thewood1 -> RE: Diesel Submarines (10/27/2016 12:44:44 PM)
It should be noted that signal processing was still in its infancy in the 50's and 60's, when the core of modern sub detection SOPs were developed. Digital computing has significantly improved, especially in the 90's. That is why in earlier sonars, a number of pings were needed at set intervals. It gave you baselines for the signal processing to filter out noise. Now, with the huge data and processing capacity of small computers, I would imagine you can do a LOT more with a single ping. I would suspect we on this board and in that paper aren't the only ones to realize this. That paper is almost nine years old. I bet its been tested in the real world already. To me, all this is saying is that as subs become quieter, active sonar now has a longer detection range than passive. I know there is more to it than that through intermittent pings, that is what I take from it. of all, it makes sense. Radars are heading the same way.