Seminole -> Rommel Attacks - Final Round Allies (3/12/2016 5:05:39 AM)
Allied turn 1 As mentioned in my Axis AAR, this is the side I expected to be able to be the most aggressive. The Allies have a good set of counters on the map with high mobility, and the high morale airborne are also a great raiding force if motorized. I opened the turn and was actually pretty pleased with the results of the Axis attacks. He had concentrated in the center, and chosen to rout rather than capture the American forces. My only unit losses were two airbases. [image][/image] 3/10th Pzr Div attacks the Goums El FF Sahrien Cavalry Bat. and compel a retreat that leaves the Americans in Sdid Bouzid cut off. [image][/image] Balck's Afrika Panzer Corps routs the Americans 2/34th Inf Div and CCA 1st US Arm Bde. [image][/image] Balck chases the Free French cavalry from the mountain with the Afrika PzG Rgt [image][/image] Afrika Panzer Corps now commits the 3/15th Pzr Div to rout the Free French cavalry from the desert. [image][/image] With the road cleared Balck presses his panzers west down the valley, brushing back the American tankers. [image][/image] Inexplicably I don't have the screen capture for the battle over Kasserine itself. Hopefully Liquid Sky captured it. I presume the Italian armor pushed back CCC 1st Arm Bde and 3/1st US Inf Div with some German help, and then hit CCC 1st Arm Bde again (displacing the routed French cavalry trying to regroup at the runway). [image][/image] The Allies really took a beating in the skies. The wet weather looks like it gave me the worst of it, as several of the Axis airfields are nestled in the desert. [image][/image] Positive take aways are that the Germans appear to have massed their armor in the center around Kasserine. The routed units remaining on the map is welcome, the CCA 1st US Arm Bde recovers immediately, and is in pretty good shape: [image][/image] The 2/34th US Inf Div pulled back to Tbessa, but while the losses suffered aren't too severe, it hasn't yet rallied. [image][/image] The Free French cavalry, also refocused at Tbessa, is a formation on paper only. [image][/image]