Try some USN Carrier fighters v the Luftwaffe

or for that Mad Max tribute battle, what about B-17 vs Lancaster?

Helpless -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/6/2016 11:35:54 AM)

Bombers don't shoot to each other. You will need to set them as FB first. :)

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/6/2016 2:22:30 PM)

I have some plans. I was thinking of a Santa's Sleigh vrs the Valkyries for an all Scandinavian Showdown for example.

Maybe Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel vrs The Red Baron.

I'd have to delve even deeper into the mechanics of the editor and learn how to create airplanes and weapons.

I'm trying to shy away from actual game type matchups. Could be too political. Although I am going to go back and try a few altitude adjustments with Fw190's vrs allied escorts to see if I can fine tune my defence.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/12/2016 11:15:50 AM)

Well...its FRIDAY! Okay..technically it is Saturday morning, but it was FRIDAY NIGHT just a couple hours ago! Close enough for me.

I have a more traditional fight for you today. Sporting a brand spanking new MG151/15 and a pair of MG 17's, Friedrick as he was known to the ladies first appeared in April, 1941...Just in time for Barbarossa.
He achieved the highest number of victories achieved on any front (or in any war) with over 70 German pilots achieving more then 100 victories against the hapless Russians.

Speaking of the hapless Russians...I bring you the victim.

The I-16. Nicknamed Ishak (or Donkey) for some reason the Russians liked this 1,941kg funny looking airplane. Armed with 4 7.62 ShKAS machineguns, it was the mainstay of the Russian Airforce despite being introduced in 1936. Over 1600 were available on June 21, 1941...and only 930 were left 2 days later.

So I bring you....a more realistic battle. 144 Bf 109F-2's vrs 240 I-16 type 24's. The Germans are exp 75 and the Russians are 50.

Will it be an upset? Will the Russians be upset? Or my wife who thinks I am cleaning the kitchen? Lets find out!

Ohh...not even close. 8 Bf109's lost (operationally) to 178 I-16's.


LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/12/2016 11:18:55 AM)

Gahhh...running this on the allied turn, and the Russians managed to shoot down a single Bf109. For the loss of 204 planes.

But with the extra operational does exceed the 100-1 ratio of the actual war.


Helpless -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/12/2016 11:31:38 AM)


Russians are 50

If average is 50 there should be probably lots of 25-30 pilots.

LiquidSky -> RE: Friday Night Flights (3/12/2016 12:06:52 PM)

This is the bottom end of the experience barrel


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