geofflambert -> RE: OT Thighs to ponder (3/23/2019 10:24:20 PM)
The Latin V, on the other hand, was pronounced like a w. So it was wheni, weedy, wiki, not veni, vidi, vici. That's what they were making fun of in "The Life of Bwian", all those sissy ws. Also the C was always hard, thus Caesar became kaiser, the Bulgarian Czar, and then the Russian tsar, as they had a character for a "ts" sound but not a "cz" or "cs" sound. It was Gay-yoos Yulius Kaisahr (the j was the consonant y). Because it was an empire, it influenced other languages and other languages influenced it, over time. The k eventually made it into Latin from kappa via the Germans. The w arrived in time from the Germans, but as you know they pronounced w then as now like our v. The German v is more like our f, so vergeltungswaffen is pronounced fergeltungsvaffen with a plosive f (like fer de lance). The accent is on 'gelt'.