rjord2021 -> Star Trek : The Return of Khan (Coming soon in early 2017) (1/23/2017 2:01:59 AM)
I ran a test of the mod yesterday with the following races in the game. - Federation - Klingons - Romulans - Vulcans - Khan Noonien Singh These are the big 5 that will be in every game as essential and required races. The optional races that were in the test were: - Andorians - Gorn - Kzinti - Orions - Tholian This was the first time I had the Andorians and Vulcans in the game as races that were opposed to the Federation and Khan made an early appearance in a nearby system. As far as I am aware my mod will be the first time that you will see the Federation, Andorians and Vulcans in individual combat with each other or the Klingons, Romulans and Khan. Tonight I am adding additional races to the testing such as Charlie Evans leading the Thasians, Deltans, Ferengi, Breen, Nausicaan and the Talosians. I thought I might mention that in one of the UI Screens I have revamped the Borg are mentioned.