Playing TotH Without Using The ctrl Key (Full Version)

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Missouri_Rebel -> Playing TotH Without Using The ctrl Key (3/12/2016 10:15:55 AM)

I prefer to stay away from using the keyboard in a game if I can and in TotH you have to do so quite often when selecting units.

I use X-Mouse for just that. This works with a standard mouse as well as multi buttoned mice. I'll show how to use your left mouse button in lieu of pressing ctrl + left-click.

Download and install X-Mouse

1) Start Tigers on the Hunt. Alt-Tab out and run X-Mouse (look in your START menu)

2) Click the ADD button

3) Double click on the Tigers on the Hunt application in the list of running apps and then the OK button

4) TotH was added and should be highlighted. If it is not, click it in the panel to do so. The changes we will make are on the right panel once highlighted. Click the Down Arrow (pointed to in the pic) on the Left Button heading and scroll down to Simulated Keys (Undefined) and left click it.


5) Copy and paste the two commands shown into the field at the top. You can also type it in as {CTRL}{LMB}. Click OK, APPLY, then CLOSE.


It's as simple as that. Now when you want to select multiple units in a hex you just click your left mouse button to select the units and do not need to press ctrl and left click each time.

Some menus won't let you click them with this method. When faced with this issue just use your ENTER key instead or just set up the Middle mouse button for standard left click.

Thanks Monkie.

EDIT: With the addition of the shortcut to advance the phase by pressing Space I have found doing the above steps for the middle button and using {SPACE} as the simulated key saves me even more mouse time.

MikeMarchant_ssl -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 11:54:12 AM)

It's a great idea, but it hasn't worked for me, sadly. No matter which buttons I define and what actions I assign for them, nothing changes.

Best Wishes


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 3:03:10 PM)

Did you point to the correct .exe?

Are you starting the game with that .exe?

SteveD64 -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 3:11:50 PM)

Thanks for the tip! Got it to work.

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 3:20:32 PM)

You're welcome. Glad it worked. Got the game early last week but only fired it up late last night after watching idjesters feed and installing the ASL mod.

I am going to like this game I can tell. I'm excited as to where the game will go in the future.

dox44 -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 3:55:12 PM)

wouldn't work in programs or x86 but installed to C: -- it works. i might have missed something cause i was skimming.


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 4:29:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: casebier

wouldn't work in programs or x86 but installed to C: -- it works. i might have missed something cause i was skimming.


Hmmm. I have most of my Matrix games on my Data drive.

Is anyone else getting this to work?

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 4:34:48 PM)


Monkie -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 6:20:11 PM)

Great idea, it works very well.

I changed it up a bit and just made the Left Mouse Button a CTRL-LMB combination and it seems to work just as well from my limited testing. No need to mess with the Middle Mouse Button at all unless you preferred it.

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 6:25:08 PM)

TY Monkie. I was just going to point to that discovery. It works even better. Too bad the pointer has to be over the unit text panel otherwise programming the scroll buttons as UP and DOWN arrows would let you scroll the list and select the units from where the pointer is over the units on the map saving a TON of mouse movements.

kylania -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 6:29:01 PM)

This shouldn't be necessary. The entire UI needs to be refactored.

Thanks for your efforts to attempt to improve the absolute worst part of the game though. :)

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 6:32:39 PM)

Did you change it kylania? Give it a go.

Franciscus -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 7:07:39 PM)

Thank you, it works great !

Monkie -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 7:23:11 PM)

Once small issue if you are using the LMB-CTRL combo on the LMB press. When using this combo you cannot click to select the pull down menus at the start of the scenario ie selecting Human vs AI, Difficulty etc. You can select and highlight using the mouse button but will need to press ENTER to finalize the selection.

Angiel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 8:04:30 PM)

Thanks. It works very well.[:)]

Bulldog1 -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 9:20:27 PM)

Awesome! You the man!

36142CP -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 9:50:35 PM)

It works! Thanks for that tip. As already pointed out by Franciscus you have to use the enter key for team selection. Also, I haven't tried it with the editor yet. I imagine it would be best to deactivate x-mouse before using the editing tool.

