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wodin -> What next? (3/4/2016 9:12:46 PM)

So Vic and Cameron..what next?

ryan1488 -> RE: What next? (3/4/2016 9:37:38 PM)

Operation Bagration [:D]

lancer -> RE: What next? (3/4/2016 9:47:17 PM)


I'll put up another blog post soon, hopefully, on the topic as we've now got an aiming point.


Franciscus -> RE: What next? (3/4/2016 9:55:55 PM)

And how about an ETA for official 1.03 ? [8D]


lancer -> RE: What next? (3/5/2016 10:17:16 PM)

Hi Franciscus,

Don't know for certain but there will be a fair bit of movement with features and versions within a fortnight.


wodin -> RE: What next? (3/5/2016 11:51:10 PM)

I truely think WW1 would be absolutely perfect..Maybe drop the scale though.

Also love to see a WW2 lower scale game say platoon scale basic unit.

budd -> RE: What next? (3/6/2016 4:03:09 AM)

Seems like it makes the most sense to continue on the same time line somewhere.

CaptCarnage -> RE: What next? (3/6/2016 10:20:51 AM)

From Stalingrad to Berlin, I suppose.

The map is already there...

Tac2i -> RE: What next? (3/6/2016 1:37:24 PM)

I liked to see an evolution of Advanced Tactics Gold. ATG is now five years old and I'm sure Vic and Cameron have learned a lot in that time that would help create a state of the art ATG type game. We have now three DC games published. Time for a little diversion in my humble opinion.

Tweedledumb -> RE: What next? (3/6/2016 5:42:20 PM)

I doubt they will do more than a short campaign.

France 1944 using the same time parameters (June 1944 through January 1945) makes real sense.

North Africa could work as well.

The supply, relationship and narrative framework would not need much change.

I think the big challenge for the team is to find a less grognard-like basic move and attack system. Vic is a master of this and I have every confidence that a streamlined divisional combat/movement system, not as dumbed down as Panzer Corps, will evolve.

Whatever they develop, I'll buy!

lancer -> RE: What next? (3/11/2016 12:24:46 AM)


I wrote up a blog post about the next game that we'd decided upon but, once having done so, it triggered a few thoughts that led Vic and I to have a discussion and we've subsequently changed our mind.

The post has been scrubbed and we are working on shaping up Plan B.

We'll let you know when we've got a better idea ourselves.

Suffice to say that Plan B has got us a lot more excited than the previous idea did.


wodin -> RE: What next? (3/11/2016 12:55:02 AM)

Ohhh all very exciting. Usually a chnage of mind like this does lead on to something bigger and better. Can't wait to hear what you eventually decided upon.

budd -> RE: What next? (3/11/2016 4:37:54 AM)

What was the first scrubbed idea[:)]...... inquiring minds

lancer -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 12:40:34 AM)

Hi Budd,

It was along the lines of a previous suggestion, or two, on the forum.

Best I can do.


ntrlpr -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 8:34:34 AM)

Exciting! I hope that whatever Plan B is, it'll retain the personality/politics aspect. Looking forward to hearing about it.

warspite1 -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 10:28:04 AM)

I feel War In The Mediterranean 1940-43 getting ever closer [:)] Come on guys, you know it makes sense [8D]

Remmes -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 11:01:29 AM)

I sense 1944 in the air. The year of decisive campaigns (in the West that is).

warspite1 -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 11:26:02 AM)



I sense 1944 in the air. The year of decisive campaigns (in the West that is).

God, I hope not....

a) I just don't see the fun in playing such a one-sided game. One side has a massive airforce and a massive navy. The only way the Germans can win is to eject the Allies at the beachhead.
b) Why yet another game on the same old subject. Sure, with the command system the game makers have shown how to breathe new life into a scenario that has been gamed a billion times, but 1944 in the west?
c) How about something new? No guarantee as to which side will win, both sides have plenty of interesting units - fleets, air forces, tanks and infantry. So much interaction at a political level - Hitler/Mussolini (Mussolini's war impacting on Hitler's big plans) - Mussolini (and his ambition)/Graziani - Churchill(and his action this day)/and his commanders - Churchill/Cunningham and what naval assets can be spared for the Mediterranean Fleet - the loss of France and the whole Free French/Vichy French situation - Japan enters the war/Australian need for withdrawal of units.

A scenario that begs to be wargamed - especially with the interaction between all these competing claims.

devoncop -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 1:47:35 PM)

+1 Warspite

Mediterranean would be fascinating.

If the whole 1940 to 43 was too much of a timescale then the invasions of Sicily and mainland Italy would be cool too from 1943 or the earlier North african campaigns from 1941 ...... reading "All Hell let Loose" at present and the conquest of Italy was certainly no walkover despite the air advantage. If we look at Barbarossa the Luftwaffe had a similar superiority over the Red Airforce which is modelled so a similar mechanic could easily work for the 1943 time period.

RCHarmon -> RE: What next? (3/12/2016 11:08:36 PM)

I really like DC2 and when I bought DC3 it had a special price for DC1 so I bought it.

Looking at the development of the series I have to post here that DC3 crossed the too abstract realm and I just don't like it. The basic challenges of an Eastern Front game have been largely unaddressed. DC3 does not have a feel of the Eastern Front.

I have been playing DC1 and it is a great game.

I think it would be better to get the basics down before you venture off into roll playing.

dhhd -> RE: What next? (3/13/2016 3:56:15 AM)



I truely think WW1 would be absolutely perfect..Maybe drop the scale though.

One of those "wow if someone made a game of this I would be happy" is a WWI game where you lay out all your plans, wego style, then watch as everything falls apart because, lacking portable radios, it's very hard to control advancing troops.

wodin -> RE: What next? (3/14/2016 9:10:59 PM)

Really, I find it more immersive than any other wargame at this scale.



I really like DC2 and when I bought DC3 it had a special price for DC1 so I bought it.

Looking at the development of the series I have to post here that DC3 crossed the too abstract realm and I just don't like it. The basic challenges of an Eastern Front game have been largely unaddressed. DC3 does not have a feel of the Eastern Front.

I have been playing DC1 and it is a great game.

I think it would be better to get the basics down before you venture off into roll playing.

wodin -> RE: What next? (3/14/2016 9:24:57 PM)

Me too. During the War I'd like to be able to slowley ge tmore advanced options to my plans as we learn slowley from our mistakes and new ways to do a set piece battle. Lots of planning went into the big set piece battles, from railways and train ime schedules upwards. All this I'd like to have to plan. Then see how the battle unfiolds..desperately trying to react to most likely old intel. I think a game like this would make people understand the difficulties of planning that War.




I truely think WW1 would be absolutely perfect..Maybe drop the scale though.

One of those "wow if someone made a game of this I would be happy" is a WWI game where you lay out all your plans, wego style, then watch as everything falls apart because, lacking portable radios, it's very hard to control advancing troops.

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