Dimitris -> RE: Command v1.11 Release Candidate (CURRENT: RC6 - B807) (3/29/2016 9:43:51 PM)
Command v1.11 Release Candidate 7 - Build 808 ====================================================================== Superseded by RC8 - Build 809: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/fb.asp?m=4055007 CHANGES/ADDITIONS FROM v1.11 RC6 - B807 ===================================================================== #10032 [Build 757.9] Mine Sweep Issues with Save Games #09668 [Build 678.4] DeMining AI-Lot of Wiggling #09299 [B670] Double click on sensor checkboxes desyncronizes them #07524 Sensor Dialog- UI displaying checkbox for pods #07275 Sensor window: radars may show up with active flag 'ticked' even when they're destroyed #06923 Feature Request: Player would like a select all button for arcs when adding sensors and weapons #01852 Destroyed sensor's "Active" checkbox isn't cleared #10491 Ship Groups assigned to ship strike missions won't attack #10489 AGM-114N warhead not working #10490 Target Waste of Ammo Problem Fixed: ECM lists includes landed aircraft Fixed: Underwater nuke explosion Fixed: Backfire vs Carrier weird case FIXED: AOU of filtered-out contact showing up Fixed: GBUs should not make a sound when being dropped Fixed: Hostile sides sometimes go neutral and then back * Added more detailed mechanics for thermobaric/FAE warheads. Upon impact, this type of warhead creates an instant "killing cloud" (size is dependent on warhead weight) which detonates uniformly and creates a strong overpressure wave. The maximum damage applied is less than that on the epicenter of a conventional HE detonation, but contrary to HE (where the effective blast damage falls sharply with distance) the explosive force is applied almost the same at any point in the cloud; naturally, this makes FAE an excellent area-effect weapon against non-hardened targets. In addition, any target within the cloud suffers severe fire damage. Targets outside the detonation cloud but near it can also receive blast damage, depending on their distance from the cloud border. Contrary to HE and because of the way they operate, FAE warheads are highly sensitive to rain (intense storm severely degrades them) and high altitude (because they use atmospheric oxygen as the explosion oxidant, they are severely less effective at high altitudes where the air is thinner). This makes them less versatile than conventional HE warheads.