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 9:56:51 PM)

I don't think it affects the editor because that is actually ran under another .exe

36142CP -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 10:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

I don't think it affects the editor because that is actually ran under another .exe

Ah ha, yes. Problem solved, thanks [:)]

MikeMarchant_ssl -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 11:40:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Did you point to the correct .exe?

Are you starting the game with that .exe?

Yes, definitely the right .exe but no joy. I tried several times, even resorting to the good old reboot.

Maybe, as someone mentioned below, it's to do with it being installed in x86 - I'm not sure whether the remark referred to the X-Mouse application or TotH.

Best Wishes


Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/12/2016 11:55:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: MikeMarchant_ssl


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Did you point to the correct .exe?

Are you starting the game with that .exe?

Yes, definitely the right .exe but no joy. I tried several times, even resorting to the good old reboot.

Maybe, as someone mentioned below, it's to do with it being installed in x86 - I'm not sure whether the remark referred to the X-Mouse application or TotH.

Best Wishes


Remove the listing for Tigers on the Hunt in the X-Mouse program and try it again with the new instructions in my first post.

Rosseau -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 12:31:18 AM)

Nice workaround, and yes I am weird, but I hate clicking the middle mouse button for any application. Some mice require a decent amount of pressure and wheel tends to scroll under my finger.

L-Ctrl key seems to fall naturally to my LH thumb. Not saying this part of the UI shouldn't be changed though, unless it was a huge programming effort.

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 12:34:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: rosseau

Nice workaround, and yes I am weird, but I hate clicking the middle mouse button for any application. Some mice require a decent amount of pressure and wheel tends to scroll under my finger.

L-Ctrl key seems to fall naturally to my LH thumb. Not saying this part of the UI shouldn't be changed though, unless it was a huge programming effort.

Did you see where you can also program it to use the left mouse button?

idjester -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 3:14:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: rosseau

Nice workaround, and yes I am weird, but I hate clicking the middle mouse button for any application. Some mice require a decent amount of pressure and wheel tends to scroll under my finger.

L-Ctrl key seems to fall naturally to my LH thumb. Not saying this part of the UI shouldn't be changed though, unless it was a huge programming effort.

You can use the right control key as well just so you know. I am left handed so that is the key I use...

Monkie -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 3:49:46 AM)

You can use any mouse button you want, left, right, middle.

MikeMarchant_ssl -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 12:00:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel


ORIGINAL: MikeMarchant_ssl


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Did you point to the correct .exe?

Are you starting the game with that .exe?

Yes, definitely the right .exe but no joy. I tried several times, even resorting to the good old reboot.

Maybe, as someone mentioned below, it's to do with it being installed in x86 - I'm not sure whether the remark referred to the X-Mouse application or TotH.

Best Wishes


Remove the listing for Tigers on the Hunt in the X-Mouse program and try it again with the new instructions in my first post.

Yes, that's done the trick, sir. Thank you.

I can now use one of the other buttons on my mouse to {CTRL}{LMB}. Not the middle buttons, because as Rosseau says, that's too clunky.

Thanks again Missouri_Rebel.

Best Wishes


steveuk -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 1:44:22 PM)

Thanks Missouri. The game plays much better now.

eric0303 -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 2:49:49 PM)

Works really good thanks for the tip

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 5:51:10 PM)

I just ordered one of these. Will make good use of it with TotH and other games coupled with X-Mouse.

There are 7 button ones for $10 on amazon.

Monkie -> RE: Want To Get Away From Using The ctrl Key? (3/13/2016 7:18:10 PM)

I just configured X-Mouse so I can use it for the John Tiller Campaign Series, another game where the CTRL button is used to switch between move and fire. Unfortunately I couldn't use the CTRL LMB combo so I have to use the MMB. Also configured a side button to move through units that haven't been considered yet.

As a side note, TOTH might benefit from a button to move through units that haven't been considered yet.

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