Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (4/5/2003 10:00:16 AM)
There has been sufficent comment, that I think Combat Leader will see some form of "Mega Campaign" concept. I sure hope so. Lots of fine efforts being considered, but in the end, I could be happy dumping all my cash on CL and just assuming "someone else" would buy the other games on the market :) Some guys sow their seeds everywhere, but CL might be all the game I ever need potentially. And hey, I can only play one game at a time on the computer hehe. About Battlefront, hmm they produce nice games, but all I have ever detected, both in comment, as well as approach, speaks to me of their being happy to be small. That might also apply to how they wish to market their games. If this is not the case, they will have to speak up and say otherwise to me. Small scale though, is not what I get out of looking at Matrix. I don't think Matrix is interested in being small. Or at least everything they do speaks to me of them wanting to be all they can be.