zaytsev -> RE: Suggestion - single unit airport (3/17/2016 2:39:38 PM)
ORIGINAL: Jakob Wedman It's not that hard to make your own "single unit airport" by adding facilities at random and group into an airport. It is not hard at all, but is also flawed attempt. Seriously reducing airbase capabilities, bare minimum of units. eg. 1 runway, 1 taxiway, 1 runway acc.point;. definitely ends up in premature destroying it and kicking it out of business. But it is good approach for just an airstrip. They aren't complex so much. Otoh, I have to agree that single-units airbase are also flawed, really, as pointed by devs, bad damage modeling, and the need for them was here from start because of performance issues, 1000+ units, but really they simulate medium complex airbase in a single unit. But. nvm, all that again, all story short performance really increases with recent builds, so the need for that darn single-airbases is gonna be really just for where really needed. In a meantime, I've did similar what you've suggested, I've made my own templates of airbases different sizes, time to close that case for good :) Cheers quote:
ORIGINAL: B52H Thanks for the feedback. On future scenarios, I will incorporate many more SAMs on the NATO side. I am still a bit of a newbie to scenario design so would you mind describing how I could make my scenario become more "complete?" B52H You're welcome, I just wasn't sure was that intended, to cripple Nato side with few sam's. Oh, And I suck at scen design too, still getting grip on lua, so cant be much of help in this I'm afraid. Ah, "complete", well maybe poor choice of words for a non-english native, what I meant is, for a good scenario design you have to understand game/simulator mechanics and unit behavior, and of course, limitations, so you don't end up in lots of decoration, eg. 10 squadrons of Tornado's with anti-runway weapons and no valid targets for them, and no option of reusing them in different way cause magazines are empty. But that is just trivial. Try and error. Real stuff comes with mission planning, event and area triggers that are a must for a good scenario story, you know, how to say surprise, sudden twist, witty things like that, but not like "out of nowhere", unrealistic. Things that, if caught you in the "open", unprepared, makes you to smash your computer and leave it off for entire day :D . Just be yourself. Cheers