uncivil_servant -> 2 v 2 - a.k.a Who wants to evicerate a newbie?.. and who wants to be allied triage? (3/14/2016 5:32:47 PM)
I want to start a two on two game for the following reasons: 1. I am a newbie who has only played the AI, kicked its butt, but would've been killed against a human. I.E. I learned all the wrong things. 2. People, understandably, are hesitant to start a long game versus a newcomer. 3. With a 2 v 2, if one person cannot continue then we can ask for a replacement from the forums and still go one in the meantime. 4. I want to learn and this is the best way, and plan on a detailed AAR with all of my "unrecognized brilliant strategerie" who is governmenteese translates to horrible plan but actually could have been worse but fat chance proving it. 5. So, I am looking for an experienced player to man the Allies with me, someone who views this as "fun" and "how bad can it get really" and have bragging rights when we sink a CA or xakl or don't lose Cisco. 6. Two players for the LYB's who, ideally, can view this as a chance to try new strategies and explore what-if's. Preferably players who have a game going on already and can view this as fun. My initial thoughts are Scen 1 with PDU on or Scenario 2 with PDU off. I am open to discussing house rules.