LarryP -> Dang Matrix, you really did it this time! (3/31/2016 6:50:19 PM)
I have bought a lot of games from Matrix in the last 15+ years but when I bought War in the West last week and ordered the physical copy, I never expected what I got. The order I placed said somewhere that a hardcover book was included. I ignored it thinking "yeah right." Well I got it this morning just two days after they sent it and I cannot believe the high quality of the manual I got. 300 pages of shiny paper with full color graphics, and the quality of the book is way better than what I paid for. And the size of the manual is 8" x 10", not just a small book but a big book. This is a book I can read on the couch while laying down and not have to squint my eyes. I am really impressed. Thanks Matrix, good job! [&o]